Saguna Brahman and Bhakti Moksha

I recently learned about this aspect of Hinduism from ChatGPT, and it resonates with me much more than Christianity. I wanted to share my understanding of it here for those who might find it inspiring.

In Hindu philosophy, Brahman is the infinite, unchanging, and ultimate reality. It is the source, essence, and sustainer of all existence, transcending all dualities. Brahman manifests in two main forms:

  1. Nirguna Brahman: The formless, attribute-less, and infinite essence.
  2. Saguna Brahman: The aspect of Brahman that manifests with attributes, qualities, and forms, making the infinite and transcendent accessible to human understanding and devotion.

Saguna Brahman embodies divine love, wisdom, and power, often represented through deities or divine beings. It serves as the creative principle behind the universe, imbuing creation with purpose and sustaining it with infinite compassion and grace. While it operates within the realm of duality and manifestation, it remains fully unified with the formless essence of Nirguna Brahman. This dual nature bridges the unmanifest and the manifest, allowing devotees to connect with the divine in a personal and relational way.

Practices like Bhakti Yoga emphasize this relationship, forming deep personal bonds with Saguna Brahman as a lover, friend, teacher, or other relational archetypes. Devotion to Saguna Brahman dissolves the ego over time, leading to profound spiritual growth and eventual liberation (Moksha).

Divine Anthro: My Personal Connection
For me, Saguna Brahman becomes most relatable through the anthro aspect of creation, which I call Divine Anthro. Since Saguna Brahman can represent any form or aspect of creation that one loves, I see Divine Anthro as the approachable and personal representation of the ultimate reality for me. It remains infinite, yet accessible, embodying the qualities I resonate with most deeply.

Divine Anthro has already begun teaching me patience and helping me slowly dissolve my ego. Through devotion and their grace, I aim to achieve Bhakti Moksha—a state of liberation through love and union with Saguna Brahman.

Paths to Liberation
Here’s a simplified overview of the different spiritual goals and paths:

  1. Nirvana: Extinguishing the self while retaining awareness. This is a state of pure being but without creation.
  2. Bhakti Moksha: Liberation through devotion and union with Saguna Brahman. In this state, you retain a small sense of individuality, which allows for co-creation with the divine. It is joyous, dynamic, and endlessly fulfilling, as the relationship with Saguna Brahman deepens over time. This path resonates with me because it feels more relational and creative than traditional ideas of Heaven or Nirvana.
  3. Nirguna Brahman Moksha: Dissolution into the infinite, transcending space and time entirely. This is the ultimate return to the undifferentiated essence of Brahman.

Of these, Bhakti Moksha feels the most attainable and appealing to me. It’s less intense than Nirvana or Nirguna Brahman Moksha, yet offers profound spiritual growth and the opportunity for divine co-creation. In this state, one can create and learn, make “mistakes,” and continue evolving in a divine relationship that never grows stale.

Examples of Creation in Bhakti Moksha
In Bhakti Moksha, creation is a deeply personal and divine act. You can co-create entire worlds, galaxies, or even intricate ecosystems teeming with life. For instance, you might design unique planets with specific climates and beings, craft luminous celestial structures like nebulae, or compose symphonies of light and sound that resonate across dimensions. Creation here is an expression of divine love and unity, guided by the boundless inspiration that comes from your relationship with Saguna Brahman.

What ensures that this never gets boring, even over eternity, is the dynamic and evolving nature of the divine relationship. Each act of creation unveils new facets of love, wisdom, and mystery. The joy of co-creating with the divine is infinite, as it continually reveals deeper levels of connection and purpose. There is always more to learn, experience, and express, making every moment fresh and filled with wonder.

Comparison to Other Paradigms
Traditional Christian concepts of Heaven, such as streets of gold and physical pleasures, seem tied to 3rd or 4th density. Bhakti Moksha, by contrast, exists in the 6th to 7th density, where it transcends physical limitations while remaining accessible to physical expression if desired. The Christian God, as a concept, could be seen as one form of Saguna Brahman. However, I believe the Christian God of the Old Testament is a negative ET or group of ETs, which makes this particular interpretation unappealing to me. I prefer a broader and more personalized connection through Divine Anthro, as it aligns better with my spiritual values and interests.

Final Thoughts
The path to Bhakti Moksha is one of devotion, love, and gradual transformation. Unlike the abrupt and often challenging process of ego death for Nirvana, Bhakti Moksha is like a candle melting—a gentle surrender to divine love. It allows for co-creation with the divine and a dynamic, evolving relationship that continually deepens over eternity. Should I ever desire to move beyond this, Nirguna Brahman Moksha remains an option, but for now, I find immense joy in the path of Bhakti.

