I decided to post a second one today because I wanted to share my ultimate “Chill mix.” I’d love to give a little backstory to explain why this means so much to me and why it’s perfect for something called the “Healing Music Thread.”
I love music. I say that and for some reason, it still undercuts how much I love music. I started a playlist back in 2016 that almost has 1800 songs on it. Most are artists that are relatively unheard of. I have a YouTube Premium account and listen to music pretty much endlessly. I used to listen to the “Discover” mix that was released every week with my kiddo so I was always discovering new music. Music is a very large part of my life. My son is far better at singing that he is at talking because of how much he also loves music. 
But this was my whole life. I used to walk around with a Walkman, then a Discman, then an IPod, etc, my entire life, until we are where we are at with music streaming today. I’m one of the few people I know that still makes CDs for my car because the sound quality is amazing and the experience is the best. 
So… when I started the most intense part of my spiritual journey in 2018, I used plant medicine for healing the majority of my life’s shadows and traumas. During one of the first more intense session with psilocybin, I realized that the intensity of the music I normally listened to was just too much energetically to handle. I felt too fragile. The emotions from the songs felt far too intense and the psilocybin was showing me that the strength of my empathic gifts needed to get under some sense of control. I have found that control over the years so I no longer have this issue, but I did for a very long time before that.
So when the intensity of my usual emotional, yet rather heavy music was too much, I decided to find something else to listen to. With a quick search, this mix was put on and I felt instantly at ease:
This is Eden, with The Eden Project and their collection of songs. I found that the length of this playlist was perfectly timed with the duration of the psilocybin trip. Just as the height of the experience was starting to wear off, the last song would be playing. This is the playlist I listened to every single time I used psilocybin up until recently, when the intensity of music finally stopped affecting me. I can chose to let it affect me or choose to be indifferent to it now if I’d like, but always choose to feel it. Now that I can choose, the way it feels is completely different. 
Eden, aka Jonathon Ng, sings about a lot of emotions but he does it in a way that is very energetically calming some how, like he found a way to feel energetically intense things without it affecting him. It’s strange but it mirrors my own journey very closely as I have learned to do that myself. I recommend this mix when you need to feel at peace, or to relax. It have a very calming energy and it’s very well made. His voice is beautiful. The third from the last song always makes my heart feel lighter than air.
Thank you for listening to my story and remember that all music can be healing in so many different ways. You never know what you may like if you don’t give it a chance.