The art of surfing change

i found working my self through this, rewarding on many levels. and rest assured, it was delivered with peace and pleasure :slight_smile:

i was not really planning to share as much as i have here, i initially felt like shining a light on the idea, of the numerical system, probably being irrelevant, within our intuitive sense of dimensional connection and direction, then the rest just kind of happened :smile:

writing and reading like this, with numerous edits and meditative consideration about how i really feel about what im saying, is a way of processing my integration of various aspects within my sense of experience, when that is something that feels needed and appropriate for me.

since 2020 i have been doing this mainly in my native language (Swedish), but for some reason i was drawn to apply my method of aligning with ‘higher’ (relatively speaking) reality here. I got a little all over the place initially, as I felt out of tune with that level of reasoning in english. Yeah, feeling way more like im going for chords now, rather than bashing around on drums, so to say :smile:

Rap style: ok, ok, so here’s what I had to say.

reference models trying to mirror the play of dimensional interrelated aspects, with a numerical system integrated in them, and referring to the dimensional build of realities, as higher and lower values, that is also used in scenarios related to ranking, even if it is not intended as a rank, the association to rank and numbers is strong in our culture.

those kind of relativity based systems have been sprouting on earth for some time, based on various cultural descriptive models, with numbers applied as a way to make structural sense of inter-dimensional experience from a human vantage point.

Numbers are really helpful on a practical level, while i think they become a unnecessary distortion when we start applying them to our bodily energy system, like the chakra model, that might have some level of accuracy on the physical body, but becomes a concept that is in the way of the emotional body.

adding numbers to our innate sense of dimensions, rather than navigating their presence with a clear, experience based emotional intuition. will eventually be felt as in the way.

“we are in the 3rd dimension, and are on our way to the 4th or 5th”
i lived with this idea, and all the various concepts and theories that was bouncing around in our culture at that time. and it was rewarding for a while, until it wasn’t, like so much else can be :smile:

am i operating in the 3rd dimension? the 4th, the 5th?
in relation to what?

the notion of applying numbers as guidelines to navigate the sense of a fluid and intuitive dimensional understanding, feels rather ludicrous and amusing to me right now, in a heart felt way.

Still, I’m open to the idea of the previous concepts surrounding this as a natural part of my(and our?) previous phase, and I was not actively trying to move past it, it just kind of happened by it self, as a biprodukt of moving on with things, as functionally i can.

I was trying to ground my self in the 1st dimension, as i felt “higher” dimensional energy pouring in to me while i was thinking that i was working with 2 dimensional tools to write. that’s when my idea structure of numbers as guidelines in dimensional connection and sense of structure, just melted away, the intensity subsided and became quite pleasant, my energetic roof, became my energetic ground, as i started interacting with the people close to me, it was like they where the ones to stabilise and geound me further as i shared what was flowing through my sense of higher self, in a much more tangible symbiosis with my physical body,
with a sense of vertical connection down and up in my sense of direction. With up being the more apparent influence, while still feeling like a two way flow.

I spontaneously started re-evaluating the dimensional concepts within different types of cultural interpretation and conditioning, as it was replaced with a soft touch of simply referring to the entire system, as the interplay of dimensional frequencies, and holding on to that reference rather lightly, as it does not feel totally accurate, but closer.
I’m not speculating to much about what the notion implies in an eventually larger context, or feeling the need to apply a numeral relevance.

assumptions about a possible, accurate and internally appropriate representation of various dimensional structuring and their dynamics within the layers of totality, puts us in a state of relating with these mechanicaly. it’s not a mechanical system, nor is our intuitive self, that’s the coming expert in navigating it.

My sense of relevance, irrelevance and priority, is feeling gradually more infused with my functionality, in very intimate and interesting manner.

if i feel like an internal stance is hampering my integration and harmonization with what is going on, i start experimenting with other options, usually my next approach is a simpler, more intuitive and fluid one. within the context being grounded in my functioning within the ‘earth multiverse’, or what ever terminology that can be appropriate to refer to this reality foam we are bubbling around in :wink:

as our sense of self develop in seamless stages, so does our awareness of what is sincerely implied within, regarding our capabilities, direction and place, through phase after phase. where eventually our sense of roof, has become our new ground to stand on…

with all that said, i move on, with a fresh breeze in my sail…

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For clarity and TLDR purposes, a summary of your thoughts:

