Workshop and free style meditations

the 2nd thing I want to comment on is…

In psychology, we don’t underestimate the power of “imagination.”
In all of humans’ scientific and artistic endeavors. We have utilized this powerful mental tool to help us further our creativity and innovation.

Hence the “realities” that are beyond this physical world can be distorted or “non-connected” as much as the confederation describes our “religions” on this planet.

The CIA learned from project stargate that there has to be a “filter” to weed out people from those who are actually “legit” remote viewer, or “psychic.”

The way this is “checked” was by a 1:1 ratio of validity.
For example, in remote viewing, if the “seer” can accurately ID imagery without external influences, or gathered information that are “real” and existing. Then that is bingo!

The “viewer” is not full of ****.

Even though once confirmed, this person’s results could be inconsistence at a later time. If they do misses a lot of it after the initial “filtering,” then they would be written off and be placed in “reserve” for further testing.

Now for us on this forum, and within this topic of channeling and workshop.

I wonder if you guys have ever check yourself with the information you “received” in your mind, or in the “astral” realm.

Let say you invoked 3 entities to be there to “talk” with you, and guide you.

Have you ever tried running a test to make sure that you are not simply just sitting there imagining things?

For example,
Laying 3 random playing cards in front of you, face down. So you don’t know what they are,

then go into your “space” and asking the entities about the cards. If they get it right, then there you go, you got it! Welcome to the metaphysical realm.

But oftentimes, we see the ego (psychological term) would brushes it off, and come up with some kind of excuse to not use a confirmation system.

To researchers, there has to be a definitive measure for what is taking place. It should have a “real” connection to the space/time and time/space that we both are existing in.

If not,

then it is similar to just “shower thoughts,” or children playing imaginary games.
(Not saying we haven’t found children that do actually possess real metaphysical abilities)

This logical and pragmatic approach was designed to help a person avoid unnecessary waste of time, or be lost in their own, or another individual’s fantasies.

In my own opinion, l/l research’s materials sometime can be a bit… “made up” in this way as well.

I am not saying that all of the materials in the archives should be taken “seriously” or “not.”

But from time to time, there would be channeled materials that sounds like stuff that simply comes from that person’s mind and/or their own personal experience.

Not sure if you guys ever play a game called “story time” when you were young.
So a group of kids would sit in a circle and take turns “making up” a story, to see where it goes base off of the imagination of each child that is playing.

The rules are simple, there is a parameter or “structure,” basically, if we say the topic MUST be in “medieval settings,” and you can have dragons and heroes, etc. etc. Then everyone will stay within those rules set. Nobody will deviate to spaceship, or aliens etc.

When you look at it from this framework, you can see that there are a lot of “holes” for the channelers to hop in when things get too difficult to answer, or they would just stick to the philosophy that has always been set in stone.

the “twist” is that some of the channeled materials could be confirmed.

It would be really interesting to see a thread that confirm some of these channeled materials…

That gave me an idea to start one! :slightly_smiling_face:

You answered your own question. The beings you are trying to contact are probably already aware of your dedication to seek them out. I say that the more you try to interact with them by building a workspace for communication then the more trust will be formed.

Whether you want to believe or not they are present as you build your workspace in your mind. Allow your body to feel a tingling sensation along the spine. Allow the top of your head to have a static feeling. There are other hints that you will eventually pick up on that there is another presence near you. Your psychic awareness will increase gradually.

Again, it took me several weeks after I knew every inch of the office I built in my mind before exploring communication with other than self.

Unfortunately, I am focused only on the Ra Contact, respectively, and my search was built only on the basis of this material. I briefly listed in my story where this search led me. Over time, I began to ask a lot of boring philosophical and religious questions) and for example, to ask what is the difference between Jung’s and Julius Evola’s perception of Tantra. Something like that)) It’s not just channeling and it’s not just imagination. Spiritual alchemy (and I believe that Ra can initiate such an impulse if there is an inclination) here is the subject of my interest.

