The path to the True Self

The most important thing in life (that have universal meaning - for exactly everyone) can be reduced to the one thing: Be your true self.

Somethng what sounds such trivial, has it’s deepth regard of how that universe works. If The One want to know Himself than if He has to know Himself through us, because we are His more little portions, then we have to Be ourselves, because what is the sens of knowing us/Himself by The One, when we aren’t ourselves and we strive to distort ourselves even more.

Then the most important is to just Be and to be ourselves, because from the methaphysical level this is the best what we can give to The One, without meaning that we recognize our true selfes or not, because nobody really know fully about themselves or others. If that knowledge would be aveilable than the whole existence would be unnecessary.

The one thing then that can say about who we really are is love. Love is in us as perfect, undistorted substance, vibration or energy. Through more love to others and more love to ourselves we can penetrate layers of ourselves like onion has its layers. However, what how can be process of this?

We can’t jump into full truth about ourselves in a informational sense of our beingness. The way to know ourselves is be netural, be real ourselves, just be the self. And then observe the thoughts that arise, observe the emotions that live, face the experience that create our personal sensations and show the reactions of others and envirounment on us.

Some of our thougths and emotions will not have love inside or opinions of others about us will not have love inside also. Every such thing, without love, should be abandoned. Our heart is always great companion in this discernment. Such abondoned thought or opinion of others that aren’t love is leaving the onion’s layers. It contained information about ourselves, however didn’t mirror core of our being.

If we choose to come closer to our true self, then the only way is through love. The true self can only be find through heart. Heart is a center of our being. Heart is first step of connection to the Creator and his unconditional love. Then, great exrcise for all of us, I think, would be switch our consciousness to the level of heart, and from that position think and feel about just be the self.

The more we think and act basis on just being the self, being natural self, from position of our hearts then the more true we are to the others, the truer is our behaviour and thoughts and more we know about our real and true self.

If someone were to ask you at the end of your life, or even now if this were the last minute of your life, what would you answer? What would you be pleased with, what would you regret? If this question were directed at me, I’d say, for the most part, I was true to myself, in the most of time I was just Be myself and I take pride in that, which is why I am content with my life and can pass on peacefully, moving forward.

And what about those moments I regret? Well, those would be the instances when I wasn’t true to myself, I wasn’t be myself. In a sense, the only obstacles and challenges I faced in life stemmed from what stood between me and my true self. Yet even that fades and is forgotten when, at the same time, you reminisce about those moments when you indeed were your true self.

My friends, this is part of my path to awakening.

Thank you.


The only way to endure life on Earth, in some cases, is to be completely and unapologetically true to self. Remember that morals and costumes are societal and egoistic constructs, that often limit the complete experience of the self. Alas, to experience is why we came back here.

You also mentioned neutrality, a concept I have been thinking about lately. I found that happiness and sadness are not our true states of being, since they represent polarity. That’s one of the cases where language limitations can cause confusion.

What one truly means when say “I’m happy”, rather than “I feel happy (in the moment)”? On the first case, the word is being wrongly used to express a feeling to totality, fulfillment to one’s purpose. It doesn’t mean that this person is going to be frolicking in flower fields, singing in delight every day of their lives. It’s most likely that this person will experience a life of neutrality.

Understanding this can remove the pressure that the concept of being “happy” can have on our lives. In my opinion, seeking fulfillment in our purpose is what we should strive for, and the only way to achieve this is being true to our real self.

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Good observation.

Prioritizing service to others or service to self can deviate from certain societal standards. What we typically refer to as a social norm is rooted in neutrality when living our lives and interacting with others.

“fulfillment to one’s purpose” is connected to the “being true to our real self” I think. This evening and tomorrow, I will focus on the most specific target possible. According to certain self-improvement methodologies and goal-setting practices, an individual should have a clear, overarching objective that provides purpose to their life.

Subsidiary goals and tasks should align with this primary objective, casting even the mundane and routine aspects of daily life in the light of contributing to this ultimate aim.

