What is meant by "learn to become each archetype"?

The point of focus was on becoming an archetype, and one does not become anything (except talkative) by talking about it. Becoming is a far deeper level of experience than discussion or preferred symbology.

To repeat myself somewhat, merging into an archetype requires very deep experience of self. For example, it might mean following guides into deep states of consciousness or having deep insight into one’s current infantile needs. Deep experience of self might involve turning back upon that which motivates you to seek the Creator to feel the pith of that emotional drive.

We are the archetypes.
However, I think I am misunderstanding you a bit. If you would please explain your words here:[quote=“Mirror, post:21, topic:2571”]
and one does not become anything (except talkative) by talking about it. Becoming is a far deeper level of experience than discussion or preferred symbology.

Like I said, I may be misunderstanding your words bc of my own distorted thinking or some sort of word confusion. I apologize in advance. Thank you

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If it were as simple as that, my friend, then we would have nothing to discus here. (ha ha)

And this brings us right back to the title of this thread, what does it mean to become an archetype?

Let me ask you this. Where do the archetypes live? If you know this, then maybe you can go visit them.

Do they live in a Tarot image? No.

Do they live in the inquiring intellect? No.

Therefore, you cannot visit them by traveling in these places.

Okay, you know already where the intellect is and where the images are, and you know the archetypes do not make their home there, although maybe you can get some hints about them there.

The answer to the question, as you know already, is that they live in the deep mind. But what is that? Where is that? How do you get there?

Without searching out answers to these questions first, then what’s the point of asking deeper questions, I wonder? If you cannot visit an archetype and, let’s say, ask it a question, what’s the point of asking what it means to actually embody an archetype?

I have never understood why people do this. It seems so illogical to me to ask questions three levels below what you can understand. Why not put your energies towards continuing the journey into your own deep mind where you CAN begin to understand these things instead of talking about them? This makes sense, right?

On the other hand, to be honest, I don’t meditate nearly as much as I feel I should, so maybe I should be more understanding?

Or maybe not! (ha ha)

Thank you once again for helping we this question. It had really been bothering me for quite a while.

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This excerpt is about a different aspect of the deep mind, but it gives a sense of what the journey of knocking upon the doors of the archetypes may be about.

I am Q’uo and am aware of your query, my sister. The asking for assistance from those greater portions of the self that you may liken unto the higher self, or the mind/body/spirit complex totality, is the same as the student asking the teacher for help with a certain problem, be it math, grammar, spelling, or so forth. This asking for assistance, then, is felt by the soul level of the one who asks, so that at this level of being, the assistance that is provided by the higher self is able to be perceived more clearly than the conscious mind is capable of perceiving.

Thusly, once again, if you are able, within your conscious mind, to use a meditative procedure in which you view yourself as moving into those levels of the unconscious mind to ask for assistance from the higher self, then there is the greater likelihood that this assistance will be clearly perceived in your subconscious mind. If, however, the conscious mind is that level at which one finds oneself in this attempt to communicate with the higher self, being unable to delve deeper into the subconscious mind, then we also recommend the meditative state so that the lowest level of the conscious mind might be presented to the higher self for the reception of the words and thoughts that may be of assistance in communicating with whatever entity you wish to communicate.

The entities that you are seeking to establish communication with are upon a level of being that is spiritual in nature so that they are aware of your attempt to communicate much more likely than they would be if you were not utilizing the meditative state. The meditative state is one which permeates the entire creation much more readily than the conscious sending of thoughts through words or concepts. The unconscious mind, combined with the meditative state, is the most effective combination of those qualities of the self that may then set up a communication that is enhanced by the higher self, and makes available this communication to the one with whom the communication is asked for.

As a Mind; you are
As a Body; you inhabit
As a Spirit; you are

For instance…the study of Tarot is subjective so this may not resonate with you at all.
Mind: Key 1 The Magician. He has all the appurtenances he needs to create, work with, to master this illusion; from the grossest to the most subtle. Everyday, when we are working from consciousness we are the Magician and better yet, when we remember we are his embodiment. We are resting within the Creator’s mind. The universe is Mental.