  • Rewarding Process: Found working through this rewarding on multiple levels, sharing insights on internal reference models.
  • Conceptual Shift: Moved from using numerical values to describe dimensions (e.g., 3rd, 4th, 5th) based on cultural interpretations and OBEs to recognizing it as misleading.
  • Fluid Understanding: Currently sees the application of static numbers to dimensions as limiting; prefers viewing reality as an interplay of dimensional frequencies without fixed hierarchy.
  • Natural Progression: Shift in perspective happened naturally as part of moving forward, not a deliberate effort to change.
  • Cultural Re-evaluation: Spontaneously began re-assessing dimensional concepts within cultural conditioning, moving towards a simpler, non-hierarchical view.
  • Integration and Harmonization: Focuses on maintaining a fluid state of conclusions about reality to better integrate and harmonize with the multiverse concept, avoiding solid conclusions that could hamper this process.
  • Changing Sense of Hierarchy: Observes a shift from a static to a dynamic experience of hierarchy in reality, where traditional notions of “higher” and “lower” are becoming redundant.
  • Evolving Self and Awareness: As self-awareness evolves, so does the understanding of one’s capabilities, direction, and place, with emotional growth creating a foundation for new phases.

I hope this is a helpful echoing of your sentiment!


i appreciate the sentiment, though apparently i was not done :slight_smile:

i apologise for doing my “write, edit, rinse and repeat” process in the forum. There was part of me that felt it was not appropriate, and it won’t happen again, at least not on that level :sweat_smile:

I wasn’t expecting it to play out like that, but it felt kind of liberating, in an oddly pleasant and vulnerable sense, to share that part of my story and adding the closest, appropriate words, in relation to it, to the best of my ability…

i have realized, that the term “emotional body” is quite inaccurate, what i have been referring to as an emotional experience and activation, is a funneling of the much broader nature of what is going on.

calling it ‘emotional body activation’, feels simplistic.

is: probabilistically realistic, co-creator activation, closer? perhaps…

slow and steady…
Of course, no term, nor phrase, is a literal representation, of its application, regarding the nature of reality, within it’s fairly specific, association frequency, that any given linguistic sequence is funneling, through probabilistic conditioning, related with the tone, of inner voice, and our sense of temporary certainty, within that probability, can stick around, past its expiration date, and pile up as layers and layers, of background clutter, within various notions of category, building up like dishes in a sink, and drag the dynamics, in to a sinking sense, of too solidly determined internal settings, and a sense of being dynamically stagnated…

it’s good to feel alive and well on more than one level, regardless…

we are not in the process, of searching for final certainty, as we go through phases of ‘practical conditioning’, through various phases of reference gathering scenarios.
We are looking for, close enough, for now, on our own level of functional optimization :wink:

“Our response would be in two parts. Firstly, the safe and secure area of contact from the world of spirit is that contact with your higher self which is reliably possible and always achievable without any concern for your personality shell’s integrity. In order to contact this higher self or this oversoul or as this instrument would call it, the “Holy Spirit,” we would recommend the journaling method as being most productive and efficient.

In this method you simply sit at your computer or sit with a paper and pen and write your question, then immediately, at your next thought, write that thought down without asking whether it came from you or whether it did not.

The preparation for this journaling is, as you said, to calm your mind. We would not offer you the encouragement to find a specific state of consciousness, such as theta, but would rather encourage you to tune yourself as if you were an instrument. Whether that tuning that is effective to you would be in singing, chanting, praying or simply sitting in silent meditation, we do not know and cannot say. However, such tuning as you will find satisfaction in doing brings you to your highest and best self and clears the way for a good contact.”

this may help.

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“ 16.51 QUESTIONER Could you define the word density as we have been using it to give us a little greater idea of the concept of this term when used by you?

R A I am Ra. The term density is a, what you would call, mathematical one. The closest analogy is that of music, whereby after seven notes on your western type of scale, if you will, the eighth note begins a new octave. Within your great octave of existence which we share with you, there are seven octaves or densities. Within each density there are seven sub-densities. Within each sub-density, seven sub-sub-densities, and so on infinitely.”

And this too.


for me, my posts above this one,
was a process that turned out to be a re-tuning of my instrument with the English language model, something i realised after truly feeling done with the material and had moved on.

a tuning to align my english and swedish language frequencies to operate more in tandem within me.
yeah, it got a little messy there for a moment,
until my sense of harmonics kicked in :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I really appreciate the atmosphere here, that has space for such a thing to play out.
Thank you, it was very helpful for me…

i have primarily focused on working with the Swedish language model since 2021, with bountiful fruits from my labor in this, at the expense of my english becoming a tad rusty, without me realizing to what extent, until my little venture here greased up the system for me again :slight_smile:

the Swedish language has about 126,000 words to work with, it can feel a little clunky at times, but there is plenty of potential for elegance.