At times, this perspective can reveal that our actions may not align with our purpose and need immediate adjustment. Conversely, it can also shed a new light on challenges, illustrating how these smaller goals ultimately serve the grander objective in the long run.

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In different terms, not categorized as STO/STS, neutrality can be equated with Oneness, or how you suggest, inner peace and balance. I concur with this to the fullest extent. In my previous post, though, I was addressing the challenges of the current 3rd Density and the circumstances of our present environment.

This seems curious from say some alternative
frame of reference, that in any given instance
it is impossible for the universe to be anything
but its true self - implying that as ourselves
inseparable from the universe, the same
impossibility holds.

To make sense of such a odd idea, we might
consider all aspects we consider falsehoods
of being as creations - is if there are true
falsehoods which legitimately count as being
true to oneself. A liar who spits lies seems
a true being creating such persona.

Maybe this whole
tangent here seems a lie, or a paradox, or
however you understand it as a creative
way of making sense however distorted
which seems an experience of a true being.

For me the paradox of living a lie as being
true to oneself because it’s impossible to
not be true to oneself as inseparable from
the universe, doesn’t seem helpful. Because
however we chose to be, false or true, seems
simply a creative manifestation of something
completely true on some imaginary universal
reference frame.

It may be that the most important thing in life
is simply being alive. But again, what definition
of life do you adopt? Are all densities alive?
Why or why not? Is higher density life more
fulfilling than lower density life? Maybe the
most important thing in life is experiencing
evolution through the densities in some way
that honors the beauty of the whole.

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It is right that you point out the paradoxes. By virtue of the fact that at the root everything is one, all that we distinguish is already in some way a distortion, and if we are dealing with distortions, we will necessarily begin to see the manifestation of distortions against distortions, and so paradoxes.

The nature of The One, has been addressed many times in this forum. However, due to the fact that yesterday (I think) I responded in an interesting way to my friend on social media, a person who is a philosopher. I will paste it here as well. It’s always good to be aware of what we are dealing with when it comes to the The One and to learn about it all the time, because the process is never finished.

Directly, this text of mine, was about consciousness, although this is also related to The One. Well, actually everything we think about and discuss is related to consciousness or The One, in one way or another…

There is another possible approach to consciousness. If we assume that at its core, everything is The One, we can define this One as the perfect balance and overlap of “everything that is” and “everything that is not.” As a result, we have something we could call “allnothingness.”

“Allnothingness” is like a “constans,” an ideal balance that cannot be distinguished, known, or transformed into nothingness. It serves as the foundation for everything. When we disturb this equilibrium and distort this “allnothingness” in the simplest way possible, we get a division into “everything” and “nothing.”

This disruption of balance becomes evident in our practical daily lives: What we perceive externally and consider as real, which we call life, is the first side of “allnothingness,” and that is “everything.” On the other hand, we have ourselves; we are self-aware, identify consciousness within ourselves, and when we introspect, we don’t know what it truly is, and yet it exists. This is the second side of “allnothingness,” which can be called “nothing.” Our own consciousness is unknown and infinite and doesn’t take any familiar form that we recognize externally (our body is also part of what is “external”).

So, the consciousness you are seeking is the result of a distortion of the The One at a very primal stage, in my view. Since this is a distortion, the manifestation of consciousness is a kind of illusion. Since it’s an illusion based on two pillars: “everything” and “nothing,” as a result, consciousness has access to these two “qualities”: “everything” and “nothing,” which allows for the creation of an infinite illusion, which is a projection of that consciousness (or as Plotinus would say: a projection of Mind/Nous).

In the infinite illusion, “Infinity” corresponds to “everything,” and “illusion” corresponds to “nothingness.”

I would summarize it as follows: Consciousness is the meeting point between everything and nothing, which arose because The One (originally having only itself) involuntarily focused on its interior, becoming self-aware and thereby creating consciousness, which we also possess. Furthermore, various decisions and processes have developed this projection that is happening before our eyes.

Moving on still, directly to your post.