Body: Key 8 Strength. Our bodies change into a better more healthier vessel for the Higher Self to inhabit when we overcome our lower animal natures allowing the energy to move from the lower centers into our higher energy centers.
This is represented generally by a female as the changes are made within the body without our knowledge or on a subconscious level. The subconscious is always represented by the feminine. We embody this archetype when we consciously make choices that are of a higher nature.

Spirit: Key 15 The Devil. The Higher Self cannot take its proper place within us if we are still shackled to ignorance and self deception. When we are hung up on appearances and not truth. This archetype shows us to release what is keeping us in a state of ignorance and therefore in a state of suffering. When we let go of just one thing that holds us as a prisoner, we embody this archetype.
I hope this helps. Like I said, I did my best to make this subjective material something that is general.

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You are argumentative and extremely condescending which is very unfortunate.

I’m afraid I will have to argue with you on that point (proving you right, perhaps?).

I can see far more clearly from what you just posted that we are not connecting verbally because our basic assumptions are somewhat opposite one another, and we are looking at things on very different levels.

Oh, well. It was worth a try.
I wish you all good things on your path.

Of course!

There was a physical newsletter sent out by
LL Research in November. This mentioned
a video of The Narrow-Band Beam.

I considered a portion of the contact as
transfer of analog signals related to brain
waves, specifically delta brain waves as
0.1-4hz the lowest and slowest which may
complement things like slow enunciation
and meditative states. My impression is
that Ra intuits as opposed to hearing
through the instrument’s ears, Ra as able
to read things like intent beyond obvious,
probably can read questions by thought
prior to being asked, and this may pose
some wiggle room in the transcripts,
i.e. gaps between the spoken question
and the question thought by Don, psychic
read by Ra, then answered after Don
spoke. That idea may factor in another
mention The 1.16 ratio, regarding pyramid

The video progresses to describe spectral
lines, and that suggestion reminded me of
the Violet Ray as compendium of a person’s
entire Aura, red through indigo. Here the
notion of superposition came to mind, where
three diverse auras working harmoniously
might synergize into a more wholistic
composite auric spectrum which exemplifies
human potential. That idea reminded me of
the great path archetypes, hence this thread.

In other words, the great path archetypes
might be like a capstone of mastery, where
for example: Don was master of mind, Jim
was master of Body, and Carla was master
of Spirit. The three together symbolized the
embodiment of the whole Tarot, in a way that
a creation of Law of One artifacts paid homage
to the grand design of the Logos. It was a
demonstration of success; let the experiment
proceed. In a way, the creation of artifacts
might be a deciding factor for those who
observe the experiment of humanity ongoing.

An author’s note hyping fears of the dark
seemed to me like waving dirty laundry.
Sure, it’s cool to be fearless in the face of
danger and as I’ve mentioned before, the
Ra Materials plays a full chord, from the
most glorious ephemeral beauty to the
most harrowing hardships. When you’re
in the grips of hardship, don’t over hype it,
focus on a simple notion of polarity balancing.

A nuance of the crib or cradle, might be
like brother keeping, as if in the grand
scheme of the Universe, we aspire to be
a humble younger sibling collaborating
in ways complementing divine design.
Thank you for sharing your artifacts,
please keep creating!

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Just a quick point. I admit I am nowhere near being able to do this. I have studied archetypes a little. Going through a card each day and having insights. But never gotten close to using them in this way.

But the human design is another system that has it’s own archetypes:

Tarot Archetypes

There is a significant point here that the 8th Major Arcana, the firsts one of the body, is not Strength. This is the guy that made the Raider Waite tarot changing things about for no clear reason. The 8th major arcana is Justice and the 11th is strength.

Just randomly mentioning things I thought were interesting when studying the system is that the archetypes of the body have a diametrically opposed direction than the mind or spirit. The significator of the mind and spirit are both triumphant. The Significator of the spirit excessively so. The Significator of the Body is the Hanged man and then that goes to death. Then it goes to transmutation/ temperance. It suggests to me that the body at it’s core can never really be ‘right’ or have an idea of what is going on. It can only find some answers but then is shown the error of its ways. It’s happiest point is the experience before the significator.

