Happy Christmas and such! Polarity and insight atm

Hello people.

I do not believe, in line with the Law of One, in “mistakes” per say. The modern culture of more intelligent influencers often says there is no good or bad, just choices and trade offs, and I agree with that.

But I do think that this forum, one of the things that may be difficult about it is that without more personal sub forums and discussions about less relevant things, it loses a bit of it’s charge or humanity or something. Like I have mentioned before, the people that want to engage in a purely theoretical and technical discussion over these matters is very small.

Anyway, so I just wanted to add an optional feel good post about Christmas. Do you feel good about Christmas this year and have you been generally successful in your attempted path or service to others and such?

For me, I am far better physically than I have been through much of my life. Rather than being “stuck in my head” as such, partly through schizophrenia coming from the side effects of a physical disability. I am very much engaged in the real world and able to get a lot done in relation to food preparation and various other things.

For a present I have a new mattress, I will have some other things as well including a book as I am still looking into healing. The book is on “Quantum Touch” that talks about conducting experiments to prove the energy work exists. I have some music. I really like that Cranberry song ‘Zombie’ as an actually good anti war song.

I am making sure I have a lot of practice to sing Christmas songs. It has been a long term goal of mine to create a good Christmas song but it has not happened yet.

I used to hate Christmas when it came along back when I was still wedded to the hip to conspiracy theories. I was always waiting for some kind of “mass arrest” to happen. Now that I have detached from that I am putting more of my emotional energy into Christmas itself and that has brought positive results.

Now that I am legitimately turning away, and not so interested in mass arrest and conspiracy stuff. It seems like something might actually politically shift and the astrology/ human design backs this up in my understanding. Interestingly, I have always noted that New Years is not astrologically legitimate, the true new years is at January 22nd. I have always noted how events seem to back this up. When I was in University New Years was not a real holiday because coursework was due late January.

My thoughts in relation to the human design is do not set up a New Years resolution because it will die by January 22nd when the real New Year comes in. I think the American election expresses this as well. For a lot of people, a new start won’t really begin until Trump is in office.

Anyway, how is it for all of you and are you using the catalyst well in service to others polarity?


Yes, any choice, whether one or the other, is a good choice, as it reveals the essence and significance of Creation and highlights the self as the decision-maker. However, it is important to remember that while the dichotomy of good and evil is unreliable and subjectively defined every time, the dichotomy of positive and negative polarity—and the choice between service to others and service to self—is both universal and essential for development at our current level of existence.

I believe that for many, this Christmas will be a beautiful and meaningful celebration, despite the challenges facing the world. The spirit of brotherhood and sisterhood—the positive essence of Christianity, even in its more or less distorted forms—remains strong and continues to deeply touch the hearts of many wonderful people on this planet, even if they group together in minorities.

However, I have a sense that this may be the last commercial Christmas, as next year’s celebrations might look very different. There is a shared, perhaps subconscious, anticipation of significant changes on the horizon. In my view, 2025 will likely mark a year of division on the international stage, with increasing calls for conflict and war. I hold no hope in any politician, regardless of their affiliation, as they all seem to be pawns in a larger, darker game. Overall, I feel this could be one of the final opportunities for humanity to awaken, though many seem unaware of this urgency.

I also believe that 2025 and 2026 will be pivotal years. During this time, those who cannot align with the planet’s transition into fourth density will likely experience removal, while those in third density with the potential to move closer to either positive or negative polarity will remain. Those who lack this potential—who are unable to move toward positivity or negativity, especially those who fail to understand the importance of free will or respect it in others while accumulating new karmic burdens—may leave this planet through death.

That said, this is simply my perspective. Reflect on it, but ultimately, trust your own discernment and embrace what resonates with you as truth.

…a very good and beautiful time is coming from the perspective of spiritual growth and the transition to higher density, though for many it may appear as an apocalypse.

