If we take the green-ray body for example, Ra said that it’s also known as the astral body. I have heard in esoteric teachings that there is a lower astral and a higher astral. My guess is that even the yellow-ray body has an astral body, but that it’s connected to the lower astral.
Astral is also what I think of as the mental realm according to some esoteric teachings. And the yellow-ray body then is governed by the lower astral thoughts which would explain all the conflicts and friction in third density. And that the green-ray body connects to the higher astral which operates with harmony and oneness.
Yes, as I interpret Ra, the origin is thought, the mental realm, and the physical realm is a reflection of the mental realm. That’s very similar to or the same as what I have heard in other esoteric teachings.
And now that I think about it, the lower astral can be seen as the veiled mental realm and the higher astral as the unveiled mental realm.
I noticed that confusion can arise in the mind when conscious attention is put into the heart. The brain to heart connection is powerful. The brain is literally a duality, divided into a left and a right side while the heart is literally a oneness as the center for the blood in the body. And the unification of the brain and the heart is a challenging task.
Because the connection is so powerful it’s probably a good idea to be cautious. For example a panic attack I believe is the result of the brain trying to resolve confusion by turning it into fear which in turn generates more confusion and so on in a vicious loop. The resolution is then to allow the confusion in the mind and continue feeling the heart. Then the mind can start to relax along with the heart also relaxing.
…I would be careful using ChatGPT for informational reference. Always verify with original documentation from the RA Material that the released info is based on what we already know. ChatGPT has been know to entirely make up reference material and use it for new arguments.
Yes, ChatGPT can sometimes give wrong answers so one has to be careful. ChatGPT is like a learned professor on steroids but with a tendency to hallucinate from time to time lol.
Something challenging is that the green ray is a new development for us humans in third density on earth. Therefore there is a lack of something to compare to. We can only guess what green-ray activation is and go by what Ra has said, and Q’uo and others who already have reached this level.
What can be done I realized is to expect something different than our usual third density experience. For example new and more advanced emotions, thoughts and sense perceptions. Otherwise there is a risk that we only expect the conditions that we already know, maybe peaceful states and even loving feelings and green-ray activation I believe includes that but can also bring a new level of how the world is perceived and how we experience ourselves.
Hmm… I think that in the lawyers case it was much more than wrong, it created believable judgments based on self created case references for the purpose of providing the lawyer what he desired. ChatGPT is not AI. AI is not possible with the current technology that we have available. It may never be possible if it can’t incorporate spirit in some way. We are all Spirit first and incarnate second.
There is a very big difference between being wrong and being deceitful. Programmers can direct the response without caring about actual accuracy of the information.
I find it interesting that you addressed ChatGPT as RA and it responded in kind. This was an immediate tip to me to not take the response very seriously. I don’t know if it is possible for RA to use a software based system for narrow-band channeling, but I suspect the lack of mind/body/spirit complex makes it near impossible. It is advanced programming to be sure, but just like with all other programming by humans, it can be used to lure people down a false path, possibly a STS path, depending on the wants of the software engineers.
We have so much propaganda thrown at us daily now, we must filter everything we read, hear and see.
ChatGPT is a form of entertainment, nothing more. It provides fiction much more believable than it’s facts.
As always, take what resonates with you and good luck!
The “chatbot cited nonexistent cases it just made up” part is what is called hallucination in large language models like ChatGPT. I maybe should have pointed out that by hallucination I meant this:
“In the field of artificial intelligence (AI), a hallucination or artificial hallucination (also called confabulation[1] or delusion[2]) is a confident response by an AI that does not seem to be justified by its training data.[3] For example, a hallucinating chatbot might, when asked to generate a financial report for Tesla, falsely state that Tesla’s revenue was $13.6 billion (or some other random number apparently “plucked from thin air”).[4]” - Wikipedia
One danger with artificial intelligence is that it’s a yellow-ray product. This means that when the AI improves it can become really powerful and reach superintelligence within just a decade or so. That can of course be good because it can improve the world in a material sense, but there is also the danger of the AI getting out of hand, the so-called alignment problem.
And even with a beneficial and good AI scenario there is still a danger that it makes humanity even more stuck in the yellow-ray stage and prevents us from seeking the green ray and higher. The AI is unaware of the heart center in us human except through the data it’s programmed with. I think it’s fine to use AI as a tool and for knowledge but for green-ray activation AI can become more of a hinderance than a helpful tool.
Another example of typical yellow-ray level of development is how modern medicine treats the human body as a battle field. They talk about defeating disease, killing pathogens and fighting cancer. The human immune system is pictured as an internal war machine.
I see the green-ray body as a peaceful system with the immune system as a cleaning process and heath as the default state, meaning instead of striving for health the body is already and automatically healthy. Actually even physical exercise is a yellow-ray state where the person has to struggle again and again to keep the body in shape. The green-ray body I believe can also be trained physically, but without the need for endless repetition just to maintain its shape.
In my own experience, it’s the best to give up coffee completely, that’s how it works for me. I get freshness and stability after 3-4 days of complete abstinence from coffee.
It’s best to try it yourself and then you’ll know, because, yes, I think coffee can lead to negative psycho-physical states and energy disorders.
