Understanding Separation from Unity



Is what is said about numbers above can be applied to Spirit?

I think the proper word will be ‘you cannot discern infinite’.
And by defining a number, such as 1 or 2 you already making a border of something (that is actually infinite)

I think what I am getting out of this is that a border enables both a finite and infinite possibility to exist together. Which is what is needed to solve the paradox.

I think im picturing at the moment the infinite creator distorting its own “fabric” in order to create a uniquieness/separation that is different than the rest of itself. This distortion of the fabric is then given the ability to what it likes including becoming the whole fabric/the creator itself (free Will). This distortion of the fabric will create its own distortion of the fabrics within itself. Drawing more “material” from the original source to do what it wants.
Creating further distortions lower down. This creates like a fractal effect with both the finite being the unique distortion itself and the fabric being the infiinite. And fullfills the requirements of the paradox.

Im not saying this is exactly what is happening but could be a way to visualize it to meet the requirements of solving the paradox.

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They’re always exist together, the finites is always inside the one infinite.
The border is actually ‘maya’, an illusion.

Thus from the perspective of the infinite, anything is me, anywhere is here, anytime is now.

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The border is actually ‘maya’, an illusion.

Agreed. Where just thinking about what is a border differently.

Ok imagine this the Creator is an infinite piece of fabric (lol this is already sounding bad).
The creator goes hey I want to create a sock puppet and watch what it does. so it distorts within itself a sock puppet. Then that part of the creator is given the ability to do what the whole creator can do as long as it only works within its own framework of a sock puppet but it can draw more fabric from the infinite creator fabric into its sock puppetless to create infinitely anything. The creator fabric decides I will make it so that distortion of the sock puppet I made I can no longer influence and modify. So it is apart of the fabric of the creator however the creator fabric can no longer manipulate that sock puppet portion of its own self. (It has its own free will to do what it wants. ) Because the sock puppet has the power of the infinite creator because it is part of the creator it can make more sock puppets. So the sock puppet is a finite piece/Distortion of the creator with the potential to make more sock puppets within itself or whatever shapes it wants. But it is also separate from the creator because the original piece of creator fabric can no long influence the sock puppet. Thus fulfilling the requirements of the paradox.

Eventually the sock puppet when its had its fun can undistort and unify itself and go back to the creator with what it learnt about being an infinite sock puppet. Or alternatively it can decide to stay distorted as a sock puppet and remain in its distortion separate from the creator. Its its own free will to decide. Or possibly remain as its own distortion but give the power back to the creator and say hey you can use me as you want as well as the distortion being able to use the sock puppet as it wants.

The sock puppet is the fabric.

The game is not about ‘influencing or controlling something’ its about experiencing as something.

Yogi usually uses the metaphor of air and soap bubble. Imagine air as something borderless, thus there is no my or your air, its here there everywhere.

The air then blown into a soap bubble. Thus it become contained inside the soap bubble’s wall. Its still the same air as the air outside of the bubble or air inside another bubble.

But the soap bubble gives the contained air a new context and perspective. It can recognize me and not me, here and there, inside and outside of the soap bubble.

I just had a thought about the Russel Paradox and excluded middle. The free will situation just doesn’t solve 1 of the excluded middle and Russel problems it solves them all. Allowing the creator to be something and not be something at the same time or being something in-between. The creator can be allergic to cheese and not be allergic to cheese or mildly Allergic to cheese at the same time thanks to the distortion we call Humans(MBS/C) allowing for a All inclusive Infinity…

It also makes you think about Acceptance of others, the differences between us why we are so diverse and think differently from each other. This is because the creator needs us to be different to fullfill its understanding of itself and to fullfill what the creator is. To be all things.

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Thank you, that’s interesting thought and looks correct but I do not understand how you come to it. I heard an expression recently “you cannot assemble a cow from pieces”, looks like it’s similar to what you’re saying.

Yes because the whole point is about having ‘distinctive experience’ from ‘distinctive context and point of view’. Thus the reason why there will not ever be 2 entities experienced 100% the exact same thing thus consequently having 100% exact same view and opinion.

Another easy to digest metaphor is “Author” and it’s novel. Usually I cite Tolkien and Lord Of The Rings (LOTR), because within the novel the perspective of the story jumped from one character to another.

Everything within Lord Of The Rings is Tolkien and equally Tolkien. There isn’t anything within LOTR which is ‘more Tolkien’ or ‘less Tolkien’.

Frodo is Tolkien experiencing as Hobbit named Frodo.
Pippin is Tolkien experiencing as Hobbit named Pippin.
While Sauron is Tolkien experiencing as “Dark Elf” named Sauron.

Each character within LOTR gives Tolkien a unique distinctive point of view and experience.
Thus when Frodo is fighting Sauron it’s actually Tolkien vs Tolkien.