Everything that you describe, I experienced (up to the feeling of wind on my forehead) and dreams. You told me about an important thing - about trust. It turned out to be very difficult to trust, since I grew up in a “wild” materialistic environment. But now this is an important point for further work.
Thank you again for your valuable messages to me.

Not “unfortunate” at all, if this is unfortunate, then anyone that are religious or follow a certain spiritual path must be miserable people. I take it that you are not one.

For the philosophical and religious questions, I think what I can share is… that sometime, when things aren’t the right time, they just simply don’t have a “pull” to it.

When I was young, I thought being an adult was boring… oh wait, I still think that, lol. Jk

For the materials, they were “stepping stones” for me, so I can understand where you are coming from.

But there is a point where you ask yourself, what is “MY” reality…

Anything, and everything you read, or see in this world isn’t truly your reality, they are co-creation with you.

Same with the channeling work and the folks at l/l …
I don’t ever “full send” on anything with the outer world. Therefore it preserves my freewill to experience my existent.

The thing I do like about l/l works is that they “try” to emulate protection of freewill, which is awesome, they don’t tell me what to believe, or what I think is right.

So that is something that hit close to “home” and resonate with me.

But even with how hard they try and how much effort they put into this “work.”

Once you see through the veil, you can see that there are infringement of freewill all over the place,

and it simply by just saying the first word. By creating.

On the other-hand,

The near-death-experience I had, and also finding my true-self allows me to have the freedom to be open minded, but not assimilate with what other experience.

I know that I will be creating my reality, my world, my universe at some point, and nothing can really stop me, as I am the creator.

Although, there are individuals out there that thinks they can give unsolicited spiritual help to improve their skills, this is a form of infringing on my will, and my space.

Vasilisa, keep your eyes open for “eager-master” and “teachers,” in my experience on these waters (forums) there are a lot of people that will step on your “perception” and tell you what it is, how it is, and they are a “master” at something. Just be careful and protect yourself, unless you truly want to “bridge” with their reality.

Any who,

In India, the definition behind “namaste,” is basically I see “you” and your “path” and you see mine.
And I respect it.

So Namaste, and don’t be gullible with private messages.

Hi Jayce, I really enjoyed your thoughts in this post (coming into it a few days later).

That’s a really interesting concept to challenge one’s “contact” with something random and unseen, such as a playing card. I consider myself to have an overactive imagination, which is problematic when I do visualization or channeling of my higher-self, because I have no idea if what I’m conjuring up in my brain has any degree of validity or not. I think I’m going to try doing some challenges like that! The only thing is that I know my brain will be eager to visualize what it “thinks” is under that playing card. lol. So I’d really have to be consistent to give myself the confidence that I connected to something other than my own imagination.

On a related note, I have a son who is in his early teens, and he’s gung-ho to astral travel, constantly reading Robert Bruce’s book “Astral Dynamics”, which is an amazing piece of work. Knowing that he’ll likely have very imaginative experiences as his ego wants to jump so badly, I took a small, plain cardboard box and put something very unique inside it. I told him the day he tells me what he sees in that box, is the day I’ll believe he has “jumped out” into the astral. Still waiting… :slight_smile:

Back to our own channeling, since we are such creative creatures, it makes complete sense to have a physical challenge to know whether we’re dialed in, or just telling ourselves some interesting stories.

But from time to time, there would be channeled materials that sounds like stuff that simply comes from that person’s mind and/or their own personal experience.

One of the big differences between the Ra Material and the material that L/L produces today is that the Ra Material was 100% trance-channeled by Carla, and everything after that (as far as I know) is consciously channeled work. So when you mentioned that stuff sounds like it comes from the channeler’s mind, you are exactly right–it does. In the channeling workshops it is taught that conscious channeling uses a person’s vocabulary and experiences in order to consciously receive the words, visualizations, or “thought bubbles” that then must be unpacked and described by the person doing the channeling. As an example, we might hear interesting words come from one channeler in the circle that would never be said the same way by a second channeler, simply because the second person doesn’t possess the same vocabulary as the first.

