Attuning to the Essence of Creation

I had made some comments in a thread about non-duality and then realized that I had neglected to mention some of the most important characteristics of it. Rather than continue on there, I decided to present these here in a separate thread.

You can read much about this is if you go to the LLR website and search on “tabernacling with the Creator” and "inner sanctum "and “inner heart.”

The main point is that entering into the inner place of holiness within the heart, a place of sacred silence, and listening in the silence is a key way to replenish the wearied self. I won’t go on about it here, but if you can do this it is satisfying beyond anything words can express.

The bubble of Creation we live within began in a burst of Creative beauty which has never ceased. We are inherently a part of this; this is our inheritance, if you will; this is the fundament and the whole of our being. It is endlessly exciting and endlessly Creative.

As humans, we are heir to a huge range of experience, from the most deeply basic to the most spiritually expanded. Where we spend our time on this continuum is, in a sense, up to us. Or, more accurately, we spend our time involved with the levels we are ready to involve ourselves with.

To be able to sit in actual silence is skill developed over time. This, of course, involves balancing our lower drives and emotions so that they don’t distract us unnecessarily. It’s like trying to drive with, let’s say, a swarm of insects flying around inside your car. In such an instance, your attention is likely to be diverted from your driving to your safety, and you might be well advised to pull the car over and continue your journey once the distractions are under control.

I say this to encourage those who can drive to do so, and those who cannot to deal with the distractions so that they might travel freely on their sacred journey.

Whither leads our sacred journey? We all can tune into universal energy to power our motion. How we guide this energy, how we take guidance from our spirit helpers and from others is up to us. How we shape our Creative energies is wholly our Choice. In the end, we serve that which we love most deeply, I would say, so feeling our way into what that might be is of signal importance. Sacred silence which allows us to share breath with the Essence of Creation is our deepest friend in this respect.

I wish all of us Godspeed in our pilgrimage of self awareness.


There’s some good essence of timeless wisdom
distinct from transient insight here that reminds
me of an impression from Doreal’s Emerald
Tablet “The Key of Time”. It seems like some
tangent of performing arts where an invocation
of Yin occurs enabling an evocation of Yang.
The guidance encourages a path of safety
lending margin from pit-falls on a journey.
A primordial desire “to know the Creator in
ways desired” seems seque to seeking, as
if an importance of priority lends access to
alternative timelines. As a state of gratitude
might secretly displace so many inferior
states, enabling a person to touch upon
importance; so may benevolent seeking
displace inferior distractions, so to speak.
Impeccability of words as active creative
constructs sympathetically resonate with
precipitated actions which hint to cyclical
or vibrational reality operating in frequency
spaces that escape conscious awareness.