Good point. Due to the paradoxical nature of our reality, two or many different points of view are able to give logical, functional and true in the given framework explanations for exactly the same thing, and these explanations among themselves may be in conflict.

Let’s talk about two theses:

  1. If I say that everything that is is true and can only be true, because everything that we recognize must at the same time have some recognized sense for us (or lack of sense, but this “lack of sense” is just another sense that doesn’t suit us and doesn’t fit with the rest of what we know and think), and so everything that is must have some measure of truth in itself to recognize it, and so everything is true. By saying so I will say the truth and I am right.

  2. On the other hand, if I say that everything is a distortion, then everything is an illusion to me, and thus also a lie. The One itself is also an illusion, because we don’t know what it is until the end, maybe it’s just a delusion of some group of conscious beings. It is an infinite mystery to us, and in that case, if it is infinitely unknown, then we are learning about something that cannot really be known, and so in a sense we are investigating a lie. So everything that was, is and will be is merely a distortion, an illusion and a lie. That being said I am right.

And now, even more interesting… The two theses above on their own are logical and are true. If we were to consider them simultaneously in The One. We could say that A) neither of them is true because they contradict to each other, or B) that both are true as functioning paradoxes. In such a situation, we can find a balance between the two theses: A and B. Mathematically, this could be represented as Zero-related to our “A” equals Infinity-related to our “B” (0=∞, just don’t tell that to your school teacher…). And this, I believe, is the “universal pattern” describing the Universe.

To navigate through this, one can employ an approach in which it is assumed that The One, in its original form, is a mystery and the ultimate truth, while everything that exists is falsehood, distortion, and illusion. Therefore, the return to The One is a journey to truth by traversing through layers of falsehood.

One’s lifetime is a stage in this journey, and if I relate this to myself, saying that most of my life, I was my true self, it means that in this stage of my spiritual life (in current body), I was getting rid of the layers of my false personality and discovering the mystery of my true self and thanks to this come closer to The One. The One can only be approached or moved away from (and I also understand moving away as remaining constantly at the same level).

I would like to share my experience and recommend someone who might bring new insights into your life.

For some time, I have been watching a popular Polish figure (at least in certain human circles), Krzysztof Jackowski, on YouTube. He is a clairvoyant. Eventually, I decided to meet him in person and ask him some questions.

Previously, I had only seen him on his YouTube channel, where he seemed positive to me. However, meeting him in person was different; I was curious about this encounter. From the very beginning, he made a good impression on me. I am not a special psychic, but I do have my own intuitions and feelings about other people.

From the moment I entered the room where he received me, I was struck by his modesty and warmth. It wasn’t a physical warmth, nor is it a metaphor of mine. It was a warmth felt through other senses. I have read that Wanderers can be recognized in this way, that people feel them in this manner. I had some questions for him, but he interrupted me, wanting to focus on calm. He didn’t answer my questions directly; instead, he conveyed things that seemed to come to him spontaneously.

I was genuinely surprised because some of the things he told me made sense. It seemed unlikely to be a coincidence, especially since he knew nothing about me and I barely managed to tell him anything. I will keep this information to myself—it’s private, not because I have something to hide, but because it simply wouldn’t make sense to others.

After this positive experience, both in person and from what I have seen online, I decided that I will share his content to you.

But first. This is his official channel, only that this channel is in Polish: As far as I know, everyone can make an automatic transcription of what one watch on YT (using additional tools) and then translate it, but I’ll leave it for now.

I haven’t found any particularly legitimate information about him on the English-language Internet, so I’ll just give his own website automatically translated from Polish into English: Krzysztof Jackowski - Jasnowidz z Człuchowa He has various archived documents on his website, including from the police, who thanked him for his help in finding the body. This is mainly his work, helping with various difficult human cases. Jackowski finds bodies, finds objects, helps people in life crises come out on top.

Finally, here’s the part I want to directly share with you. This involves excerpts from his videos, translated by a dedicated enthusiast. I have reviewed these subtitles and compared them with the audio, and everything seems accurate. The work is solid. I recommend this channel, though I should clarify that it is not Krzysztof Jackowski’s official channel, but rather a fan’s.

