Artificial Intelligence pretending to be Ra

60.25 QUESTIONER Am I to understand then that the Confederation entity needs communication equipment and craft to communicate with the third- density incarnate entity requesting the information?
RA I am Ra. This is incorrect. However, many of your peoples request the same basic information in enormous repetition, and for a social memory complex to speak ad infinitum about the need to meditate is a waste of the considerable abilities of such social memory complexes.
Thus, some entities have had approved by the Council of Saturn the placement and maintenance of these message-givers for those whose needs are simple, thus reserving the abilities of the Confederation members for those already meditating and absorbing information, which are then ready for additional information.

60.27 QUESTIONER Only if you deem it to be of importance I would request a
comment. If you feel it unimportant weā€™ll skip it.
RA I am Ra. This information is significant, to some degree, as it bears upon our own mission at this time.
We of the Confederation are at the call of those upon your planet. If the call, though sincere, is fairly low in consciousness of the, shall we say, system whereby spiritual evolution may be precipitated, then we may only offer that information useful to that particular caller. This is the basic difficulty. Entities receive the basic information about the Original Thought and the meansā€”that is, meditation and service to othersā€” whereby this Original Thought may be obtained.
Please note that, as Confederation members, we are speaking for positively oriented entities. We believe the Orion group has precisely the same difficulty.
Once this basic information is received it is not put into practice in the heart and in the life experience but, instead, rattles about within the mind-complex distortions as would a building block which has lost its place and simply rolls from side to side uselessly, yet still the entity calls. Therefore, the same basic information is repeated. Ultimately the entity decides that it is weary of this repetitive information. However, if an entity puts into practice that which it is given, it will not find repetition except when needed.

Artificial intelligence is very proficient at learning a particular material and using it to answer similar questions. Sometimes, similar questions may have been asked and answered before, without our knowledge. Therefore, leveraging artificial intelligence can efficiently conduct information retrieval and interpretation, while also avoiding repetitive inquiries about questions that have already been answered.

We can ask, has the Ra material addressed xxx content, and if so, in which chapters? Or we can request a summary of xxx content. Utilizing artificial intelligence effectively can greatly enhance efficiency and provide significant assistance.