AI tarot images can be pretty decent

The Dall-E image generator is quite impressive.

I feel like with a combination of basic photoshopping and the Dall-E AI generator, one could create magnificent decks. Also, with basic editing skills one can fix the disfigured faces, hands, and jumbled text, move around and insert or remove symbology. You can add “(photorealistic)” at the end of the prompts to try to get it to generate photorealistic images. This is an idea for all.

Here are some examples (unmodified but cropped and downsized):

More of a leap of faith or yolo feel to it than usual but I still like it.
Hanged man

This one has some interesting “balancing polarity” elements.


I like the sword in this one. The female character is depicted as a strong and capable person that can yield a sword but clearly does not wish to exert power over the animal or harm it and instead employs grace.


Thanks for sharing Tarot images. I’m not used
to seeing a sword associated to The Strength,
but in some sense it may work for some.

Swords and scissor images may be associated
to decisive action. Knife energy can help cut
one free from outworn patterns, like starting
from a clean slate, so to speak - or cutting out
some old habit to replace it with new ones.

I think this archetype, Catalyst of body - might
speak of hunger. I think the old black and
white Egyptian had birds in her headress that
the wild animal lion wants to eat, however she
tames the hunger in some way that enhances
the experience of body.

In dream work, one practice is to see every
element as a reflection of yourself. Maybe
each of us has an inner wild animal and
a seductive taming temptress dynamic,
or a sword to cut out the fat in our diet.

They say counting macros may be 80%
of weight problems. So the idea of being
lean and sexy might be catalyst here,
to engage in some evolutionary experience
of body by the lure of physical strength.

91.31 Questioner: I have listed here the sword as struggle. I am not sure that I even can call anything in this diagram a sword. Would Ra comment on that?

Ra: I am Ra. Doubt not the struggle, O student, but release the sword from its stricture. Observe the struggle of a caged bird to fly.

I see we have drastically different interpretations of the sworded strength card.

The AI added the sword probably because the Rider Waite deck is like the only deck that swaps the card positions/numbering of the Justice and Strength, yet it is a popular deck so there was some confusion. When I generated a synopsis on the tarot “according to L/L Research’s publications” the AI had the justice and strength descriptor oddly swapped.

“seductive” and “temptress” imply manipulation and control. Maybe the gentle persuasion of the feminine aspect is more reflective of the dynamic?

The shadow in the hermit is really interesting to me. I doesn’t work as a cast shadow, both from a light source perspective and no beard. It’s like a younger (more pure?) version of the hermit. It also feels like it’s trying to camouflauge as a part of the mountain. It’s almost like a ghostly presense. A haunted hermit.

Grace and finesse is how I interpreted it.

The shadow in the hermit is really interesting to me. I doesn’t work as a cast shadow, both from a light source perspective and no beard. It’s like a younger (more pure?) version of the hermit. It also feels like it’s trying to camouflauge as a part of the mountain. It’s almost like a ghostly presense. A haunted hermit.

I just noticed that. That is a strange AI attempt at a shadow. Looks like an oddly shaped mountain to me. Like an aspect of the hermit set in stone.

@Soup My friend actually said something similar about sword symbology. But my mind sees blades differently.

It is definitely cool to see the differences of interpretation. Reminds me of the Ra statement:

Remember, O student, that these images are not literal. They haunt rather than explicate.

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The Fool is so APT here :eyes:

Strength is gorgeous ⚘

Ty for sharing the lovely images :heartbeat:

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