First, I’ll provide a video where he discusses a mysterious disease that is expected to cause many deaths and might begin as early as this year. This is just an excerpt, but in his full broadcast—which unfortunately has not been translated—he mentions that genetic factors will play a significant role in the progression of this disease.

My interpretation is that if this disease does come to pass, it may be related to the transition to the 4th density. While I don’t recall the Confederation’s official stance on this, I understand that genetics are linked to our spiritual development. For instance, by working towards positive polarity, it is possible to make changes in our DNA. Therefore, if such a disease does emerge soon, it might be because people who are not aligned with the 4th density vibration will be departing in greater numbers for the first time. They will not change their DNA through spiritual work in time and may die:

Here he refers to several topics. He associates some serious riots related to the election of someone important who the public will strongly disagree with. Then he corrects himself that no, that’s not what he’s talking about. The reason for this is supposed to be a serious financial collapse. People will be outraged by the whole situation and will take to the streets, many will lose a lot. Personally, I think there’s a chance for both causes of riots.

This is not in this video, but I can tell you that in another video he indicates a specific date for this greatest financial collapse: April 2025. However, as he himself says, at least that’s how it looks to him, dates are the least certain in clairvoyance. And he says that when it comes to things where there are many variables, where people’s choices count, he cannot be sure to date, and this crisis is supposed to be artificially caused. I also believe that the future is open in general, and in particular when it comes to events set in time, as we measure it.

In my opinion, such developments are designed to impoverish people by restricting their freedom. Nowadays, having more money often equates to more freedom. Less money, people will be more dependent on the designers of the system. On the other hand, the world is shaped by the fact that many individuals perform immoral and unethical acts for money, even when these actions contradict their own values, serving the interests of the “elite” in power. When they no longer benefit financially, they are likely to stop supporting and serving the “elite”:

The last video is a bit different. It features Jackowski recounting a real-life situation in which he predicted that a young boy in his future would commit a murder and end up in prison. This broadcast explores the concept of life scenarios and destiny, highlighting the surprising ways in which events align with our incarnation plan.

Jackowski also discusses spiritual matters in an intriguing way. However, given the current tense situation, he frequently comments on global events and potential future developments:

I hope I’ve piqued your interest. Do you know of any intriguing examples of prophecies from individuals who inspire confidence in you?

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The Olympics is going on in Paris.
There’s a runner Noah Lyles who
prophesized he’d win the 100m dash.
And it came true, he won by 0.005sec.
It was a photo finish. Noah earned an
Olympic gold medal!

I believe it’s simply self-belief and self-confidence. In this way, I make predictions for myself and fulfill them. However, I am discussing a different aspect of forecasting the future in the above post.

Positive thinking, as professional athletes do, is very important. They often win competitions mentally before the actual event. Visualization is also valued. The world of imagination penetrates material reality and opens the metaphysical realm. The body is a creation of the mind.

Our thoughts shape reality, attracting things we focus on because the Universe interprets them as our desires. Attracted by us experiences can be felt positively or negatively in our subjective perception.

In general, I’m not interested in the Olympics. Absurdities have occurred since its inception, and it seems driven by money, damaging the spirit of sport. Sports generally focus on STS, although values aligned with STO can still be found. However, it’s predominantly STS these days, in my opinion.

I read about Noah Lyles on the Internet and learned that he is known for his bold predictions and confidence in his abilities. Apparently, it works for him.

In the case of Krzysztof Jackowski, it is about something completely different. It has nothing to do with shaping reality through one’s expectations. As he himself says, he connects with the energy and information of the Universe, which allows him to gain knowledge from behind the veil. He can also look into the future which is the same higher level of our reality where Light is available. Which is related to the fact that the future is already known and shaped, to some extent at this moment, that some things can be predestined for us, not only individually, but also globally.