Yes, there were many moments with me where I made specific choices to be positively expressive. Often decisions based on service to others came along with joyful emotional elation, without doing things to force myself, I take this as a sign of openness of the Heart chakra. I am positive about the future, although I don’t really know what lies ahead.


Happy holy days, Merry Christmas, felicidades and Kampai! I hear you. And all. Personally, I am capable of analyzing, evaluating, and dissecting until the sun goes down, but prefer a life of celebration and conspiring for good.

Sharing our lives can mean hopeful exchanges about our day to day observations.

Singing, dancing, the birds in the backyard, my first sip of hot tea in the morning. Lately, I’m counting the ways we can make all feel included, no matter where we are at in our spiritual growth. Things don’t have to make absolute sense for me to respect it. Understanding is hard work. I know this all to well.

Maybe we can remain open to many ways. At least I do my best to stay open. Love and blessings. Merry Christmas!


Thankyou for the replies.

For me, Christmas was good for a lot of different reasons. Each Christmas and Birthday I often not a peculiar good luck event that I assign to the gift from the Creator. This year, I realised that playing my electric guitar not plugged in was not ideal. I prefer electric since you can’t really progress skill wise so far on acoustic, or it is hard to (the neck is too large for some techniques, and the strings not suitable for bending). But in playing Christmas songs for family I found that the acoustic in an emotional/ spiritual sense is far more powerful. After I realised that, I played a bit and was able to get back to creating songs again for the first time in a long time. Which is kind of priceless. I was really stuck not being able to create some songs any further.

That in turn either correlated or influenced other areas of my life that shifted into becoming “unblocked”.

In terms of Christmas itself. I watched that Red One, Dwayne Johnson tv film with family and it was good. Ridiculous, incoherent fun! Plus I found out fruit salads are pretty powerful for weight loss.

I don’t see it like that. Jumping into this Q/ Wilcock- esque conversation briefly. From my understanding of the astrology, plus some attempt to gain info from a tarot youtuber. I think “healing” technology will start coming out from about February 1st 2029. Before that point we will be wrestling with the negative (as it is defeated) as a nudge to people having to go though a long period of understanding that they do have to acknowledge objective reality. This is the spiritual principle involved.

So we might have yet more Christmas’ along the same lines as our previous ones.


Alright, I can accept this perspective:

2025 marks the beginning of the collapse of the old system. It will be followed by heightened control and desperation from the earthly ‘elite’—manipulated puppets of the Orion Empire—seeking to inflict as much harm on humanity and the ‘elite’ as possible.

The period from 2025 to 2028 will be characterized by unrest. In 2029, the first new world governments will emerge, ushering in a new order. This era will become a ‘battleground’ between the polarities of STO and STS as humanity collectively strives to advance towards fourth density.

It will be a time of increasing order and balance, fostering respect for free will, harmony among individuals, and the end of wars. The paradigm of primitive physical dominance will fade away, paving the way for humanity’s spiritual awakening and offering the choice between paths of STO and STS.

Spiritual work will manifest in two primary directions: the occult/satanic/devilish (how we could say) path of STS and the positive, love-based path of STO (which is close to us here). Technology will act as a catalyst for both trajectories, unlocking unprecedented possibilities and avenues for growth in both polarities.

Hello again K.K. I will explain it as best as I understand it with the resources and places that I got the information. All of this is just my opinion.

Firstly, as I have mentioned previously the astrology system I prefer is something called the human design chart. Pictured below:

My thing personally, as I have mentioned, is that this is a system for studying the archetypal mind that not only incorporates astrology, tarot and the kabbalah. But is superior to all three. In this system it is almost impossible to not make a lot of comparative connections, as the Law of One discussed when learning archetypes. Each individual point has a planet that highlights a hexagram, a centre that this is on, a hexagram on the other end of the electromagnetic connection, then specific things about that. Is the centre defined or undefined? Is the hexagram hanging? Does the hexagram have other parts of the same circuitry defined? etc.

In my belief just placing these two systems together creates a lot of powerful insight for the individual. The fact that I am the only one that I know of doing it, is really strange. Many things were not adequately explained in the system that is explained in the Law of One.

This, I also believe was channeled by the same source as the Law of One. Also, a quick note the Human Design has prophetic information that I am not including here and probably indirectly contradicts my perspective.

Using the HDC.

The Law of One took a very specific attitude to most things. This is my paraphrase/ understanding, not a direct quote but: They said that everything that exists. The catalysts and such, Exists to relate to us and our spiritual evolution. For instance, when discussing ‘transcient’ information they said to Don that the trouble with this information is not the information but the importance placed on it. When they discussed fasting they only spoke of it as a “nudge” to the self.

To that end, I have some smattering of understanding of that kind of exopolitics sorts of things. But I first focus on what I can relate to.

The economy and such I relate to Pluto. I saw when discussing the ‘fog’ from a tarot reader online (Laura’s view and tarot too) that she was thinking about when healing information is going to be released and ‘The Sun’ was showing up when she said that. The fog was not that important whatever it was I don’t think and I think that since she asked a question the spirits worked through her for that one. The Sun in my understanding starts at the beginning of Hexagram 19.

So this is where we are at the moment, via the transit of Pluto:

Hexagram 60 (from some time late 2021, to January 28th 2025). This is where we have been at the end of the cycle. At the end of the cycle things become about limitation because there are many things not properly learned in said cycle. While Pluto has been going through here things have been stubbornly refusing to move because the limitation has to be understood on a deep level before it can move on. In order to handle limitations we must first really understand them.

Hexagram 41: Positioned at the very bottom of the mandala. It is the most grounded possibly in the whole chart. This is about objective reality and “decrease”. The realisation that resources are not infinite and that reality must be respected. People that have this are often quite blunt about how things are, and are very invested in evolutionary psychology perspectives.

This links to the gate 30, gate 41 will put pressure on gate 30, which is where a lot of the cultural contagion started in 2010. I won’t go through that it is too much. But in 2010 a lot of people started to get the effects from the economic crash and they had two choices. Adapt their standards to the new economic climate and operate within that to maintain their ethical framework. Or they could jump off into a narcissistic pattern of rejecting and ignoring that finances are difficult and placing their own, and societally encouraged delusional standards on the world. This is massively simplified, the gate 30 is more than this, but we will leave it at that for the moment.

Remember, that to the Law of One contact this stuff is all very important. The emotions people feel each day and if these qualify people for harvest really matters. Moreso perhaps, than even very important things to us like economic realities and perceptions of injustice.

Gate 19: This is the point where a certain need for communal support is manifested. A sensitivity to rejection and desire to approach. Once a lot of the falsity of the early crash years is gone a lot of people will be able to pursue what they actually want. This is where healing perhaps comes in. In that people pursue their need for healing, or they pursue their desire to be healers in some capacity perhaps. Once we get to the end of this in about 2031, and then heading into 2032, Pluto into gate 13. We will have gotten far enough to undo a lot of relevant information on alien abductions a lot of us have had that have been wiped from our brains. (I think some of this remains in the root chakra, and MIGHT have some link to some “hell” near death experiences).

I see it in that in gate 41, the rejection of objective reality will be a long and painful process of arrests and all that stuff. A slow judicial thing. Every hospital worker who deliberately prioritised people that got the totalitarian medical treatment as an example. Paternaity fraud. People that voted against the interests of their loved ones. New age people want to get on with mass arrests and largely brush over the need for accountability. But in my view that’s not what the higher forces want. Because accountability is largely why we are here.

Not a one day mass arrest like David Wilcock talks about. Objective reality is difficult for people. To really understand how people have been fooled. To know it, to discuss it I think will happen way before any ET contact or high level technology is released and this will allow people to polarise more effectively. The kind of power that comes with this information can be misused, such as by someone like David Wilcock. Who would popularise this information and discuss it to distract from his fraudulent business practices. → The biggest barrier to the disclosure David talks about is people exactly like David Wilcock.