The devil to me isn’t in a bad place because they are holding onto something. That is mind stuff. It will also have let go of a lot in the preceeding cards. We have hanged man, death and temperance. The reason the devil is a place of utter darkness is because of the challenges that come with success. When the adept crosses the boundary into the spirit. It does not have any tools to deal with the massive amount of power of the spirit. To deal with the new environment it is now confronted with. So what happens when we are in a situation that we don’t have tools to deal with? We fail. That’s where the devil comes in. It is like being in a ditch and not being strong enough to pull yourself out. Everytime you reach for the mud on either side you just slide back down.

The solution to the devil is to go back to basics. Respecting simple focus and learning the general patterns of the adepts body and life. The tower generally starts with accessing some sort of suppressed memory in my opinion. So it is partly solved by accessing something deeper, something additional to what the person currently knows.


One more thing to add. Puzzling with the archetypes didn’t seem to do Don Elkins any good, whereas, focusing on opening his heart might have helped him perceive an alternative pathway better than suicide.

I’m sure Prof. Elkins’ intent was honorable when investigating the archetypes, but I feel its fair to say that his time would have better been spent investigating his emotional disturbances

I don’t know whether I would agree with this. This is a view formed in love not wisdom imo. I think in general, when studying our spiritual paths. For a lot of people the solution to their problems is on the thing they are directly studying. He was not able to make the best of it, it doesn’t mean the solution wasn’t there.

We also know that the Llresearch saga was in a very different place than most of our lived reality. It is very likely that in almost all cases suicide is a bad idea. But where there are entities of powerful intelligence and deep negativity. Something might have gone more wrong had he lived. Carla talked about how Don was willing to do anything to prevent her being displaced; and I agree with that.

Can you imagine Don and Carla being brother and sister somewhere after reincarnating? I can. Life catalysts slowly pushing them past the effects of youthful indescretions, and complex confusion brought from other lives. Carla’s reincarnation being the most unserious little girl that ever lived to offset that very difficult life. Dons slowly regaining his capability to move into a position of strength.

And even if it is likely that the archetypes didn’t aid Don per sey. They may have aided other people. We can’t truly know the benefit brought to others. As Wanderers we do think, in the higher level, in a very collective way.

If Don reincarnates he will be young again and the challenges he was facing may need the energy of youth to solve. And the potential lack of adult responsibilities.

Archetypes as I study them.

I posted on this post because I was excited about discovering the human design archetypes. I have more to say but I will leave it there. I am interested in these subjects in general and the human design allows me to study this in depth. I am also thinking of looking into Enochian and will probably get a book on it when I have the money.

Just trying to clear up what I was attempting to say. This quote may be helpful.

The harder and more fervent the desire to be of the light and to serve at one’s highest and best, the more sharply delineated are those portions of the shadow side of yourself that have not come into full harmony and acceptance within the self as loved, forgiven and redeemed. Only you as a self, falling in love with the self and going through a full circuit of forgiving, accepting, redeeming of self, can do the work that enables one not to have the chinks in the armor, as this instrument would say, of light. That armor of light shall always have chinks. It shall always, within third-density incarnation, be imperfect, because, were you able to be perfect, it would be time for you to move on, and you would simply not any longer be of third density. You would go through the experience of physical death so that your energy body, your soul, would be free to move into a more appropriate garment for continuing your experience.

Consequently, those who seek to stand the closest to the light are those who shall bring about the rightness or readiness for the experience of being tried, tested, greeted, attacked or overshadowed. These are all subjective terms which describe a situation where one feels invaded or intruded upon or encroached upon. What is encroaching upon the self in a metaphysical sense in psychic greeting is the shadow side of one’s own self. So, when it is experienced from without, then it is well to take that mirror that is the dog barking at one, the wolf biting at one, and look to see within the self what portion of that shadow side, what vagrant part of the past, what relationship that has not been thought upon sufficiently, is truly causing the distortion within that has caused the wolf to bite just in such and such a way, so that responsibility is taken. And then, once responsibility is taken and it is seen that there is nothing to fear, for it is only the self, then it is helpful to be able to release the fear and the contraction around this [greeting], so that it no longer is a threat, it is simply that which is occurring. Then the work towards healing of the situation may be done without the additional stumbling block of fear blocking one’s own path of forward progress.