Tolkien is here, there and everywhere within LOTR, as LOTR is inside Tolkien and not the other way around. Any moment within LOTR is “now” to Tolkien as it truly depend on which page that he’s currently focusing/working on. That page will be the “now”.

And when Frodo finally realized that “I am actually Tolkien” he will also realize that “I am also Sauron, The Orcs and any other nemesis which Frodo fought with within LOTR”. Regardless of the war and conflict within LOTR, every element within LOTR is actually in unity.

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I’m not 100 percent sure but I think the higher densities solves that problem by becoming a social memory complex and integrating all of our individuated experiences from the puzzle pieces of the third. Although I have no proof of this

Now that I’m thinking about maybe not because not everyone graduates to fourth. Maybe that’s why there is such an emphasis on trying to make the harvest so the social memory complex has a more clearer picture of its experience. Or maybe because the higher dimensions don’t worry about linear time this is not an issue. Not sure

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Kurt Gödel

proved two theorems (I’m not mathematician but should formulate it well)

  1. Predicate logic is complete and consistent.
  2. a) Incompleteness of a system cannot be proved by the system even if it’s consistent. b) (!) If system is consistent then exists formula that cannot be proved by the system and if you add this formula as axiom it does not solve the problem.

Sounds interesting will watch this after work this afternoon

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I’ve been re-thinking about it for several days and always returning to the analogy of a box. Also I’m analyzing how I speak with people. So predicate logic is a simple box and when I’m using it I’m often becoming nervous because I feel I lie in terms of out of the box. But in general our reality should also be a box that is connected to negation. Psychically it might be connected to forgetting and ability to lie. Because this box is mental it’s hard to climb out mentally, that’s why they often say about problem with mind. Box is also figured in tarot cards. And recently I posted a document about Larson’s theory mentioned in Ra sessions. I was checking internet for opinion about it and looks like scientists think it’s conspiracy theory and/or pseudoscience. But mathematician (see Gödel 2b) proved they cannot prove :slightly_smiling_face: So their point of view to Larson’s theory is not consistent enough. Finally Ra say it “is a correct system as far as it is able to go”. So this is a quote from the document I’m trying understand, and the box is here again:

One of the least understood concepts known to man is that of time. A great deal of headway regarding the nature of time was made by engineer Dewey B. Larson, published in his 1959 book, The Structure of the Physical Universe.1 Larson asserts that both space and time are simply the aspects of a reciprocal ratio that he refers to as motion,2 have no other meaning, and cannot exist independently outside of this relation. He often drew an analogy to a box, with the outside being space, the inside being time, and the box being motion. If you have an inside and outside, then you have a box. If you have a box, then you have an inside and an outside. If you have an outside then you have an inside; an inside then an outside.

So it is with space (outside), time (inside) and motion (box). The three concepts are always connected and cannot operate independently. Larson’s theory eventually became known as the Reciprocal System of physical theory.


The setback that occurs in many of these projects is the failure to understand the properties of time. And fortunately for us,14 they are usually too arrogant to admit that their science is inadequate! Those in charge of these projects always listen to the “experts.” And my definition of an “expert”: a person that knows more and more, about less and less, until he knows everything about nothing.

As a result, the incorrect concept of time being linear and vectorial (the “arrow of time” stuff) predominates scientific thought—and is taught in all the schools, so most people never think beyond that box. In order to understand the “timelines,” one must understand 3D time as a temporal landscape, and in that landscape, the “future” is what is in front of you, and the “past” is what is behind you. The “present” is where you are standing in the temporal landscape. And I would like to clarify that—the “present” does not change. If you were to freeze your presence in the moment called “now,” you would be eternal. But it would also be rather boring, as nothing would ever change! So when considering the concept of past, present and future, try thinking of it as an orientation in a 3- dimensional, temporal landscape—and your position is constantly shifting, ever so slightly, even when believe you are “still.”

Consider the implications of this scenario: just like in space, no two people can exist at the same point in coordinate time; there is always some separation. This infers that each person’s view of the past and future is slightly different… the general features of the terrain (mountains, rivers, valleys, etc) can be agreed upon, but things up close can have a radically different perspective. If two people turn to face each other, then they are destined to meet in the future (what is in front of them)—just a few temporal steps away.15

Now consider the psionic side (the psychic, metaphysical or ESP side). In space, we can see a car a half mile away, driving down a road heading towards us and consider it “normal.” In time, if one sees a car heading towards us in the temporal landscape, we call it “precognition.” Precognition is the ability to see a distance (technically a “duration”) in the coordinate time landscape—Larson’s concept of clock space. If you and I were standing 10 seconds apart in that temporal landscape, that car might hit you and miss me, even though we “predicted an impact,” because we both saw it heading our way. We could discuss the approaching car, and people in the spatial realm would think we are telepathic— because we are standing right next to each other in time, and our spatial bodies could be miles apart. The “timelines” are just a larger view of the same system—rather than people on the landscape, consider towns and villages (collectives) that, due to their temporal proximity, will share a similar past and future—but not necessarily identical.