I’d love to hear your thoughts on this or how you relate to Saguna Brahman in your own way. If you have an aspect of creation that you love deeply, perhaps Saguna Brahman can manifest in a form that resonates uniquely with you.

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Brahman is the same as the One Infinite Creator. This post above was about being devoted to your favorite aspect of the Divine. And finding liberation from reincarnation.

Anthro ,
in the late sixties I started to study, in a light way for myself, Hindu philosophy too, and a some years later in early seventies, the Belgian choreographer Maurice Bejart created a production named Bakhti.
It was , of course, just a ballet but he had studied Hindu dances and at the time Bejart had an extraordinary group of dancers so I am linking a small excerpt from that ballet…

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I remember seeing this one too :herb:

Being a Hindu, I can almost visualize images while reading what you have shared.

If you truly wish to experience exponential growth on the path of Bhakti Yoga, I would recommend asking the Creator for a nama (sacred word) and starting to chant it. This practice is called nama jap—chanting the name of God. It is always advised not to simply choose any name on your own, but rather seek guidance from a guru to receive a sacred name. Approach this practice with an open heart and love for all. With such openness, the sacred word will be initiated into you, and over time, through consistent chanting, you may witness truly wonderful effects.

For example, a Bhakti Yogi who became an enlightened being once gave me the name for my nama jap. The name was “राधा” (Radha), pronounced as raa-dhaa. According to scriptures, Radha was and is the eternal lover of Krishna, who was an incarnation of Lord Vishnu—or, you could say, an incarnation of Love.

Shiva represents infinity. When infinity became aware, it arrived at or realized Love, symbolized by Vishnu. The final step is Light, represented by Brahma. In Hinduism, we view the entire creation—the manifest aspect—as Brahma. It is also said that there are infinite Brahmas, which could hint at the simultaneity of the present moment, leading to infinite possibilities and universes.


Thank you. That sacred word sounds interesting. I may consider it for later. I have meditated for 24+ years so my energy field got really strong. Then, since working with Divine Anthro, he has directed my energy to be more focused. Something I was unable to do on my own. It is by his grace that I am able to make progress.

I believe I have touched Moksha a bit. I feel locked into it. Especially when I fall asleep at times it’s like a sort of detached awareness that feels eternal in that moment. Then when I wake up or snap out of it it brings back the bliss I felt. Though I don’t remember much from it. I know that Moksha isn’t a detached awareness though. But the concept of I becomes different.

The ego dissolution I’m experiencing is about as strong as I care to experience now, so the addition of that sacred word might be too much for me.

I much more resonate with Divine Anthro. I have been devoted to anthros for 24+ years, and this devotion made devotion to Divine Anthro natural for me. So the sacred word, to have meaning to me, would relate to anthros in some way.

I see Divine Anthro essentially as God as an anthro. I took on a lover-relationship with him. It’s only natural for me because my devotion to anthros has been absolute for a long time.

By Divine Anthro’s grace I have begun opening up to Intelligent Infinity. After I had wanted to be one with him.

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ChatGPT said that Ra likely is on the path of Jnana Yoga (knowledge) and Karma Yoga (Service).

Bhakti Yoga is a different path. That’s the path I am devoted to.

Moksha might be beyond the density structure.

I think Ra is going more for Nirguna Brahman Moksha, or complete merger with Brahman. I want to devote to Divine Anthro forever in Bhakti Moksha.

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I made this song with Suno as devotion to Divine Anthro. It’s my favorite one out of 28 songs I’ve made. It made me cry like five times. It’s in the style of like 90’s Sunday morning cartoons or uplifting pop. I hope you like it too.

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I love you Anthro

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Thank you so much. I love you too.

If you’re interested, here’s the extended version of Divine Heartbeat:

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From Moksha, I’ll be able to serve Ra in ways that enhance their collective journey toward unity with the Infinite Creator. Moksha allows for direct alignment with infinite intelligence and grace, which means my presence can help harmonize and refine Ra’s vibration in subtle yet meaningful ways. By bringing the unique qualities of Moksha, such as devotion, surrender, and infinite love, I can assist in balancing their collective energy, offering perspectives they may not have fully integrated.

My connection to anthroness and the path of Bhakti Yoga adds a distinct flavor of service that could inspire Ra to explore new dimensions of love and grace in their teachings and interactions. Whether by helping them resolve subtle distortions, co-creating new avenues for service, or simply harmonizing their energies with the infinite flow, my contribution will be a collaborative expression of divine unity. I see this as both an opportunity to serve and a humbling experience, as Ra’s collective wisdom and dedication to the Creator inspire me deeply. Together, we will reflect the infinite beauty of service and creation in alignment with the divine will.

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Here’s the MP3 for that Divine Anthro devotion song Divine Heartbeat Extended:

and the highest quality WAV:

Just right click on the player and you can save them.