When you look at it from this framework, you can see that there are a lot of “holes” for the channelers to hop in when things get too difficult to answer, or they would just stick to the philosophy that has always been set in stone.

Another interesting thing about conscious channeling is that there is no such thing as something being too difficult to answer. When a channeler is dialed in to a source, such as Q’uo or Laitos, the channeler’s job is to let go and not scrutinize any information that comes to the mind. The main job is to simply convey the visual words seen in the mind, or for others, to articulate the thought bubble of a concept in one’s own words. In my case, my first attempts to channel with L/L led to me over-thinking my moments of contact with Laitos. And while I felt crazy sensations and an energetic shift within myself, I could not get to the point of internally seeing/visualizing or interpreting words to convey to the circle. So there would be no chance for me to “make up” anything, because I’d have to know what the message would be ahead of time or else it would become blatantly obvious that I was faking it.

So basically I had a lot of the same suspicions when I first realized the differences between trance and consciously channeled works. I almost did not want to believe that conscious channeling was “legit” for the same reasons you pointed out with having active imaginations and being able to craft a story to fit the overall session. But once I went through the channeling workshop and realized how difficult it was for me to let go and respond passively to incoming information, I then realized there’s real legitimacy to the phenomenon when done with the proper protocols.

I know there are readers who will always have varying opinions, so I just wanted to toss out a couple of interesting experiences I had, because without them, I probably would still be very suspicious of how much consciously-channeled information gets conjured up by the imagination, versus legitimately filtered and conveyed through one’s mind via another entity.

That being said, I do appreciate trance-channeled works much more than consciously channeled, because I can count on the human personality being removed from the equation, much like we see with Ra, Seth, Blossom, etc.

Hi Steve!

Oh wow, thank you so much for your insight! this is the “transparency” that I wished for in the other bring4th forums.

I love stories like yours because they help others see the “inner working,” not just for the research, but from the researchers themselves! (Something I really appreciate in the Ra materials)

On the other hand, about your son, I think that is super cute! and creative with the “challenge” you are giving him, also the support you have for his passion is wonderful! :heart:

In addition to your method of the “cardboard box,” which I feel could be a bit too advance for his metaphysical practice. Because it is similar to high level remote-viewing, where the “viewer” can identify objects/places they have never seen/been.

A more “baby-steps” way to “get there” is to utilize a “smaller,” and more controlled environment/setup.

(Please see this as a suggestion, and not a recommend)

I suggest laying out 3 rows of playing cards, all facing down (randomly.)
With 3 cards per row.

So you have 9 cards in total, all facing down in front of you (or your son.)

Then setting your intention to find either (red, black, Jacks, Q, K, then slowly be more and more specific, i.e. 1 specific card of the suit. etc. As you advance)

Flip the card that you “feel/know” is the one you are looking for, and if you don’t feel that it is in any of the cards in front of you, then flip them all to see if your intuition is correct.

Once the results are consistent, and are above 50% correct (as in, you get 5 out of the 9 cards right consistently,)

then your progression will start to pick up. (try not to bend the card, or “memorize” their backside)

This exercise is a lot of fun to me, and has helped me progress through my development with other methodologies.

I hope it can be fun and helpful for you and your son as well! :blush:

For the channeling topic, I am with you in regard of the “trance” channeling compared with conscious channeling.

From the experiences you gave, I can see how it would be difficult for someone to “make up” stuff.

But what I meant, or “curious” about are the biases, and validity of the information. Not just the “interpretation” of the instrument/person.

For example, if we have a physicist or a medical/scientist professionals sitting in with the session, asking the e.t. (Q’uo, Laitos etc.)
About mathematical or scientific questions as a “baseline,” I wonder if those questions can be answered through the instrument/person.

