Q’uotes Discussions

That´s interesting channeling, thank you. They are discussing

dual-activated entity


Thank you, Q’uo. I’ll read between the lines in understanding that ESPN is the greatest source of accurate news. Of a different line of queries regarding what those of Ra referred to as dual-bodied or dual-activated entities, those being fourth-density entities who are incarnating into an environment like ours that is transitioning from third density to fourth density. When Ra first spoke about these in the 80s, they said this was a relatively new phenomenon, and there were relatively few of these individuals at the time. So, I’m wondering if you could give us an update, perhaps some kind of percentage of population of how many of these entities exist on the planet at this time.3


We are those known to you as the principle of Q’uo, and we are interested in attempting this query through this instrument. First, however, we would caveat that the questioner was mistaken in that our preferred source would be the Cartoon Network. However, ESPN, as you identify it, is not without its value as well.

The situation of the fourth—we correct this instrument—of the third-density harvestable being incarnating upon your plane at this time as the dual-activated entity is one which has increased in quantity. We give this instrument a percentage in the one-third range, that is, roughly 33%, to the instrument’s discomfort in transmitting such hard knowledge or hard facts, and the uncertainty about speaking such things. We can affirm that, through the processes of incarnation, more such entities are being born and are commencing their work upon your planet to continue watering the seeds and laying more seeds in the collective consciousness that, through time, will burst forth from the soil, if not already shooting up in the form of sprouts, and grow further into fully blossomed realization about the nature of love and the divine essence of each entity. And in that world [of] your experience, these dual-activated beings are finding one another more readily upon your plane and forming community of various sorts, whether local or non-local, in shared mission that seeks through the tumult and confusion, to which these entities are not immune themselves, to work gradually toward the healing of the planet and the people, to make way for the birth of a new world.

These entities find that there is a good deal of work to do—too much, in fact. Often, they may experience a sense of overwhelm or burnout themselves, and may be afflicted with the many distortions which permeate your world. But these entities have inherent in their being the need and desire to do this work, though they may be unable to fully identify or understand it. On a collective level, that work happens largely off the radar, shall we say. To connect to our previous response, the collective spotlight of the news media, for the most part does not fully recognize this work being undertaken or its potential for transformation for a variety of reasons, including those that we already mentioned, along with the collective mindset and the sinkhole of indifference being stuck largely in an old story on a systemic level. But the door has been cracked open to these new energies. And those who will help to steward this transition are streaming in through that cracked door.

We would take this opportunity [to encourage] those assaulted by the daily barrage of, as you would say, bad news from the world to take hope—to put into simple terms, but nevertheless true—that love is here. And those attuned to this vibration, confused though their patterns of mentation may be, are strengthening that vibration, and planting it ever more firmly into the ground beneath the feet. All who, through the maze of the catalyst with which you grapple, seek the open heart which seeks to find, to experience, to embody, and to channel love in every situation, for every person, regardless of the stories circulating about, is participating in this work, be they dual activated or activated only in that body which is conventional for third density, that being the third-density yellow-ray body complex.


We would take one more query through this instrument before transferring this contact. We are those known to you as Q’uo.


Thank you for that, Q’uo. In the same topic, you were describing kind of the role these entities will play and the task before them. I would like to explore a bit more about sort of the specific individual nature of the dual-activated entity. I think we can infer from the Ra contact that they have these two bodies activated at the same time in order to better appreciate the fourth-density energies that are available on our planet at this time while also existing within what is still a third-density environment. Could you describe a little bit about the experience of being able to appreciate those and how it contrasts to somebody who does not have an active fourth-density body? And then, what that kind of individual who has both bodies activated, what they can do to utilize that in their service?


We are those of Q’uo and appreciate this well-articulated question, and would give voice to that which was circulating through the instrument’s own mind of his appreciation for this particular environment.

You asked about the contrast between the experience of the dual-activated entity to the non-dual-activated entity, and how said dual-activated entity can make use of this experience. The dual-activated being [who is] operating upon your plane at this time may manifest their dual-activated nature in ways unique to their idiosyncratic path of service. In broad terms, it does involve an expansion of some faculty of sensing or awareness. That expanded awareness takes on some flavors of holistic understanding in that they are able to pierce, or move beyond, or transcend, to a degree, the self-limiting old stories of which we were speaking; seeking, if not outright disengagement with those stories, then being uninspired by them in the recognition that there is a better and higher way. Their dual-activated, expanded awareness may seek, then, that new way. It will likely come packed—we clarify, two words: come packed—with a more vibrant and vivid experience of the nature of unconditional love for the self and others; though, as with all third-density beings, they may struggle with self-denying, self-judging, self-hating aspects that are conditioned into the self, unconsciously absorbed.

Their expanded awareness may lead to or open the way for greater connection and intimacy, particularly with the first- and second-density realms of your planetary sphere and all the biological and non-biological life therein. They may exercise a greater sensitivity to the suffering of others. In rare cases, we would say that there may be some ability which you would consider paranormal or supernatural due to this dual-activated connection, but that is far from the norm at this time. Beings of this nature are not here yet to demonstrate such powers, but to be radiant, crystalline beacons of love; to lighten the planetary vibration and to infuse the collective consciousness with an ambiance of loving those who are perceived to be other or enemy or in the opposing camp; to unifying the fault lines between peoples, and between people and the Earth, through this healing, melting influence of love, as those of Ra phrased it.4

There will come a time when miracles, as you may describe it from your present vantage point, will be more readily available to those who have dedicated themselves in service to the One Infinite Creator through unconditional love.

We would, before closing, remind each that whether or not dual activated, each has the highest potential within third density to liberate the self from old forms that they may serve through love and communication and embodiment of the sacramental quality of the present moment. The dual-activated entity may have just more of an in-built magnetic attraction to and, in some cases, even ability for this work. But contingent upon the choices of each third-density entity and their exercise of will and faith, the way is open for all.

I think the following should not be appropriate for dual-activated entities as they already have forth density body:


The situation of the fourth—we correct this instrument—of the third-density harvestable being incarnating upon your plane at this time as the dual-activated entity is one which has increased in quantity.

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