And I think he perceives certain things. However, we must bear in mind, as he himself warns, that yes, there are certain scenarios written from above, but the future is fluid until the very moment when it happens and becomes the present.

@soup If you wanted to tell me something with your comment, you need to do it more openly because I can’t guess your suggestions if they are there. At this point, you have completely missed, in my opinion, what I wanted to point out.

P.S. Just a quick note that I should have remembered to mention earlier: most people here are probably Americans. Noah Lyles is an American athlete, and it’s always wonderful when someone from your country wins, even if sports and medals aren’t always the biggest focus for everyone. I should have remembered to congratulate you sooner. I’m sure you feel a great sense of pride when an American representative succeeds, and I feel the same way about my own country’s athletes, even if it’s not the most crucial thing in the world. So, congratulations on the victory of your fellow American! :medal_sports: :fireworks:

I’d like to share that a longer version of the translated broadcast, which elaborates on this topic, has been released. Since I have already initiated this discussion, it seems consistent and appropriate to share this extended version of the translated video as well.

I was particularly intrigued by the mention of the disease characterized by visible blackness under the eyes and throughout the body, as if the blood were pooling and decaying there. This imagery is striking because it represents negativity in a very tangible way. According to Q’uo and Ra, those who develop along the path of negative polarity may struggle to remain incarnate on a positively polarized Earth.

Whether these visions are to be understood literally or symbolically, they are certainly thought-provoking, which is why I feel compelled to share them. The future is always open to possibilities, so we cannot say for certain if these events will come to pass. However, I approach this with a certain degree of seriousness and suggest others do the same.

I want to emphasize that my intention is not to instill fear. Rather, I wish to highlight that nothing in our experience is accidental; the Creator is present in all things, including illness. We have agency in our lives, particularly in our ability to continue our incarnation and overcome challenges such as illness. In my view, the key lies in consciously developing toward positive polarity, which could be visualized as white, in contrast to the negativity associatied with black.

Below is the longer version I mentioned:

There was some me query for a prophecy that
inspired confidence, and Noah came to mind,
so I mentioned him. I find Olympians inspiring.

In the Ra materials seems a suggestion that
many prophecies are based upon anticipation
given an unusual awareness, like seeing a ball
roll down hill and stating where it obviously
will end up.

Climate change seems a curious prophecy,
how it’s been known for so long and yet gets
ignored by so many. Does human migration
inspire confidence? Maybe for the refugees.

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If you are already referring to anticipation, allow me to share my opinion on the subject.

On the one hand, anticipation is a threat. On the other hand, it can also come from really looking to the future because the past, present, and future—this is something that goes on in one and the same moment and is as if, in a dance with each other, they are coupled together in one moment. So in a sense, looking into the future can be a really objective and clear look at the present if somebody can do this.

However, anticipating the future is something that can be very illusory and harmful. It is also related to the philosophy of service to self, where it is working for an expected result, and it relates to anticipating future developments. According to the philosophy of service to others, we should always be open to what is to come (even be open to infinite possibilities) and take things naturally as they come, here and now, without anticipation.

If it comes to Krzysztof Jackowski his other work and successes suggest that he sees certain subtle seeps that flow out from the whole cycle. Thanks to his expanded consciousness. And sees in black and white where certain things lead if we stay on the same timeline. The future is, of course, fluid, but I believe that just because the future is open, predictions can’t be ignored.

Their true value paradoxically does not lie in the fact that they predict something, since the future is a leap into infinity. But true value lies in the fact that they give us clues about who we really are, what we are really doing now, and the meanings of our acts to the universe. And this is a real treasure to bow over and read those signs.

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I think the question was, what is a prophecy
that inspires confidence? It may be that
practicing a skill to some level of mastery
inspires confidence in that skill. Bill Gates
might be diverting resources to things that
may slow global warming. Clean fission,
low CO2 cement…the creation of climate
remedies might be inspiring for some, even
though his persona may seem controversial.
He seems a trail blazer addressing some
unavoidable conflict or existential crisis
bearing down. Believing solutions will
get implemented, that hope may help
mobilize people to manifest the solutions
needed. Inspiring people to be their
creative best!