When a timeline is created, what has happened is that someone hired a temporal bulldozer and altered the terrain. With a TVG, you can target a specific feature of that terrain and with appropriate resonance, flatten a hill, change the course of a river, or build a mountain. You have not changed the course of anyone living in the temporal landscape, but now they have to work around the modified features of the landscape.

Suppose you are driving down the road to work, but today someone dropped a tree across the road. Rather than deal with the alteration of the terrain, odds are you will just turn around, and take another route—an alternate route, or in the temporal landscape, an alternate timeline. Because the tree was in front of you, you consciously changed your future by taking a different route, and by taking that route, you will encounter many new things and situations that you would not have encountered on the old route.

Now here’s the surprise consequence… there is no temporal law that says you cannot get out of your car, move the tree, and continue along the route you wanted to follow in the first place! It creates an inconvenience,16 but is not insurmountable. Once you know what is coming, you don’t have to still be in the way once it gets here. If you were standing on a street, looked up and saw a piano falling out a 10th story window right above you, would you just scream, “the end is near!” and get squashed, or just step out of the way?

If you remain ignorant, you’ll just follow the crowd around the obstacles placed by those that formed the timeline, going where they wanted you to go. Let’s face it, people are lazy and will usually take the easiest path. And that is how they keep control—providing easy “paths,” not only in timelines, but in politics, legality, economics, food, fuel… just about anything you can name. Odds are you never even knew that there was a choice. Those who wake up, have a choice.

Implementing the choice is another matter.

Yes ‘linear time’ is an illusion.

Using “Tolkien” and “Lord Of The Rings” novel metaphor.
If one goes “out of the book” and see the entirety of the book, one will see that every events in Lord Of The Rings happened at the same time.
But what was written in that book from page 1 until the last page is only 1 timeline out of possibility infinite timeline.

Tolkien can always pick a page thus re-experiencing the event at specific point in time in that timeline and then write a different course of events!

In the book’s timeline, Boromir is struck by an arrow shot by the Orcs and fall dead.

Let’s alter that event, the arrow was shot and Boromir successfully avoiding it. Tolkien has created another timeline from that point in time. The following events created a different version of the story, Boromir lived on and after Sauron is defeated he fought war with Aragorn for the throne of middle-earth, Boromir lived on which then to become a new embodiment of evil.

This ‘timeline’ is then labeled Lord Of The Rings ‘story line’ version B

Consequently Tolkien can pick any page, alter the events in the timeline and create infinite version of story line.

Tom Campbell’s view on time

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You should investigate surreal numbers. Some good places to start:

In the first video, Knuth discusses how the reals and infinity are just a small part of surreal numbers. The second video, which is a fair bit longer, will give you a great understanding of exactly how wild surreal numbers get.

Knuth says there are two rules to surreal numbers:

  1. Every number corresponds to two sets of previously-created numbers.
  2. If we take the two sets and call one “left” and the other “right”, then nothing on the left is greater than or equal to anything on the right.

According to Knuth, the first rule creates a number, and the second rule creates relative difference between numbers. I believe the way in which surreal numbers work have some importance in relation to the Law of One. Of course, please take all the following with heaps of salt. I’m using “A Concept Guide” as a reference for some of this exposition.

According to the Law of One, three foundational Primal Distortions give rise to the infinity of all other distortions. Let’s say that a number is a distortion. If so, then some “primal numbers” may give rise to numbers.

Skipping the “Zeroth Distortion” of intelligent infinity itself (it is beyond essence), we look at the First Distortion of the Law of Confusion (also called the Law of Free Will). Given that all experience springs from the First Distortion, we could say this “primal number” allows distinct numbers to exist in the eternal present.

Next, the Second Distortion is the Logos or Creative Principle or Love, which is found by focus of the First Distortion. This appears similar to the purpose of the first rule of surreal numbers, whereby a number is created.

Finally, the Third Distortion is Light, which can be said to give definition/meaning to the Second Distortion, where Love becomes Love/Light and Light/Love. This appears similar to the purpose of the second rule of surreal numbers, whereby a number finds meaning in relation to another number.

That’s enough of this slightly-wacky discourse. There’s likely other esoteric interpretations of surreal numbers (perhaps even a trinitarian interpretation), but that’s for another time!

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In 1910 Bertrand Russell and Alfred North Whitehead published book Principia Mathematica in which on page 360 they came to conclusion that 1 + 1 = 2

And looking on us I think we all are doing the same: having doubts if that’s true we are generating long chain of reasonings to come to the original thought why it is so. The difference between “before” and “after” is that we have the proof why it is so. Each of us may have different proof, but we increase overall understanding of the same.