I found an article on consciousness units that proved to be very useful to my studies, thank you for the insight my friend.
I found this quote to be particularly helpful:
You may ask, where is One’s self-knowing coming from?
It must clearly come from within itself since One is all that is. Therefore, One must contain potentialexistence and actual existence. Actual existence is what One knows, what is manifested, and potential existence is the self-knowing that is not yet known. In other words, potential existence is what has yet to reveal itself and thus be brought into existence. It could be described as the “unconscious” of One—those aspects of One that can eventually be known. For the remainder of these articles, I will use existence to mean actual existence and the expression “potential existence” to indicate what is still unknown, but knowable, by One.
When One knows itself, a portion of One has to “embody” that knowing, yet such knowing must encompass the totality of One, like a glance about the totality of itself. It is a “portion” of itself only because it will be followed by other “glances,” but it is not a separable portion of One. I will call each self-glance a “unit of self-knowing” or a consciousness unit (CU). Thus, each CU is a part-whole of One; a whole because it cannot be separated from One and from the other CUs, a part because there are many CUs. Each CU has a unique identity that allows it to be distinguished and recognized from the other CUs, just like we recognize our individual memories. But unlike a classical memory, each CU is dynamic, i.e., it cannot be the same from instant to instant (dynamism); it is holistic, i.e. it is inseparable from One and from the other CUs, and it has the same urge of One to deepen its own self-knowing. The substance of each CU is nousym, the holistic substance of One that can know itself through qualia and is shaped by its self-knowing.