Session 17.2. Size of the audience

Here is an interesting answer:

Questioner: Is it possible to help an entity to reach fourth-density level in these last days?

Ra: I am Ra. It is impossible to help another being directly. It is only possible to make catalyst available in whatever form, the most important being the radiation of realization of oneness with the Creator from the self, less important being information such as we share with you.

We, ourselves, do not feel an urgency for this information to be widely disseminated. It is enough that we have made it available to three, four, or five. This is extremely ample reward, for if one of these obtains fourth-density understanding due to this catalyst then we shall have fulfilled the Law of One in the distortion of service.

We encourage a dispassionate attempt to share information without concern for numbers or quick growth among others. That you attempt to make this information available is, in your term, your service. The attempt, if it reaches one, reaches all.

We cannot offer shortcuts to enlightenment. Enlightenment is of the moment, is an opening to intelligent infinity. It can only be accomplished by the self, for the self. Another self cannot teach/learn enlightenment, but only teach/learn information, inspiration, or a sharing of love, of mystery, of the unknown that makes the other-self reach out and begin the seeking process that ends in a moment, but who can know when an entity will open the gate to the present?

These lines are very much against the way we are encouraged to behave in the world. It kind of indicates (perhaps) that if a musician goes to play and he plays to an audience of 4 in comparison to 400. He should be just as happy?

In the modern world of social media and youtube clicks not many people see it this way I don’t think.

Is this passage useful to your life?

As this wanderer continues and turns back to see the path it has traveled, it will see walking in step that same young wanderer it once was, ready to offer that fresh, excited perspective of the newly-awakened seeker. October 14, 2020 - Practice channeling circle - L/L Research

I am not talking about helping one reach fourth density understanding. I encourage one to think outside the box and seek within. Here is a line that I have repeated hundreds of times for the last two years.

When you think of a person in your mind define their name and combine the meaning with a general trait that you see or saw in them. Now reflect on what is currently happening in your life.

It is enough for me for one to read it and say that is easy to take with me wherever I go. It has helped many people realize that there is a connection being made to something within themselves without needing much more information to go on.

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Yes this has been really helpful to me.

I can fully dedicate myself to helping one person and I have faith that this somehow helps all.


I think it means that they are happy that it is working for someone. I guess they have ample of time and leisure, thus it is ok to waste some time :grinning:

Interesting that they say “to three, four, five”, why not for one ?

If your happiness depends on money and fame, small audience doesn’t work.

Minimal usefulness.

What’s really lovely, outside the ones we know and might halve helped at times, or not, lol, is that none of us has really any idea if we may have been of help to someone else we do not know.

I find this is one of the loveliest things about my human family.
And,strangely poetical.


Question for y’all: when Ra replies, “It is impossible to help another being directly,” do you think they are speaking about help in general or only in the narrow sense of helping somebody reach fourth density?

It is ambiguous to me, and I find great solace in interpreting it as an absolute, i.e. truly helping somebody in any real way is impossible. It’s only possible to attempt to draw the Creator out of them in whatever way makes sense in the context of the situation. We call that “inspiration,” “setting an example,” etc.

To me there’s a secret to unconditional love in here: that given the veil, we can only broadcast love and trust in each other OR try to manipulate the situation to conform. The parallels to polarity should be obvious. Anything we do to “help” is negative to the extent it tries to dictate outcomes; anything we do to “help” is positive to the extent we seek to place our faith in the Creator’s will and let each heart resonate as it must.

Since Ra was addressing a question about a specific outcome, they noted it being impossible as true help, even though we know that helping others is unquestionably part of the STO vibration! However, I’m fully aware that I could easily be taking Ra’s meaning far out of its context. I still believe it regardless of whether the Ra quote addresses it or not, but it’s something that I’ve thought about for a while…

A lot of my output is to kind of a very low audience. My youtube channel gets around 5 to 20 views per video, usually on the lower end of that. My blogs less than 10.

I still feel like putting together wisdom in the world is important. On my substack I actually had 0 viewers for several months. I carried on blogging every day. When I went back to my google blog which is one of three blogs I posted on. It had 964 posts!

This is a bit insane it sometimes seems to me. But it’s interesting to think through this Law of One quote in relation to this.

Well, if we are following the Law of One, then what we “want” would likely be partly informed by it. If that sentenced was rephrased “If your need for power depends on actually physically hurting others in a non consentual manner, then starting a business will not satisfy that”.

In general. In my opinion it means, that no matter what you do, the person has the ultimate choice to use the help or not. Directly in this case, I think, means to put this knowledge the Ra shares in their mind. Even in manipulation case, in the end the person can choose.

Some examples of this:

  1. A teenager does not listen to parents and practically wants to make the same mistakes as their parents
  2. Homeless drug addict offered help chooses to continue his way of life
  3. German Fieldmarshals advicing Hitler about certain operation probability of failure and Hitler commits anyway

" If that sentenced was rephrased “If your need for power depends on actually physically hurting others in a non consentual manner, then starting a business will not satisfy that”."

Maybe, you have to really understand how the self works, I mean the “energetic system”. I have only hypothesis based on impressions from experience. Still, striving for a business might satisfy ambition, lets say “orange ray blockage” of desire being above another, or maybe be not under another.

I find this logically inconsistent, why to share the information anyway … given that Ra has this information, haven’t it reached all already ?

I think Ra means we are all psychically/ spiritually connected.

Yes, this is a perhaps important and odd thing about their experience. Either that or the context is not understood.

It strikes me that when they talk about some things the word is not properly defined and they mean something different to how we mean it. For example, how the term “work” is used interchangeably for actual working, but also “work in consciousness”. Some of the things I have done such as archetype stuff is exhausting. I wouldn’t classify it as leisure, and it would not be classified under my so far understanding of “work”; since I don’t get paid for it and it isn’t miserable. But I think the Law of One could.

It would seem to me that it IS indeed possible with common sense to help another being directly. Like, if they are hungry and you cook them some food. But perhaps when they are referring to “help”, they are referring to “help” for emotional issues and with emotional issues, you can say stuff, but the person has to take your information/ comfort etc. and actually accept/ do the work with it. I think that is what “help” means casually in some contexts as well.

Yes, very true. I have at various times felt very guided to post on the internet somewhere. I do wonder sometimes, not with this site so much, but with some websites if something I am saying is landing, and I suppose it potentially could seeing as my message is somewhat unique.