Biorhythm cycles question

In the adept cycle those of Ra mention in Session 64.10 why is the zero point the weak point in the cycle or the place where one would “experience some difficulty”?

Also, for the other biorhythmic cycles displayed here on the old B4 forum:

Where does the information on the other cycles (physical, intellectual, emotional) come from. I can’t find it in the Ra contact but I may not be using the right search terms. Is it in the conscious channeling?


Maybe this could help:

Thanks @anon23924087! That does help. This bit in particular about the biorhythms’ source…

It also includes a map of the biorhythms borrowed from another source, it being one among other possible ways to map the biorhythms. Note that Ra did not explicitly endorse any particular method for defining or calculating the other three rhythms, and they are included on this calculator for sake of novelty.

A quick internet search of the biorhythms shows the physical, emotional and intellectual cycles were defined in the 19th century by a man named Wilhelm Fliess. I had assumed the calculator available on Bring4th meant that more information on all 4 cycles was available in the confederation communications somewhere. Now I know why I couldn’t find it :).

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I find my curiosity is less about the practical use of these cycles and more about the nature of the sine wave, specifically why the zero point is seemingly a weak point. Perhaps this is obvious to those more mathematically or scientifically minded than me. Is it simply because it is a transition point?

As I’m studying Hellenistic astrology, where the symbolic language is built around the cycle of light and dark throughout the year (northern hemisphere):

Spring Equinox (light and dark in equal portion, moving to light dominance - zero point of sine wave)
Summer Solstice (light most dominant - apex of sine wave)
Autumn Equinox (zero point moving to dark dominance)
Winter Solstice (dark most dominant - nadir)

…I’m wondering does the “openess to difficulty" quality of the zero point apply in some way. Are the weak points built into any regularized cycle? Since I don’t understand why it is a weak point, I can’t finish my thought (so to speak:).

Again, just a point of curiosity for me and maybe of little interest to anyone else.

This is a bit of tangent, but when thinking of our third density cycles of light, I started wondering about the 3D experience on Venus all those ages ago.

Assuming the same rotation speed of the planet back then, they experienced one rotation of the planet every 243 earth days which was longer than their year (the 225 earth days it takes to orbit the sun). I wonder, is it a manifested aspect of the veil being thinner during their third density that they experienced so much more light than we do? Were they nomadic? Did they follow the light? It would be fun thing to explore with some sci-fi storytelling, how the quality of the light effected the 3D experience:).

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I was contemplating the Ank-Ka-Ba triad as some
sort of spiritual analogy to volts-impedance-current,
and remembered that Ra may have suggested
electromagnetic devices may sometimes pose
challenges. Then I pondered the idea of “Dawn”
on earth as an easy time to connect with the Sun,
spiritually -possibly due to say me electro magnetic
gravitic effect which would be much stronger on
Venus because of it’s closer proximity to the Sun
and it’s slower rotation making it’s “Dawn” event
extended. This loops back to the original analogy,
where Ra warn’s people not to go it alone which
might be like saying, you risk blowing your circuit;
but when buffered say three in parallel, it’s safer.
Ra doing 3d on Venus made for badass.

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