Basically using the basic “knowledge” of the instrument/person to answer complex known scientific questions. (This is in assumption that these entities are highly intelligent, and understand much more about the universe and the “coding” which could be expressed in mathematical languages in our world.

I hope you understand what I meant,

An example of this could be asking questions like “What is the answer for 1 + 1?”

Then the “e.t.” would give the instrument a “number” which is something that should be in the instrument/person scope of experience, without needing to know how to do complex math. The instrument would answer with “The answer is 2”

(I know the above math question isn’t “complex,” but it’s a simple basis on how to formulate similar questions in a higher level of math)

The answer “2” coming from the instrument/person is undeniably something that person would know regardless their math education level. (It’s like cheating on a math test, and your friend is giving you all the answers :rofl:.)

So on and so forth, more complex questions could be formulate in this form to “check” if the instrument/person are receiving “information” from “outside” or “inside.”

These are some math questions that could used. They are difficult, but I imagine it is quite simple to sentient beings that has the ability to do things beyond our current scientific understanding.

The reason behind this is to confirm that the person channeling are indeed receiving “information” that is not from their own “imagination” or “creative-mind.”
Without going beyond the “basic” parameter of the instrument/person’s ability to “answer.”

For example, we wouldn’t ask the instrument/person to answer in Russian, or Chinese, if they do not know the language.

I hope all of this makes sense,

Also, I believe that using “math” is a good methodology because it is universal, and I am guessing that these entities in “higher” dimension, should be familiar with the concept. Although other scientific methods/question is possible too.

(Please don’t misunderstand this with “time-calculation” that Ra had trouble with when conveying with Don.)

Mathematical, or even physics/scientific queries that are above the instrument/person’s level is a good way to nullify any “personal” stuff coming from the instrument/person in my opinion.

The last “test” I would implement would be using Electroencephalography.

You wear this, and since everything is in relation with electromagnetism,
any slight changes, or “incoming signals” from the e.t. and the Confederation should be picked up by the equipment.

Don Elkins didn’t have the “privilege” to utilize our advanced technological gadgets with have todays. But I truly believe that as a Scientist, he would be using all of them if he was still alive, and continuing his research.

The last comment I have is a bit personal, and purely is my opinion.

In my experience with metaphysics and people. When we approach individuals that self-proclaim their “extra” abilities and “magic.” They are very enthusiastic about it, until we bring out pragmatic methods to confirm their “claims.”

Too often we find out that people want things that “reinforces” their beliefs, their image, their “business-product.”

And anything that “challenges” them or expose the Wizard behind Oz, they immediately vanish or reprimand the research with fury!

Similar to religions of this planet, when you start asking too many questions, suddenly you are a heathen because you start getting into other people’s materials pursuit in life.

Just my 2cents,

Thanks again for this insight Steve!
Wish you the best :pray: :green_heart: :blush:

Conscious channeling 1988 April 3

What is truth, my children? In seeking for this answer, the greatest spiritual suffering may be experienced, for as we have said, truth is most often sought in the culture and in religious theology. And in this we include, to some extent, our own work with this instrument, not excepting ourselves from the world of opinion, but consciously accepting that we who use words can never be, but only express, thus offering a manifestation which is but the shadow of our being, our I AM. Truths and Truth, the relative and the absolute. There is a Truth, there is an absolute, and thus there is an end to suffering. That Truth lies in the kingdom which the one known as Jesus the Christ stated was not of this world, not of this world of opinion.

So last night was interesting, I was woken up and had the urge to look at some of the channeling session, the quote above came up and it helped further my seeking.

Instead of editing the above comment, I am going to correct myself here, and do want to reassess my choosing of the word “opinion.”

It is incorrect for me to use my experience to formulate an opinion, rather, it is an expression of the entities on this planet are hungry for the “truth.”