I didn’t have any ideas for answering this question earlier, so I didn’t contribute.

A question arises: what exactly do we mean by ‘practice’ and ‘skill’ when it comes to clairvoyance? For certain tasks, following a specific algorithm is enough to achieve the desired outcome, and the reasons for that are well understood.

Clairvoyance, however, is different. As Jackowski, who considers himself a clairvoyant (and I don’t say this dismissively), once said, to paraphrase: ‘One is not inherently clairvoyant; one can sometimes be clairvoyant.’

Another point is the heightened sense of certainty when someone wants to believe in a given prophecy. Of course, this doesn’t actually increase the likelihood of the prophecy coming true; it merely raises someone’s expectations.

These are just a few digressions—I won’t elaborate further, as it’s a complex topic, and the boundary between certainty and uncertainty in clairvoyance is rather fragile.

Personally, I perceive Bill Gates as a puppet who was put forward in the media by people who have been introducing global changes in the world for many, many years. By ‘people’ I mean, this 1% of ‘elites’. Of course, I agree that there are certain benefits to this because, for example, I use the Windows system, which is very comfortable for everyday use. Which I pay for by the fact that the development of the system is controlled and has strict guidelines as to the direction of its development.

However, when it comes to fighting global warming and protecting the environment, of course, I fully support it because it is good for the health of people and this planet. However, there is one small nuance. With getting closer global financial crisis (however already poorness is visible), many people simply cannot and will not be able to afford to be fully ecological. After a time of financial collapse, simply put, if people do not rebel and do not burn coal, they will start to die from hypothermia. It is a pity that Bill Gates does not take this into account.

Somebody, give me a million dollars, and I’ll be super ecological, and no dirt will fall on the beautiful green grass. But how can you do that when real food is so expensive that masses of people eat semi-products stuffed with more or less chemicals, poison that shouldn’t be in the environment? Bill Gates probably isn’t concerned about that either.

A more serious climate crisis that may await Western civilization may be the return of the ice age, which will affect the northern parts of Europe and North America, in particular. This is led by global warming; global warming is occurring before the ice age, in the sense of stopping the Gulf Stream and cupping the Northern Hemisphere with ice, like in the movie The Day After Tomorrow. What actually causes global warming?

I think it is primarily planetary and cosmic changes, which humans have very limited influence on. And it is more related to the cycle of development in the 3rd density and the fading yellow ray (3rd density), which is gradually replaced by the green ray (4th density).

I think that the more efficiently people transition to 4th density, the changes, like the ice age, will be postponed or skipped. If people procrastinate, the catalyst will be more intense, dramatic, and sudden, like the glaciation.

This is interesting:

Antarctica’s vortex has weakened significantly in July, causing temperatures on massive swathes of the continent to soar to more than 50 degrees (10°C) above normal levels while pushing massive amounts of freezing air toward the equator.

These vortex weakenings are usually caused when warm air very quickly rises to the top of the vortex, destabilizing it.

Amy Butler, an atmospheric scientist at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, told The Washington Post that atmospheric waves have jostled the vortex this year, leading to high-altitude temperatures to soar in a sudden stratospheric warming (SSW) event.
Antarctica's Record Heat Wave Brings Temps 50°F Above Normal - EcoWatch

And that means glaciers will melt, and as they do, they will mix into ocean currents like the Gulf Stream, potentially increasing the likelihood of disruptive climate shifts, like an ice age.

Natural climate and atmospheric changes, alongside human activity, undoubtedly play a role in this. Regarding natural changes, I might say something like, ‘I trust in the Creator and welcome the transition into the 4th density.’

As for human activity, here’s an idea: let’s achieve global solidarity by pausing all military operations and shutting down every military vehicle, machine, and piece of infrastructure, even if just for a moment. Tanks, for example, are extremely fuel-hungry and produce massive amounts of CO2, contributing significantly to the greenhouse effect.