There was something close to a year’s time when they had only a very few Ra sessions because Prof. Elkins was, evidently, struggling in a big way with elements of the shadow side of his personality. I was just pointing out how “taking responsibility” for one’s interior feelings is of primary use and importance, while hunting and pecking for meaning in regards to the archetypal mind is a different thing.

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Don etc.

I didn’t feel it was helpful no, because it didn’t address or reference a single thing that I mentioned. I also didn’t feel that your original point was less than clear (just because I state a differing and opposing opinion does not mean the communicated point was not clear). Saying that Don could have focused on his mental health and perhaps stopped the Law of One contact sessions is not an extreme or confusing position to take; it is, in fact, what most people would consider common sense in “the real world”. I felt when reading the last 6 sessions of the Law of One that the contact very much disapproved of Don pushing things so far. I did not feel their ‘hints’ they did not like doing the sessions when everyones health was falling apart, were particularly subtle.

This is one of the distinctly human features that the Law of One contact showed I think. Despite being so extremely “alien”. At the end of the sessions the contacts personality and emotions seem to show through a bit.

I could go into what I perceive went wrong at the end of Dons life. My guesses. But that seems beyond the scope of this conversation.

Back to archetypes.

Back to this:

I am a little obsessed with this and have many practical usages for it. It also correlates with a lot of thoughts I have been having. I have had insights from a while back that showed on this chart.

But where I would start before going to higher magical things like clothing the self in archetypes is to have an insight into archetypes ALREADY IN MOTION IN THE PERSONS LIFE. We all know a lot of these mythological Gods. Hades, Archangel Michael, Prometheus. We know that astrology is one of the methods of studying the archetypal mind and that we each have an astrology chart with many different planets in each sign so MANY different archetypes are at work in us.

For instance. My conscious Sun is in “Ma at”. My conscious moon is in “Prometheus”. All these ideas I put forward, all this abstract processing is “Prometheus”. And people might be able to imagine how I would experience Promethean themes living my life while expressing this kind of abstract wisdom.

I would think that kind of self knowledge would be a needed prequel to be able to use the archetypes by taking on and experimenting with additional themes.

This passage might add something to this conversation.

It is the right use of will that becomes the key to the working of the puzzle that lies before you when you face a choice in how to respond to a situation that you perceive.

It is in the state of your mind as you approach the present moment that the use of the archetypes lies. The archetypical mind, as has been iterated often during this gathering, is a resource of the deep mind. It is a plat, 4 if you will, of energy paths that are possible within the system of illusions that constitutes space/time and time/space within third density upon your planet. It is a finite, delimited resource created for use by third-density entities within incarnation upon planet Earth.

It is a comprehensive encyclopedia of what this instrument has several times called the road maps available for getting from here to there within the inner geography of that infrastructure of roads, byroad, lanes and little tiny paths that constitutes ways in which you may turn and make choices when you are investigating how to respond to that which you see coming into your view in the present moment.

Most often you use the archetypes inadvertently. You become one of them by moving through a situation with a certain degree of purity. We cannot be more specific that this, for within each situation there is a wide range of ways in which you may be pure, depending on how you are assessing the situation that you see before you and from what standpoint you are assessing it.

There are many levels from which you may view consensus reality and from each level there are many choices that you make, before you make the choice of how to look at a given situation, which bring you to the point of choice biased or distorted in a certain set of parameters, all of which are useful.

We have often said through this instrument that there are no mistakes and in this wise we would say it with a special emphasis. When you are working with that which is quite nebulous to the conscious mind, you must not restrict yourself to the concept of being right or correct but rather offer yourself permission to explore resonant paths of seeking.

When you feel that you may perhaps have evoked or become part of the archetypal part of the human experience, that does not mean that you have moved from humanhood to an archetype. It means that you have hollowed yourself with enough clarity, honesty and purity that you have made room within the dedication of your seeking for your experience to be filled with the resonance that moves from finity to infinity, from specificity or locality to universality or non-locality.

Becoming an archetype is a kind of knowing that does not depend on fact, detail or learning. Touching into the archetypal is touching into the entirety available within specificity. It is certainly not available consciously or by the application of learning or analysis., Archetypal truth is essential, and as several have suggested throughout this weekend, that which is archetypal remains forever mysterious, so that it is by your being that you explicate and bear witness to that which is pure or purified within you.