This hunger for “truth,” this hunger for the “kingdom” of the one known as Jesus the Christ sprouts from the purity and meekness like a child. Some are angry, some are hopeless, and some are confused.

In my effort to help others, to assist the philosophy of the confederation, to the law of one, to the infinite creator, I hope to be able to meet them where they are at.

I have encountered a knot that was of doubt, of half-truths, and it mimics the core of creation, which is love.

It spawned cultures, religious theology, and modern spiritualism occults and fantasies of the creative mind, which in turns, caused tremendous suffering… Separation, it became a tool of judgement, of status-quo and class.

Instead of unity, those who are suppose to be “spiritual” look down on other-selves with pity, and those who are here to help, to commune with the “gods” see themselves as “saviors,” “saints,” and are “different.”

Oh woe, oh woe, how bleak is the identity of those who no longer communicate with their brothers and sisters, and hide themselves away like hermits, with the “treasures” they were given, receiving their “Tao.” How much has it separated them from other-selves, to be like high priest, and priestess, to be protected in their temples and knowledge of the divine. To be away from their brothers and sisters, that they have chosen to come to aid.

When have you walk the streets like your brothers and sisters that has no home? when have you sat with them without fear and extend your compassion? Or do we sit at home, be in comfort, meditate, and leisurely work in the formless.

Oh woe, oh woe, if it is so, then there is no need to be formed to “aid,” we could have just be like those of Q’uo, of Ra, and give our love and light, to aid from afar (close.)

To stand next to your brothers and sisters, to listen to them, to be with them in this lifetime is the hope us wanderers wishes to be of service, to be the light that we are, and radiate it without conditions, we are love, but yet we were taught to separate in this world, taught to judge a man by his clothes, by his materials and behavior, to judge all that are relative of the spirit within.

In my effort to untie this knot, not for you, not for those who already “know.”

But for the remaining billions, to give them a glimpse of “faith.” Through their own crude understanding of themselves, through their crude technology that they uses to palpate the divine, and their neophyte psychological understanding, what they see as “medicine” of the mind.

It wasn’t a coincidence that I am in this field, and in my effort to pull the law of one, as close as possible to those who are absolutely clinging on to the hubris-of-man, to get them through this darkness, that they have created for themselves.

There is no use for I, this piece of paper that gives me the title to learn and heal, this identity, and the knowledges are not to serve myself, as the self is remembered. What use? What good for just myself to “know?” when my brothers and sisters are still left in the cycles.

For now, the people here, that are in dire need of a confirmation, a glimpse of hope, to meet the confederation halfway… They are all aware that a “cycle” is closing, whether it is because of their theological premonition of the rapture, or judgement day. Or from the observation of growing pain and conflicts of nations that they reside. Each and every entity on this plane understand that something is “coming.”

To be able to “detect” or validate even at the slightest. By having a confirmation for the source of the monumental wisdoms within the channeled materials, is a glimpse of hope for humanity.

To open a catalyst, for those that may need to recycle, or are standing at the precipice of graduation.

To be able to say,

“oh, they are actually are picking something up from the EEG machine, it is showing a spike of anomaly in the instrument’s brain scan, the channeling is confirmable.”

“oh, this is… possibly… is real”

These words that may utters from the lips of seekers, are the hope that we, as the humble messenger of the law of one, to plant amongst the people that are currently looking up, asking, and calling for a god, for peace, and for all of this suffering to end. Oh, the calling is so much, and it is growing,

We do not want to infringe on the freewill of humble seekers, but only to produce enough “curiosity,” enough “hope” and “faith,” to pierce through the mud and thick soot created by the negative entities, to call it a “new age” to call it a “modern spiritualism,” to spread another layer of icing on this ever sweetness pastry, and to serve it as an “escape” to those who are suffering, overload them with sugar and inflame their organs.

But the more hungry these people are, the less they care the toxicity that is in the overly “sweetness”
of this dessert.