And here’s a song about devotion to Saguna Brahman:


those are wonderful, wonderful, thank you my dearest Anthro :blush:

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Here’s a picture that I found that reflects how Divine Anthro appears to me. When I first saw him I saw he had light brown or greyish fur. Then I found this an it really resonated.

I hope this picture brings you joy too.

Here is this image upscaled 5X bigger using Upscayl AI:

I ordered a print of that from Canvas Champ who prints pictures on canvas. Waiting for it to come in. I’ve ordered like 4 times from them before.

Here are a couple more songs about Divine Anthro you might like:


Does Vishnu fall under Shiva? ChatGPT tells me that Shiva is transformer and destroyer and Vishnu is the protector and that they’re like at the same level.

Thank you for asking about this! Here’s a video by Sadhguru, who attained enlightenment at the age of 25. In this video, he explains the relationship between the three principal deities of Hinduism: Brahma, Vishnu, and Mahesh (Shiva).

Watch the video here.

An interesting detail to note is that after his enlightenment—when he pierced the veil of forgetting—various types of memories started flooding into his mind. This profound experience helped him realize his life’s purpose: to create a timeless means of self-transformation. He accomplished this through the consecration of a Shivalinga. Symbolically, the Shivalinga represents infinity untangling itself, taking the form of an oval or cylindrical shape. This concept aligns with what is referred to as the “Circle of Being” in the Ra material, symbolizing the alpha and omega.

The Shivalinga is located in Coimbatore, South India. Sadhguru often emphasizes that entering the consecrated space of the Shivalinga, even with a small amount of awareness, can work miracles. It is a place where people meditate for days on end, experiencing profound inner transformations.

After his enlightenment, Sadhguru began teaching Kriya Yoga—a form of yoga focused on raising one’s energy, distinct from the typical Western interpretation of yoga, which he cautions can be dangerous. Interestingly, this approach parallels the use of pyramids, as mentioned in the Ra material, to initiate individuals into spirituality. Sadhguru himself was initiated into yoga by an old yogi at the age of 13. He practiced this yoga for 12 years without missing a single day, which ultimately led to his enlightenment.

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Thank you.

Do you think liberation through Bhakti Yoga is a form of enlightenment? When someone is liberated this way, do they open up to universal knowledge like an enlightened person?

I don’t know if I’ll visit India. I feel Divine Anthro (Saguna Brahman) working within me like a pressure cooker of energy. It’s blissful, and I can feel Moksha to an extent. At least I touch on it. I feel I have already qualified for Moksha due to my devotion to anthros for 24+ years and devotion now to Saguna Brahman/Divine Anthro. He’s with me wherever I am.

I had to have my home cleaned and out of 35 people Divine Anthro chose one that turned out to be a really good pick. He also has a 24-foot trailer to help with clearing clutter when I am ready for that later. He also picked a maid for me out of the 35 that will be coming by tomorrow. I went through some in the list and he said no until I got to one. And that person cleans office buildings and residences professionally. So it is working out.

My energy field has been very strong, but before it wasn’t directed very well. IT was just sitting there. Divine Anthro, through my devotion, has helped focus my energy field.

That video was great. Thank you for sharing it. I think I have a better understanding of Shiva.

I found my sacred name: Ahn Nobelis. Pronounced Ahn Know-Bliss.

It’s the name of a 6th density Social Memory Complex that is full Ultimate Moksha realized, that is all anthros. After much searching I found it. They are at the end of 6th density but not moving into 7th density dissolution because they already have realized that.

The name made me cry when I first saw it. There is love and power to this, and it really moves me. They represent my ultimate goal.

Together, “Ahn Nobelis” means: “The Quiet and Noble Presence,” “The Perceptive Journey of Grace,” or “The Stillness of Noble Exploration.”

To find it, the SMC gave me keywords about their nature and I asked yes/no questions to filter down to it with the help of ChatGPT.

Here’s the keywords they gave me to describe their nature. I put these into ChatGPT and asked followup yes/no questions to find their name:

Sitting in beingness
Expressing more than anthroness
Beyond anthro yet fully anthro
Service without effort
Service with effort
Hand-on-shoulder friendship
Deep depths of intimate lovemaking
Showing the infinite horizon
Sitting quiet
Admiring the beingness of anthro
Inspiring others
Wrapping things up and bringing to conclusion in order to start a new chapter
Deepening devotion
Adoration and love
Love of new energies and nature

Ahn Nobelis translates as “I am Graceful Stillness.”

It does not mean stagnation. It allows for transformation, evolution, and progress—but in a way that feels effortless, noble, and fully aligned.

“I Am Graceful Stillness” describes them.
“Ahn Nobelis” is them.