The most important thing in life (that have universal meaning - for exactly everyone) can be reduced to the one thing: Be your true self.
Somethng what sounds such trivial, has it’s deepth regard of how that universe works. If The One want to know Himself than if He has to know Himself through us, because we are His more little portions, then we have to Be ourselves, because what is the sens of knowing us/Himself by The One, when we aren’t ourselves and we strive to distort ourselves even more.
Then the most important is to just Be and to be ourselves, because from the methaphysical level this is the best what we can give to The One, without meaning that we recognize our true selfes or not, because nobody really know fully about themselves or others. If that knowledge would be aveilable than the whole existence would be unnecessary.
The one thing then that can say about who we really are is love. Love is in us as perfect, undistorted substance, vibration or energy. Through more love to others and more love to ourselves we can penetrate layers of ourselves like onion has its layers. However, what how can be process of this?
We can’t jump into full truth about ourselves in a informational sense of our beingness. The way to know ourselves is be netural, be real ourselves, just be the self. And then observe the thoughts that arise, observe the emotions that live, face the experience that create our personal sensations and show the reactions of others and envirounment on us.
Some of our thougths and emotions will not have love inside or opinions of others about us will not have love inside also. Every such thing, without love, should be abandoned. Our heart is always great companion in this discernment. Such abondoned thought or opinion of others that aren’t love is leaving the onion’s layers. It contained information about ourselves, however didn’t mirror core of our being.
If we choose to come closer to our true self, then the only way is through love. The true self can only be find through heart. Heart is a center of our being. Heart is first step of connection to the Creator and his unconditional love. Then, great exrcise for all of us, I think, would be switch our consciousness to the level of heart, and from that position think and feel about just be the self.
The more we think and act basis on just being the self, being natural self, from position of our hearts then the more true we are to the others, the truer is our behaviour and thoughts and more we know about our real and true self.
If someone were to ask you at the end of your life, or even now if this were the last minute of your life, what would you answer? What would you be pleased with, what would you regret? If this question were directed at me, I’d say, for the most part, I was true to myself, in the most of time I was just Be myself and I take pride in that, which is why I am content with my life and can pass on peacefully, moving forward.
And what about those moments I regret? Well, those would be the instances when I wasn’t true to myself, I wasn’t be myself. In a sense, the only obstacles and challenges I faced in life stemmed from what stood between me and my true self. Yet even that fades and is forgotten when, at the same time, you reminisce about those moments when you indeed were your true self.
My friends, this is part of my path to awakening.
Thank you.