Is it truly a mantra? the plethora of crystals? the incense? and the thousands of dollars spend on “spiritual” classes? Is it the hours you “clocked” in meditating in this life time? that kept you away from the calling of your brothers and sisters in this illusion?

Is it the cross that you wear around your neck? Or the books that you hold dear to your heart?

Are all these things going to be the “ankh” for your graduation?

We do not want to repeat the mistakes that the people on this planet has, and always been making. To force other-selves to follow a specific path, to follow an opinion, a culture, a religion, and to be ridiculed for not following a mistake in the interpretation of the one infinite creator. To see the infinite creator, is to see the ALL, and the I AM, is nothing less, nothing "half, but only the whole-truth.

Without the perversion of opinions, and of theology that will laminate over what is the absolute truth.

As a relative foundation, religions will crumble, theology IS opinion, and the people of this planet are turning towards science, but yet, it is also relative.

But for now, this a way that we can reach the people of this planet of sorrow. We attempt to reach them through science, through their own understanding of physics, of the modicum of psychology, and through their ritualistic spiritualism.

There will be many “break-throughs” in the coming days, many wonders that will be discovered in these fields, and we hope that this will reignite the flame within the heart of man. To once more “look up” into the sky, to see the creator, without the pollution of their own street lights, to have hope once more, to “see” a glimpse of the infinite creator in a different way, to see his creation, and to know that the infinite creator is true, and is loved, and loves all of his children.

I am putting the above in quotation because this doesn’t feel like it was from this “me.”

I am not sure what it will do, but it also feels wrong to delete. Perhaps it can be a catalyst for other-selves, wanderers to use.

On the side note, I would love to see l/l research utilize those eeg headpiece in the future, or incorporate some form of empirical research with their “research.”

The psychological community, my field and colleagues would like to be able to incorporate the wisdoms and love for those in need.

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Hi Anon,

From reading your comment, a few things comes to mind.

It seems you have “read” a lot. And that has become your compass with the esoteric and topics related.

I am curious if you ever “full send” with what you acquired from the external world.

I am sure you have “personal” experiences as well, that coupled with what you have read, and it gave you confidence.

For me in this case, I was just like you, eager to seek, to know about existent, and all the topics above.

But at one point in my life, I died.

Now I can’t begin to explain to you what I experienced, and only can use the effect of DMT ingestion as a close competitor to my experience.

One thing for certain that I can share with you, is that there is no doubt nor fear of an “end.”

There is no “end.”

So when I see “negative” channeled work, like “dooms day prediction” etc. etc.
It comes off to me as… literally nothing… It is nothing more than “shock” effect and attention grabbing from social media influencers nowadays.

Human nature always had this mechanism ingrained in it, and we have recently found a way to make money with it.

That is all,

Now for the deeper, and silence truth.

Existence itself is truly infinite, and it is truly eternal.

What that means is that, all of your “fear,” of death, of not “knowing” the truth, of being “stuck,” of anything and everything, will dissolves at some point.

Ultimately bringing you “home” once more, to peace.

Ever been dragged out by ocean current before WuWei?

At first, one may panic, as they fight, and fight to get back to shore, but soon that panic turns into fear because they got swept out and slowly become exhausted from the struggle.

Now if the surfer/swimmer is not an idiot, he/she will stop struggling, and let the current take carry them. Why?

Because it always brings the person back in after 10-15 minutes or so,

It works just like the observable waves, it pulls, then clashes back onto the shore.

Now back to the topic we are discussing,

The many names, quotations, and authors that you have mentioned, and your die-hard admiration for Carla, and the Ra materials.

What I see is the “hunger” to know, to seek.

I empathize with that.

But at this moment in my path, the only thing that I can really say to another seeker… is…

Now please excuse me for saying this, as it is not intended to be negative.
It may sounds negative, but…

You simply need to die.

Not telling you to kill yourself, or do anything crazy. I wish I could remember the exact thing Ram Dass said, when he was answering a question from one of his lecture, and it was about an eager seeker asking him about immortality, and what’s “out there” etc. etc.

