Dream Realm and it’s purpose

My grandfather was a dreamer — in my family culture this meant he would have extraordinary dreams closer to visions. Consequently, this ability was expected within his descendants. Two amongst my six siblings were dreamers ( my eldest brother and me).

My dreams have become so complex that despite having dream recall all my life I am neither an expert using them to the maximum potential… serving others, nor am I able to relate them to this earthly life. I want to stay over “there” frankly. I do interpret for others, but those dreams don’t seem as outlandish as mine.

Being an artist brings relief. Graphic design helps me demonstrate these amazing modes of existence. … my art is a bit weird for most. Just recently I began showing. This is the extent of my use.

Any guidance, training, comments, referrals?

Thank you very much for taking a moment.

Hi there.

My suggestion would be that you search inside yourself to get a better sense of what you deeply desire. So much pivots on this understanding, and your having a special relationship with your subconscious mind makes this even more important.

Dreams open us up to the force of natures, raging seas as well as the gentle summer days. Knowing your center, your own gravity is very important. You learn this by seeking it honestly, with an open heart.

One option that might suit you is to explore through art. Set your intention to take a step into what you love most deeply and see where that takes you. Seeking like this in supportive ways is a good way to begin.

I’m sure you’ll find interesting things to show you what you are. I wish you fruitful work.

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Thank you. :pray:t3:

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There are a lot of directions I could point you, but the subject of art as a resource for working with dreams is such a theme for one of the members of my group that I think these episodes of my podcast interviewing her would be useful. We can go from there if you’re looking for more:

There’s YouTube versions here

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Oh and I totally forgot about this presentation from that member https://youtu.be/RYNvYayhstk?si=38vWPl5vb2tVzS8M

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Yes! Thank you! That’s really kind of you to provide links. :sparkles::pray:t3::sparkles: