Good news thread

To me, it seems like, the transition of the world into a more service to others way of being is on its way. What goes on in the larger sense should also be reflecting in our own lives as well. The astrology is the same, and we are all One.

So I thought I would make a thread celebrating that.

For me, there are a few things that are good. I will state only one. I have been losing weight. I only just recently realised my weight was not good. I seem to have some sort of lack of self awareness there. But I have gone from 87.7 (27.8 BMI) on November 22nd to 82.7 (26.2) today. I have noticed the difference in how women randomly respond to me. Apparently, now that I have noticed the issue, someone told me I looked like humpty dumpty before.

Going back to the gym soon as well.

On the more metaphysical area. I have had the same dream for most of my life repetitively. I realised what it means this morning. As in the dream was more explicit this time. It actually explained it. It is quite an inspiring message to me.

On the conspiracy level. The weird clouds we have all been seeing I am thinking has been to stop immunity. And Trump preventing CDC etc. from communicating means they were probably going for a second pandemic. So in energy terms, we are experiencing STO when there was an agenda for an STS experience to begin now.

Are other people noticing specifically good things in life?

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Cheers to getting in shape my friend.
I have also noticed a good bit of positive change recently, especially at work and in my personal relationship to other-selves and Love/Light, our One Infinite Creator. It’s as if a beautiful song started playing that never did before or of which I was previously unaware.

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In my view, in the grand sense of positive and negative polarity. In the second of three Jupiter Pluto conjunctions in April of 2020, Trump was on stage with several military generals talking about arresting child traffickers. No one seemed to notice a great deal. Even the QAnon people didn’t really flag it.

But to me it seems that there was a distinct positive energy improvement there. It makes sense that the negative magic partly works by distressing their sacrifices to such an extent that the positive has to, is emotionally compelled to, redirect resources so it is only for the last, almost five years that we have actually been living with full positive attention to shift us into a better place spiritually. Before that it was more of a bare minimum affair.

It seems like to error seems human, many decisions made intended to be good turn out bad, depending on perspective. So there’s a saying “the road to hell is paved with good intentions.” And I’ll propose a flip side to that, “ the road to heaven is paved with bad intentions.” It’s one of those paradoxes which seems possible to arrive upon.
I think part of it on one hand you have logic and ideals,
another passion and reality. So the situation seems hopeful
in chance some bad decisions fruit happy accidents.

I’m trying to understand the Simpsons who apparently
have psychic prophecy power - but in actuality they
propose many many not so obvious outcomes and then
by some dumb luck sometimes they coincide. It may
be an example of being on the road to heaven, poke
fun in nefarious ways and sit back amused.

Well, OK a little off topic.

The reason the road to hell is paved with good intentions is, in my understanding, a relation to session 50.6. The negative sees themselves as superior to others thus, attempts to kind of order their lives around and perceives this as virtue.

There are other ways this can manifest. A lot of people are afraid of abusers, some having had this conditioned into them as children. Thus they go out of their way to appease the abusers. But the human spirit yearns to challenge evil as part of just what we are. So that’s where you get a lot of people undergoing “safe” activism. Basically activism supporting globalists like climate change, feminism etc.

Or another example of this might be when you get someone that idolises themselves as virtuous in that they “don’t like to say no to others”, or “they don’t like conflict”. But this isn’t true. They appease the most unreasonable person and say no to the reasonable people - they have no problem saying no to reasonable people that won’t intimidate them. Like the woman that prioritises her boss and works loads of extra hours but does say no to her partner thus can’t build a happy home. I use this example as it is one in a radio call in show recently. So it is a real example. You can imagine the woman claiming the working late and allowing herself to be bullied is a “good intention”. Like, insisting on that with emotion resilience like a stoner justifying their degradation as virtue and spiritual enlightenment.

I don’t know if it works the other way around. Because these aren’t really good intentions, they are differing shades of vanity and cowardice masquerading as positive intention. It might be more 'the road to hell is paved with self deception".

But I would say that in pushing towards “heaven”, a lot of times the difficulty in moral decision making might become apparent to the extent that a lot of it needs to be acknowledged as not relevant. With dogs often the quieter one that doesn’t intimidate the others is the really dangerous one. My family used to have a mouthy female Staffy that wasn’t really up for conflict once you got past the barking. But the new dog, a rescue from Romania, is an Indian Wolf. He can sit there completely ignoring another mouthy dog. But if he has to defend himself he is LETHAL. He doesn’t mouth off, because he actually is tough.

That’s how people are in a lot of cases. The really good person might be the one that talks about wisdom and ‘choices and trade offs’, and maybe works in business; rather than, the more narcissistic route of making a big show about how good they are by going to a charity or church or something. So in that example, it might look like the businessman is not a good person, but actually they are.

To me, from what I have seen of the Simpsons predictions I think they are far above what random chance would indicate. The Saudi Arabian one as an example. There were several elements of that exactly replicating it as it happened.

I used to be really into this sort of ‘transcient’ information and investigation. There are a LOT of avenues for speculation, and ‘research’ i.e. Google searches and x searches. A lot of mysteries. But I don’t go into those now because I am more into studying things like the archetypes. I have hints of things coming through my dreams.

I think it pays to have some basic thoughts and awareness of some of that stuff because it is likely it will be revealed in the future and it is worth being able to buffer against the shock with a small bit of preparation. But not much preparation can be done in truth.

An example of another thing in that are that is interesting is a documentary by Stew Peters called ‘Old World Order’. It basically casts significant shade on our entire history.