Hello again K.K. I will explain it as best as I understand it with the resources and places that I got the information. All of this is just my opinion.
Firstly, as I have mentioned previously the astrology system I prefer is something called the human design chart. Pictured below:
My thing personally, as I have mentioned, is that this is a system for studying the archetypal mind that not only incorporates astrology, tarot and the kabbalah. But is superior to all three. In this system it is almost impossible to not make a lot of comparative connections, as the Law of One discussed when learning archetypes. Each individual point has a planet that highlights a hexagram, a centre that this is on, a hexagram on the other end of the electromagnetic connection, then specific things about that. Is the centre defined or undefined? Is the hexagram hanging? Does the hexagram have other parts of the same circuitry defined? etc.
In my belief just placing these two systems together creates a lot of powerful insight for the individual. The fact that I am the only one that I know of doing it, is really strange. Many things were not adequately explained in the system that is explained in the Law of One.
This, I also believe was channeled by the same source as the Law of One. Also, a quick note the Human Design has prophetic information that I am not including here and probably indirectly contradicts my perspective.
Using the HDC.
The Law of One took a very specific attitude to most things. This is my paraphrase/ understanding, not a direct quote but: They said that everything that exists. The catalysts and such, Exists to relate to us and our spiritual evolution. For instance, when discussing ‘transcient’ information they said to Don that the trouble with this information is not the information but the importance placed on it. When they discussed fasting they only spoke of it as a “nudge” to the self.
To that end, I have some smattering of understanding of that kind of exopolitics sorts of things. But I first focus on what I can relate to.
The economy and such I relate to Pluto. I saw when discussing the ‘fog’ from a tarot reader online (Laura’s view and tarot too) that she was thinking about when healing information is going to be released and ‘The Sun’ was showing up when she said that. The fog was not that important whatever it was I don’t think and I think that since she asked a question the spirits worked through her for that one. The Sun in my understanding starts at the beginning of Hexagram 19.
So this is where we are at the moment, via the transit of Pluto:
Hexagram 60 (from some time late 2021, to January 28th 2025). This is where we have been at the end of the cycle. At the end of the cycle things become about limitation because there are many things not properly learned in said cycle. While Pluto has been going through here things have been stubbornly refusing to move because the limitation has to be understood on a deep level before it can move on. In order to handle limitations we must first really understand them.
Hexagram 41: Positioned at the very bottom of the mandala. It is the most grounded possibly in the whole chart. This is about objective reality and “decrease”. The realisation that resources are not infinite and that reality must be respected. People that have this are often quite blunt about how things are, and are very invested in evolutionary psychology perspectives.
This links to the gate 30, gate 41 will put pressure on gate 30, which is where a lot of the cultural contagion started in 2010. I won’t go through that it is too much. But in 2010 a lot of people started to get the effects from the economic crash and they had two choices. Adapt their standards to the new economic climate and operate within that to maintain their ethical framework. Or they could jump off into a narcissistic pattern of rejecting and ignoring that finances are difficult and placing their own, and societally encouraged delusional standards on the world. This is massively simplified, the gate 30 is more than this, but we will leave it at that for the moment.
Remember, that to the Law of One contact this stuff is all very important. The emotions people feel each day and if these qualify people for harvest really matters. Moreso perhaps, than even very important things to us like economic realities and perceptions of injustice.
Gate 19: This is the point where a certain need for communal support is manifested. A sensitivity to rejection and desire to approach. Once a lot of the falsity of the early crash years is gone a lot of people will be able to pursue what they actually want. This is where healing perhaps comes in. In that people pursue their need for healing, or they pursue their desire to be healers in some capacity perhaps. Once we get to the end of this in about 2031, and then heading into 2032, Pluto into gate 13. We will have gotten far enough to undo a lot of relevant information on alien abductions a lot of us have had that have been wiped from our brains. (I think some of this remains in the root chakra, and MIGHT have some link to some “hell” near death experiences).
I see it in that in gate 41, the rejection of objective reality will be a long and painful process of arrests and all that stuff. A slow judicial thing. Every hospital worker who deliberately prioritised people that got the totalitarian medical treatment as an example. Paternaity fraud. People that voted against the interests of their loved ones. New age people want to get on with mass arrests and largely brush over the need for accountability. But in my view that’s not what the higher forces want. Because accountability is largely why we are here.
Not a one day mass arrest like David Wilcock talks about. Objective reality is difficult for people. To really understand how people have been fooled. To know it, to discuss it I think will happen way before any ET contact or high level technology is released and this will allow people to polarise more effectively. The kind of power that comes with this information can be misused, such as by someone like David Wilcock. Who would popularise this information and discuss it to distract from his fraudulent business practices. → The biggest barrier to the disclosure David talks about is people exactly like David Wilcock.
This is just my thought. I don’t see alien contact in the human design (as in, I don’t see it like, I don’t not see it either. It is something that has not come up like the rest of this stuff has). I don’t even know what that would look like.
Weirdo politics.
Even though I avoid it and this has been a learning curve for me. I do still have some basic understanding of the QAnon types of politics and my understanding is that the positive forces behind the scenes have largely closed the negative down. There is still a fair bit the negative is doing but they are working at a fraction of their previous power.
Part of the metaphysical reason for this is that as the negative is closed down. Free will as we experience it from a third density perspective also has to close down. Every polarised decision we make has a reference to the most negative energy available on earth. As that winds down the entire negative energy plus incentive structure does and free will towards the negative starts to become practically not that possible. The negative needs a great deal of energy. Trillions of dollars to keep going because it is swimming against peoples common sense, sense of justice and love etc.
So that is how I see things going forward. Most of us will start to have a sensation of losing free will towards negative behaviours, just in case you wanted to go on a killing spree, and all this “accountability” will boggle peoples mind for a while. ET contact will be safer for said ET’s when that free will for people to become paranoid and aggressive no longer exists.