Beginners' Corner

@Patrick, do you know anything about this? Is is something that is being co-ordinated with you or…? I’m guessing it will static, not interactive and not staffed like this site?? Perhaps it could lead to more discussion?

From the latest Blogworthy thingy:

Beginner’s Corner Page
With Joanna’s leadership, our team has been collaborating to design a Beginner’s Corner page for the website—a welcoming space intended to orient and guide seekers at the initial stage, from those with a casual curiosity about the Law of One to those ready to embark upon the journey.

The Law of One material is inherently complex, and in light of the vast, ocean-like amount of information on the website, navigation can sometimes feel overwhelming, unless you are an ancient Polynesian mariner or have a GPS on your boat. The Beginner’s Corner is envisioned as a helpful starting point, akin to a help desk you see when you first walk in to a large library, museum, or skyscraper. This page will provide clear and friendly guidance, addressing fundamental questions about the Law of One and pointing new visitors toward essential resources and tools.

It’s important to note that this project has been greatly enriched by the invaluable input of fellow seekers in the Law of One community, many of whom thoughtfully participated in our “Studying the Law of One” survey earlier this year. Their insights and feedback have played a key role in shaping this effort.

That’s interesting. But no, I am not aware of this initiative.

I have a similar question about this report block
"Translator Social
During our time in between the European gatherings of Prague and Berlin, we spent time with Vojta (Czech translator) and Mauro (Italian translator). During that time they tag-teamed the proposal on a project to link translators together and provide common resources. It would consist of two main components:

One, a translators’-only social platform that would be owned and managed by translators, where those of the craft who have exhibited a commitment to the work can share questions and challenges related to translating, including being able to ask us in a common space where all may benefit, in lieu of the translator emails we answer presently that go to just one or a few translators at a time.

Two, a shared repository in a translator-only webpage on our website that would include policies and crystallized knowledge as a resource in common to all.

We joyfully worked with Mauro and Vojta in helping to lay a blueprint for the foundation of the project as step one, and world domination as step two. Thank you, Mauro and Vojta!"

It seems that, at this point, these actions are more aspirational than actual.

We’ll see what happens.