The past few years i have truly started to appreciate my native language, that was living in the shadow of my application for English for a large portion of my life, up until now. (English has around 250,000 words to work with!?)

edit: apparently my original source of reference included words no longer in use, around 170,000 is more accurate, but still, and people talk about how vast the possibilities are in how a chess match can play out, put that in context of writing something with the same amount of words as chess figurines in a chess set :sweat_smile:

:sunny: The art of surfing change :sunny:

This world is fickle
wonderful, challenging
and strange.

in adjusting accordingly
resides the art
of surfing change.

out of curiosity and contex to the post above, asked ai to estimate possible combinations within a 32 word sequence:

Estimating the number of possible 32-word combinations (32 components in a chess set) in present-day American English is a complex task, as it involves considering the vast number of words available in the language and their various syntactic and grammatical arrangements. Here’s a simplified way to approach this estimation:

  1. Vocabulary Size: The number of words in present-day American English is estimated to be around 170,000 words in current use.

  2. Combining Words: Each word can theoretically be followed by any other word, considering grammar and syntax. However, for simplicity, let’s assume a vast but manageable number of valid combinations per position.

  3. Mathematical Model: If we denote the vocabulary size as ( V ) and assume that any of these words can be used at each position, the total number of combinations for a 32-word sequence would be V^{32}.

V \approx 170,000

So, the calculation would be:

This number is so astronomically large that it exceeds the number of atoms in the observable universe, illustrating the vast potential for unique combinations in the English language.

This is an extraordinarily large number, far beyond what we can intuitively grasp. To give a rough idea:

170,000^{32} \approx 2.43 \times 10^{154}

However, this estimation does not take into account the constraints of grammar, syntax, and meaningful sentence structure, which would significantly reduce the number of plausible combinations. Nonetheless, it provides an idea of the sheer scale of possibilities when combining words in the English language.

The number of possible outcomes in a chess match is another staggering figure, though calculated differently.

The number of possible 32-word combinations in the English language, even under a very simplified model, is many orders of magnitude greater than the number of possible outcomes in a chess match. This highlights the vast potential for variability in language compared to the structured, albeit complex, nature of chess.

ai end
Raz back:

i feel it appropriate to conclude this post with a 32 word combination:

In a quiet room, a single candle flickered, casting shadows that danced across the walls. The air was filled with a sense of peace, as time seemed to slow down and breathe.

Long sentences can be curious. Here’s one roughly ten times longer. It mentions Swedenborg who may have been a channeler from the 18th century, more time traveling!


“It is a light blue moonless summer evening, but late, perhaps ten o’clock, with Venus burning hard in daylight, so we are certainly somewhere far north, and standing on this balcony, when from beyond along the coast comes the gathering thunder of a long many-engineered freight train, thunder because though we are separated by this wide strip of water from it, the train is rolling eastward and the changing wind veers for a moment from an easterly quarter, and we face east, like Swedenborg’s angels, under a sky clear save where far to the northeast over distant mountains whose purple has faded lies a mass of almost pure white clouds, suddenly, as by a light in an alabaster lamp, illumined from within by gold lightning, yet you can hear no thunder, only the roar of the great train with its engines and its wide shunting echoes as it advances from the hills into the mountains: and then all at once a fishing boat with tall gear comes running round the point like a white giraffe, very swift and stately, leaving directly behind it a long silver scalloped rim of wake, not visibly moving inshore, but now stealing ponderously beachward toward us, this scrolled silver rim of wash striking the shore first in the distance, then spreading all along the curve of the beach, while the floats, for these are timber driving floats, are swayed together, everything jostled and beautifully ruffled and stirred and tormented in this rolling sleeked silver, then little by little calm again, and you see the reflection of the remote white thunderclouds in the water, and now the lightening within the white clouds in deep water, as the fishing boat itself with a golden scroll of travelling light in its silver wake beside it reflected from the cabin vanishes round the headland, silence, and then again, within the white white distant alabaster thunderclouds beyond the mountains, the thunderless gold lightening in the blue evening, unearthly.”

I also find it interesting, that while reading others provided material, the factor of tone of voice and it’s intended inflections can get lost in translation.

It is something that can make a specific sequence feel everywhere between “dead serious” and like a lighthearted casual chat :wink:

as the influence of any symbolically based associative funneling system, is largely dependent on the style it is delivered in by the reader, in tone of voice and tempo.

it’s very hard to estimate the original state of dynamics within this, hence there is a spontaneous ‘guesstimate’ involved, that my or may not, be a accurate representation of the original delivery.

I believe there can be similar factors involved in other ‘channeling’ categories.
as reading is a style of channeling your self, in how you would have delivered the material in question, within your sense of context.

the question is not ‘if’ we are channeling, it’s more a question of ‘what’, and the style and capacity for how.

Shades of inspiration:

every color, shade of white
every life
prism, for inspirations light.

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This thread reminds me of “hey you” poetry, three lines of three words that pull a tension of love between two people who share it between them, like me and you.
It comes from a handwritten “book of intimacies.”

receive my gift
of my gratitude
in receiving yours

one time I
forever fell in
love with you

my pure heart
has fantasies of
your pure heart

my lil’ dazzle
it came from
your lil’ razzle

my acceptance flows
sugar coating
your sour woes

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A great intimacy is shared between mother and child. Childlike divinity hints to this. We tap our inner child to inner mom polarity to enable divine intimacy. My study emerged via white tantra Mahavidyas which is helpful in managing a sense of polyamory platonically in spite of a monogamy gene that disagrees.

let me show
somehow, some way
thanks to you

I discovered this
much better way
by your suggestion

I’m quite charmed
by this chance
of charming you

I wonder where
or when or
what you wonder

yes I do
I do accept
do accept you

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I value love. St. Valentine comes to mind. His story reminded me of Chhinnamasta, a Tantric deva of headlessness. The symbol might speak something
about the difference of indigo center and heart center
focus. It can be dangerous, such nonsense.

I treasure so
that loving kindness
that you share

Oh - my smile
it betrays my
feelings for you

I get hot
In watery thought
with you alot

my quiet meditation
shares connections with
your quiet meditation

my strong feeling
demands my attention
it’s about you

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That was a beautiful combination and structure of words in those 3 posts soup.

i feel ya
i agree with
this communication frequency

our Love is
Liberating our vitality
in communication functionality

nine word structures
carry enough to
get in touch

yeah I’m feeling
this lovely game
we are embarking

connecting linguistic sparking
with a sensational
Love and appreciation

Thank you for
this pleasant invitation
a wonderful contemplation

you have given
this thread a
refreshing new direction

thank you for
sharing your heart
in your art

Can I join
in this game
of connect three

such a cozy
cadent thought container
a tight fit

but big enough
to play with
the infinite inscape

why this joy
within the boundary
finding the fun

in the form
letting the limit
be your guide

when to stop
is the question
is it now?

missed my chance
stayed too long
seven stanzas long

echoing the three
is the key
keep the shape

nine seems right
three by three
ending in triplicity

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I think better “hey you” contain subtle sincerity that promote trust in full surrender of vulnerability, then some limited touch of humor can really be enjoyed. I think both sincerity and humor factor into intimacy.

I’m not fooled
by any detail
disguising your beauty

take me in
your wings up
to your heaven

my angelic ideal
it fits with
your devilish zeal

in my height
in my splendor
I accompany you

I love you
more than anything
except for chocolate

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Today, I’m pondering - Kamalātmikā,
bestower of divine bliss, who’s somewhat
independent and prosperous as many are.
Some things appearing as illusion may
actually reflect some true reality. I also
value honesty, like an intent to be true.

I gaze and
feel amazed by
your sparkly ways

your psychic tease
of ecstatic ease
inspires my weaves

I radiate joy
in chance you
echo great joy

I focus upon
such farfetched ideas
to help you

I love you
I really do
really love you

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Not simply three lines of three words, an intimate tension
is pulled between me and you, best if endearing. It seems rare to find intimacy in our modern age, and for many it may be more easily found as an inner feminine to inner masculine or inner mom to inner child who might earnestly love each other or if not - pretend to.

I search endeared
with you, for
words of love

I feel you
within me and
me within you

I want to
help you to
be your best

I can’t make
you love me
but I try

with your beginning
I now live
happily ever after

I am nurturing
with love and
awakening your magic

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I pondered the Vedas, the Upanishads, as a fruit
of white tantra. Dhumavati’s depicted as an ugly
old crone who befriends crows, a bestower of
Siddhas. She may embolden things like scribe
work or channeling. Thank you, Mahavidyas.

I feel enraptured
by sensual textures
within your fashions

I discover newness
in fragile transparency
by remembering you

I run confidently
into unknown realms
next to you

my small messages
of heartfelt dreams
reside near yours

my humble artworks
of collective creation
join with yours