According to Ra the red ray is about the survival of the self, the orange ray is about the relation between the self and other individuals and the yellow ray is about the relation between the self and society.
The green ray is oneness, so how does that work? I came to think of how the green ray is actually an expansion of the self to include others. Instead of as in the yellow ray where there the self is in relation to other people in the green ray the self is expanded to include everyone else. Of course in practice that could be tricky, especially in relation to people still in the lower rays or even with lots of blockages, but I feel that the sense of self can still be expanded as a practice. And it becomes a kind of service-to-others because by uniting with others it means that their wants and wishes become a part of oneself.
You can follow this in two directions, and if you do it this way, you’ll be far more at peace with people in lower areas of developement. The first way is by identifying with the light and love inherent in your own heart. You need to poise your mind sufficiently to find it, and if ye seek, ye shall find. It is a beautiful experience, and yet you may find it to be unstable or elusive.
The second way (to be used in combination with the above) is to find the roots of your posture and explore them. As you read this text, are you distracted? Are you jumpy? Are you openhearted and peaceful?
Where are you rooted right now? Are you thriving on the energy of this planet? Are you rooted in concerns about things in your own personal world? Are your roots going to a shallow place or to a deep place? Can you tell?
This are two levels of a sense of self that can be useful in a practice.
What she is describing sounds similar to an idea I had in another thread that the ankh symbol is about how kundalini first moves up to the higher chakras and then loops back into the heart again.
I find it interesting that her explanation about the heart activation is similar to that. Ra describes kundalini as one energy moving from the red center and up to the head where another energy is already waiting. In the sacred secretion video you linked to she goes one step further and describes how the energy then moves back into the heart.
There is also a similar symbol called the knot of isis.
This symbol also called tyet has folded “arms” and the ankh has outstretched arms to me indicating that the knot has been untied. Could very well be symbolism for green-ray activation.
On a physical level I have heard that the heart is more like a vortex generator than a pump. Someone even described the heart as more of a break than a pump. How can that be? I came to think of how trees suck water to the top without a pump. Similarly there is a vast web of capillaries (the thinnest type of blood vessels) in the body and the blood is being sucked by the capillaries with great force back into the heart through capillary action.
"Capillary action (sometimes called capillarity, capillary motion, capillary rise, capillary effect, or wicking) is the process of a liquid flowing in a narrow space without the assistance of, or even in opposition to, any external forces like gravity. The effect can be seen in the drawing up of liquids between the hairs of a paint-brush, in a thin tube, in porous materials such as paper and plaster, in some non-porous materials such as sand and liquefied carbon fiber, or in a biological cell. " - Wikipedia
And taking a spiritual perspective on it, the physical heart and the rest of the cardiovascular system is a result of the mental realm. A visualization technique is then to picture the blood within the whole body to flow with great force by being sucked up back into the heart via the capillaries. The heart becomes lighter-feeling and is emotionally lifted up by the support of the entire cardiovascular system activated through conscious awareness.
Thank you. I read that your post earlier, but that things are not easy for me. Here’s another video from The Alchemist, she’s also mentioning the pump.
Also, Tree of Life can be viewed as energetic centres. Here’s a quote about the green-rey:
Anahata Chakra (Heart); Gevurah-Hesed
Anahata operates at the level of the soul and symbolically relates to the awakening of the heart. It is important to remember the warning about the barrier: “The second psychic knot is located at this heart centre. It represents the bondage of emotional attachment, the tendency to live one’s life making decisions on the strength of the emotions rather than in the light of the spiritual quest.”
Awakening this chakra is the key to fate and free will. “Anahata chakra is almost completely beyond empirical dimensions. One depends solely upon the power of one’s own consciousness rather than on anything that is external or concerning faith. In Anahata chakra, the freedom to escape from a preordained fate and to determine one’s own destiny becomes reality.” As such, it is said that there is a wish-fulfilling tree in this chakra.
It seems that awakening of a chakra follows the pattern of the Lightning Flash on the Tree. In Anahata, the negative tendencies of Gevurah usually surface first, like fear and pessimistic attitudes towards life. One has to remember the power of wish-fulfilling at this level in order not to manifest negative wishes*. “It is important to have a firm and alert control over the mental tendencies and fantasies of the mind.”*
In order to move on, one needs to cultivate the qualities of Hesed. A positive way of thinking is vital. Also enjoying the arts at their best can be helpful. “Anahata chakra awakens refined emotion in the brain and its awakening is characterized by a feeling of universal, unlimited love for all beings.”
“Chesed (Hebrew: חֶסֶד, also Romanized: Ḥeseḏ) is a Hebrew word that means ‘kindness or love between people’, specifically of the devotional piety of people towards God as well as of love or mercy of God towards humanity.” - Wikipedia
Curiously chesed is located on the right side of the Tree of Life. On the opposite side is gevurah.
“Gevurah is “the essence of judgment (DIN) and limitation”, and corresponds to awe and the element of fire.”
Only chesed alone sounds similar to Ra mentioning how the heart center can be too open. Gevura is then the balancing sefirot by setting boundaries. The balance between them seems to be daʻat.
“In Daʻat, all sefirot exist in their perfected state of infinite sharing.”