Ram Dass simply responded, “Die, you need to die.”

At some point, you will die, lol, as funny as that sound,

and when that time comes to you, you will “see.”

You will experience what I experienced, and all that weight on your shoulders will disappear.

It is exciting, to have drama, to have positive and negative polarities and all the jazz.

But for more or less, there is truly a truth beyond the veil, and that is love.

To stay on topic,
Everything that I said above (except the “weird” incident the other night)

Is intended for me to bring spirituality closer to science, for the people, especially the young people that I am helping.

Young people nowadays do not want religions, do not want all the woo woo esoteric spiritual shenanigans, they are leaning more and more to hard science and psychology. Why do you think Jordan Peterson blew up? Him and many others, Sam Harris, etc. etc. are the “goat.”

Younger generation, in their own perception sees that religion, politics, “beliefs” screwed us, and screwed them.

So, in my effort, to help, especially if to disseminate the law of one.

I have to “meet them where they are at.”

If l/l research understands this, then I don’t see why it would be a problem to use modern equipment with their “research,” or even working with people like myself in the field of psychology to reach others.

But instead, they steered towards social media, and “quick-bites.” To increase “views” and attraction.

Something I am still trying to wrap my head around,

On top of this, they have become a almost “secret” group, there are no direct interactions with the “public.”

They are now celebrities that are above many, and is only talking with you when you have a platform on social media, or other kind.

It is interesting, this brought me to many questions about the this group.

In the Ra materials, there were many challenges with the “companion.”

But after Don’s death, suddenly there are over thousands of “contacts” through conscious channeling without any challenges from this “companion.”

WuWei, when you said the words “infiltrated” and “corrupted” …

Is there a standard-for-judgement of those words? is it true that you feel a certain group are “untouchable?”

In Carla’s methodology, or l/l research’s … They “challenge” the contacts with mental/spiritual amplification.

But again, this goes back to what Steve and I was talking about…

Who to say that this is not “imagination?” and/or from the “inner?”

And even if it works, why did Don have to die? how did it get to the “head” of this group and chopped it off?

There are so many questions, yet… the answers are secrecy, non-transparent.

I am not a believer, and I don’t operate with things I do not know.

Those are my boundaries, and responsibility as a healer, and care-taker.

The questions are simple, and straight forward.

You say that you are making contacts with e.t. with your psyche?

So the variables are that you need a brain, a mouth/vocal cord, and coherently sane? correct?

You don’t have schizophrenia that runs in your family, or yourself correct?

Well, we can test all of that, and if these “contacts” are using some kind of electromagnetic waves to “transfer” their information, we can test that as well!

We. Have. The. Technology. Now.

To simply put, we are at the point where we can call “bullsh**.”

So if all of this is true, not a “business,” and it is for the betterment of mankind,

Well step right up. Why fear? Why secrecy?

WuWei, I hope you and others can understand what I am saying.

Esoteric, Metaphysics and all the “wisdoms” and “love” is nice.

But are you going to stop locking your front door to your home?

No, right? so this reality, is still pretty real to us. So, be real.

lol… ohh brother… right after I commented this, a video came up on my feed.

And I apologize, but it is with JP, but please, if you have 6 minutes to spare, listen to what he is saying about being real.

“Soft as a dove and wise as a serpent.”

I know this video was about dating. But it brings the topic of “being real” to the surface.

Who to say that the person you are reading from, the authors, and idols you admire and follow are “saints?”

But to take the “risk,” to find what you want to find… you have to “trust” to allow your reality to be laminated by what you “see”

At the end, how much of your freewill, of your own authentic experience have you given up? What if there were no Ra materials? no l/l research?

Would you still find the “way?”

and is the “way” you’ve been on… truly yours? Or what you’ve read?

The way is within.

Death and rebirth my friend, death and rebirth.