This is just my thought. I don’t see alien contact in the human design (as in, I don’t see it like, I don’t not see it either. It is something that has not come up like the rest of this stuff has). I don’t even know what that would look like.

Weirdo politics.

Even though I avoid it and this has been a learning curve for me. I do still have some basic understanding of the QAnon types of politics and my understanding is that the positive forces behind the scenes have largely closed the negative down. There is still a fair bit the negative is doing but they are working at a fraction of their previous power.

Part of the metaphysical reason for this is that as the negative is closed down. Free will as we experience it from a third density perspective also has to close down. Every polarised decision we make has a reference to the most negative energy available on earth. As that winds down the entire negative energy plus incentive structure does and free will towards the negative starts to become practically not that possible. The negative needs a great deal of energy. Trillions of dollars to keep going because it is swimming against peoples common sense, sense of justice and love etc.

So that is how I see things going forward. Most of us will start to have a sensation of losing free will towards negative behaviours, just in case you wanted to go on a killing spree, and all this “accountability” will boggle peoples mind for a while. ET contact will be safer for said ET’s when that free will for people to become paranoid and aggressive no longer exists.

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Thank you for your various tips. It’s important to remember that the plan may change over time and the ‘elite’ may ‘twiddle’ in various ways before this old system collapses.

As for the invasion and presence of ‘aliens’, it is currently ongoing, and they are among us fully energetically and sometimes and temporarily physically, in my opinion.

Governments may try to take advantage of the alleged existence of aliens to hustle all sorts of things on them that will be difficult to explain, and they will not want to admit that they are not in control. The gradual transition to 4th density may reveal various ‘strangeness’.

On the other hand, authentic alien manifestations may be called the use of various weapons by the powers that be or something like that. Governments can manipulate by blaming various things on aliens or claiming something from them.

It was fun to read about astrology. I’ve always been interested in it, but never got into the subject so completely. Well, you wrote:

Okay, and how then do you see this time after January 28? How would you characterize it, and until when would it specifically last so that it’s all consistent with each other?

One more comment. You wrote:

Here it is worth remembering that the Tarot, in Ra (Q’uo), is something quite different from what is popularly accepted as what the Tarot is. The same with the archetypes in Ra (Q’uo) is something different from, for example, Jung writes about it. The question is whether we continue to elaborate on the same thing, or confusion arises. But this is such a detail.

Perhaps I didn’t explain properly. I shall clarify. In reference to Pluto’s transit:

Gate 60 - sometime late in 2021 - January 28th 2025.
Gate 41 - January 28th 2025 - 1st of February 2029
Gate 19 - 1st of February 2029 - 3rd of February 2032.

There is also a good side to gate 41 I perhaps didn’t explain enough. As people submit to objective reality they are better able to create wealth. Since I know someone with whom gate 30 is a big part of their life and emotional experience. I am hoping that the life force contained in gate 41 for me is a positive manifestation. I don’t consider Pluto malefic.

I thought of something after I finished the last post that extra terrestrial manifestations might be to do with Neptune. The expolitics side of it would be Uranus. But I have no particular ideas on when this might happen according to this set of understandings.

I don’t know anything particularly about astrology, so with me, it’s best to be simple and specific. In general, these breakdowns in dates, even if they are some loose framework and not exact dates, make sense to me when I look at it from a broader perspective, other predictions, forecasts, etc. Thanks.

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2032 is aligned with the Mayan 9 waves of creation to be a potential turning point to brighter times

the 7th wave have been in night energy since 2011 when the 9th wave was activated,
the 7th wave will phase over to day energy in 2031,
on 28 July 2032, it´s the first time the 7th, 8th and 9th wave will be in day energy in tandem.

every time I let go of keeping track of the 9th wave, there tends to be a shift that can usually be confirmed as in sync with it Tzolkin Explorer

I’m not overly invested in the system, while I have found it´s synchronicity quite interesting and comforting at times

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See another and see the one infinite creator.
I think this creative person named David is/was
a channeler who lived and studied with Carla
for a while. I can’t say if that worked out or not.