This instrument would call this purified substance feeling or emotion, and we would agree that these are the words closest to describing those rivers of energy that water the land of archetypes, that rich, mountainous treasure trove in which one range leads to another and to another and to another in an unending set of discoveries and realizations.


Thanks for posting this, it’s extremely helpful to me.

Begorah, reading this brings me cheer.

Would you care to say more about what more you have “wandered” into in this regard?

The HARC circle investigated the archetypal mind as the subject of our last intensive. This was some of the first primary research into this topic since the Ra contact. There just isn’t a lot of detail in the conscious library that expands upon Ra. This is one of Carla’s Q’uo sessions that does, and the energetics are striking – “rivers” or “flows” of energy that somehow bear the template of the Logos. In this session, Q’uo describes these flows creating nodes at their intersections which constitute these archetypes. They further describe intelligence as a movement between these nodes, as well as how the intellectual and intuitive modes of mentation work with this model.

I actually gave a talk on a few of the new insights into the archetypal mind at our last OSWG meeting and we published a video on YouTube about it:

For what it’s worth, we had a question queued up for Q’uo that was exactly what this thread’s subject asks, but we just didn’t get to it. I have a feeling that’s a good thing, that there’s something missing in our/my study before we can really answer the question usefully. This Q’uo session you shared gives me some ideas of how we might get there. So it’s not just good information; hopefully it will lead to a fuller revelation from our friends in the Confederation.

If we hadn’t been trying to train up new Q’uo channels, we probably would have covered more ground. Somebody’s gotta do it, right?

Here’s another line of thought for you to consider, Jeremy. This set of archetypal concepts will fade away as 4D energies become stronger and the veil dissolves. I sent in a Q for Q’uo to LLR about this recently.

Over all, I prefer a simpler approach to all this. We are here to learn about ourselves. We use emotion (with intuition)TO EXPERIENCE the self, and intellect TO LEARN from the experience.

We begin by experiencing the surface of the mind, that which is concerned with the illusion. We move deeper into the personal subconscious to learn more ourselves. From their we may move to the emotional biases of the broad group human mind or more locally social mind (nation, religious group, ethnicity)…and then from there begin to slip into experiencing and learning from some variety of archetypal forces.

All of this is driven best, not by thought, but by love, because what we are learning (about self) is how to enlarge our circle of being, not in our heads, but in our identity by expanding what all we love.

The archetypal forces we explore may be simple, like wind, air, water and fire, intelligence on a first density level. They may be archetypal constructs brought here by groups from other planets. Whatever it is, one’s powers of intuition and intellect must needs be significantly developed by having done the preliminary work to be able to experience self at these deep levels.

The nodal points in the archetypal mind you were discussing on the tape, these are not mental. The mind cannot travel there. What these guys call the spirit complex becomes slowly activated and it allows the conscious self to blend into these areas.

What is the spirit complex. One one level you have a soul (soul stream) which takes incarnation again and again in order to learn lessons on a soul level that cannot be learned, except extremely slowly, in the inner planes. What you consider now your personality in this incarnation is a handful of the emotional biases and intellectual characteristics of your soul stream tossed into a second density host animal. A handful of your pure spirit is also tossed in, but it is “baby spirit,” not grown up spirit. It learns and forms its understanding of things very specifically to this incarnation. This is your spirit complex, so called.

I take this putatively simpler approach (ahem) because I view the overarching goal as allowing that spirit complex to play an increasingly greater role in my daily life. And this done, “playing by ear,” not by analysis. Part of the learning is the intellect determining the overview of what we seek and what we find. After the playing and dancing, then maybe we can learn something?

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I mean that makes sense, right? They’re a tool for accessing the subconscious, and only necessary (I assume?) because of the veil. Since there’s no veil in 4D, we can just go directly to the ding an sich.

For what it’s worth, this is exactly as I see it, as well. This was motivating my query to Q’uo concerning intellectual and intuitive approaches to the archetypal mind. I went into some of this in my talk, but the real point of the intellect is to focus the intuition sufficiently. It seems there is some kind of primordial skill involved in balancing between intuitions desire to become what it apprehends and the intellect’s desire to behold the pattern of what it apprehends.