Let’s see how the Confederation sources defines intuition and desire.
First, intuition:
The intuition is, you may say, a bridge or a channel, connecting this rational mind to its unconscious resources. 2021-0707
For the intuition is that which moves down the trunk of the tree of mind, going from the conscious to the subconscious, and even further, to the cosmic energies to which you are connected in the universe as a totality. For each entity, as you well know, is a portion of the One Creator, which has connections to all of the creation. Thus, those who have relied upon this inner knowing, or intuition, for a large portion of their life experience, have developed a tool which is quite accurate in its ability to apprehend the significance of your interactions with all other entities and portions of your environment. 2017-0506
Thus, we have established a great respect for the intuition and emotion that is the essence of intelligence. 1989-1126
The intellectual mind and the intuitive mind are two sides of one coin. Analysis is a form of speaking, intuition a form of listening. And yet, when one is speaking, does one not also have ears? And when one listens intuitively, does one not hear the voice of silence? 1986-0518
Second, desire:
…it is desire that has set the creation in motion, as the one Creator expressed the desire to know Itself… 1987-0111
…desire is the fuel that runs the engine of your illusion, both the portion which is shadow and that portion which is form. 1995-0924
The strength of desire is the measure of the result of desire, for the universe is completely rhythmical and responds to that which is asked. 1987-0510
Desire is the fire that drives. 2001-1223
“Desire” is mentioned fifteen times more often than “intuition” by Confederation sources.
Informed by these quotes, desire appears closely related to the First Distortion, whereas intuition is related to our existence in third density. Desire causes the origination of what we want, and intuition shapes the nature of what we want. Things are done due to the expression of desire, and things are done well due to the shaping of intuition.