He traveled the world and made TV shows
about ancient structures built before recorded
history which seems somewhat remarkable.
He ran discussion sites like Ascension2000
and DivineCosmos which likely had moments
of glory. As a hyper sensitive type, I’d guess
part of his modus operandi is/was managing
space without spiritual harassment, and to do
that - some ploys of misinformation or fake
news or other artistic expressions were built
to keep monkeys off his back, I conjecture.

Sadly, I think he lived out of Topanga Canyon
which seems all burnt up now, most everything
destroyed in the recent fire, still burning. Ugh.
David, may peace be with you; thank you for
so much outreach you’ve done, so many people
you’ve helped, or not but tried to help, haha.

The Ra that David would share had a knack
of saying “you are loved more than you may
imagine.” Such words can lift a person.
Thank you David.

Miraculously, Lake Shrine survived the fire.
Maybe a restroom six feet away burned, but
a miss is as great as a mile. Lake Shrine is
one of those establishments founded by
Paramahansa Yogananda! Love that place!

When David approached Carla, he identified himself as a wanderer of Ra and she challenged him in the name of Jesus and he “failed the challenge”. Whatever that means. Or I think it was that he passed it twice and she challenged him three times. So she just didn’t like him that sounds like.

The Ra that David would share had a knack
of saying “you are loved more than you may
imagine.” Such words can lift a person.
Thank you David.

2 Corinthians 11:14: For even Satan himself masquerades as an Angel of Light.

David has said many things. I think the readings often ended with 'You are the light, you are the love, you are the One Infinite Creator. This is as it is, as it was, and as it always shall be". David also takes a lot of drugs. He has said that he used to take a lot and he stopped and that he has taken them again recently. So we can’t know if and when he ever did stop and for how long.

He also now talks about love and forgiveness in the same breath as fantasizing about conducting lawfare (saying things like “we’re coming for you” against the journalists speaking out against him). But he can’t actually conduct lawfare because his company has been declared in court documents to be a ponzi scheme and investors are staying far away.

He has been subpoenad/ probably deposed by Gaia TV, we will see how it goes. Depositions are usually public I think, unless there is some compelling legal reason to insist on secrecy.

Corey Goode (very close colleague in the past, someone that was basically created by David) and his lawyer have been charged by the court for frivolous lawsuits (lawsuits that nevertheless caused a lot of legal expense and stress to those he targeted).

Both Corey’s and Davids karma. Corey’s fine and the subpoena of Davids documents for his deposition. Have been delayed until within about a week of Pluto entering gate 41.

Thanks for sharing a bit about this. One impression seems that David created a brand for himself and that brand and his dealings didn’t work for some people.
So in some degree the communities he worked in seem wounded. Part of his example might show what not to do in some way or another.

Ra warns about making contact without some support system in place, maybe part of what happened came as consequence to not heeding such warning. Sixth density resides beyond constraints of polarity and when you’re working in polarized densities then there’s bound to be misunderstandings, impossible to make everyone

It reminds me of a book the Artist Way. You have the artist and the art, but don’t confuse the art for the artist as typically the artist is way beyond any art created.
Here, David’s brand seems to have had moments of good art that was acceptable and also art that seriously pissed off many people despite whatever careful or careless intent factored into it.

Personally, there was a stage where nothing resonated and I gave it distance as an avoidance of stumbling blocks, i.e. I took Quo’s advice. Possibly some of the work David created plays contrast to other work that can be found as more conducive to spiritual development.

I don’t know what this means. Do you mean that his “art” is the Pete Peterson scam? Because, as he tells it, he took hundreds of thousands of dollars to support Pete Peterson who was under “deep state attack” because the deep state was taking the advanced technology Pete Peterson got from working in Area 51 like places.

Except, when investigating this, it was found that the house was foreclosed, and had bottles of piss in it and dead cats. And Pete Peterson was a life long con artist?

Or is Davids “art” when David claimed the deep state attacked Emery Smith? Starting another GoFundMe type thing for Emery, taking in tens of thousands or more again, and then it was revealed Emery Smith was in hospital for alcohol poisoning.

Or is Davids “art” interviewing Dannion Brinkley? Who he interviewed on the basis Dannion was dying. (Spoiler, he never died) and who has a new near death experience everytime he needs new material? He’s up to like six or something.

Or is Davids “art” William Tompkins? Who was 84 or so. And was vulnerable to being convinced into making up stories in his last dying years?

You are making it sound like he simply offended some other powerful interest whose toes he shouldn’t have stepped on. Not that he is a malicious narcissist that makes up stories for personal gain and convinces sometimes very poor people to give him their money.

At the moment he is upping his made up stories about the ‘deep state threatening Stavatti’s board’ and blaming one of the journalists who did some of this investigative work. He really is hyper offended by anyone saying anything about him. He wants the freedom to scam people in peace while he cries LIKE A CHILD when anyone says anything against him.

And about his spiritual teachings. If you listen to him talk. I have not once. Not ONCE heard him say anything like the glory belongs to the One Infinite Creator, or anything like the Law of One tone of “If our humble efforts are sufficient”. I have not heard him ONCE say anything legitimately spiritually empowering. And I have followed him closely for a long time. All of his output serves to advertise the fact that he is this amazing prophet or something like that.

I take back what I said earlier. I said that I don’t know what should happen because the world is so messed up. That is not right. He has KNOWINGLY scammed people for a long time and he deserves to be in jail for consumer fraud or something like that.

Just one more point here. On his most recent livestream. David claimed that he has been let off from giving over documents that were subpoenad from him. He offered context and an in depth story about this. That he showed the guy suing the company the website and that it was a real company etc. (Which sounds like a very cartoonish way of presenting something, like a situation with a $millions legal case would be stopped because 'Oh yeah, check the website).

This, is the current case against his company for being a Ponzi scheme. There are public files going through today about the lawsuit. They did not settle. This was a brazen lie.

Even after all this time part of me still kind of believes he is this naive person that might have been fooled a few times. I don’t really believe that, I have the facts against it, but part of me has emotionally set on that. I really need to get to a therapist and unhook stuff with my father. But this here was an actual lie. Like, a deliberate, constructed lie.

I was also reading through his channeling today. It states very specifically that people get negative karma and that this is very important:

Book 2 page 284, section 51:

2 In this manner, we hope to invade those portions of personality that seek to destroy
our impact and influence —
3 And through proper workings, give those aspects a taste of their own medicine —
4 So to speak.
5 Truly, it may be said that negative polarity actions must bring about negatively
polarized experiences.
6 Though this is done with great care and with great love, we must essentially go in
and program these negative, disastrous events to occur —
7 In order that karmic balance is maintained.
8 Without doing such a process, it would be quite difficult for us to enable any being
trapped in third density to escape [into fourth].

I don’t know how positive this channeling is it all sounds a little demonic. I didn’t see any big emphasis on ‘negative karma’ from the Law of One or Quo and friends. But if it is a positive source then we must learn what we teach, hypocrisy is a sin. If it is not a positive source. Then that creates different questions entirely. I don’t believe personally it is made up, like not an entity. But that is a possibility.

I mean, what kind of person says to another person that if they don’t tow the line we “cause these natural, disasterous events to occur”? That sounds like sadism or a threat! It reminds me of another text I read that I identified as a negative channeling. Which seemed to take positive concepts and twist them with just a little hint of a threat.

Nice to know others use various timekeeping…I follow the Mayan Cholq’ij. I Received training but this site can teach another. This website was approved by elders of Central America. See if you find useful. Click on the graphic temple to open interactive area.

Peace, d

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