Violation of the law of free will?

Your comment about lying is important. But even lying, though it might malign us temporarily it can still be a catalyst for discovering truth. Lying to self, lying to others, brings great disharmony—the telltale sign. Consequences: Shift, or be shifted.

Thanks for your insights.


I see the question itself as a control measure (negative polarization). The answer having absolutely no bearing on any other self.

The border agent is not asking if you are carrying any. That would be a different matter.

I see it the same as asking people if they ever had sex without being married.

In some countries, someone’s freedom might depend on the answer.

Of course, in the first case you can just go back home, but if you prefer the second example, then to me it’s only a difference of degree or magnitude that the control measure has on someone’s life.

Would anyone here recognise my own interpretation of lying?

The only thing which reverses entropy is consciousness. When we lie, what we are doing is dumping our own “entropy” onto others without bothering to deal with it ourselves. That’s why it is easier to lie than clean our own house.


I first saw this sh1t back in the 90s when I went to install what was then called MS Visual C++. If you recall, back then Netscape was the dominant browser and MS had just released Internet Explorer.

During the install, the installer asked “Do you wish to install Internet Explorer?” during the install of C++. Here was the illusion of choice. In any case, the browser had nothing to do with C++, and I was happy using Netscape, so I clicked “no”. It actually had a “no” button, rather than “maybe later”.

The installer then prompted, “Internet Explorer is an essential part of C++ (a lie). Are you sure you do not wish to install it?”

I clicked “no” again, but found that just put the installer into an eternal loops of prompts. There was no way to complete the install without installing Internet Explorer and replacing my preferred browser. Once installed, there was no way to uninstall it.

I had to spend several hours after, manually deleting files and registry entries to get shut of it.

Everything to do with computers has been like that ever since.

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Well, now I think about it more deeply, I suppose lying is necessary in a lot of cases. For instance, in almost all workplace engagements. The kinds of people that will punish others for having different opinions to them.

Definitely a different kind of interaction than personal interactions though.


“The answer having absolutely no bearing on any other self.” … I see it this way, that you let a person who has used drugs to stay/live in your house. What can I say, for me it is insecurity, anxiety, shame and disgust to let such a person come in. I imagine I would stop such a person at doorstep. The only way you let in if that person is a friend, family member or for humanism (“universal love”) or an ally soldier in war.

For me, it’s different. The “shame” has no bearing. Shame is that which keeps people lying.

However, it would be about “trust” – trust that they have properly cleaned their house since. The last thing anyone wants is for someone to bring a contagion of chaos in their lives.

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That’s one of the most ridiculous things I’ve ever heard. Since it rewards the people that lie, and punishes severely anyone that tells the truth.

Also, how do US Border Patrol agents not know that everyone in Canada smokes weed. It is the national dish. Are there border agents in France asking if English people have ever had fish and chips?

Didn’t Bill Clinton use it? But everything was OK because he never inhaled? :slight_smile:

You could only violate this law by taking away another’s freedom of self expression or using them for your own gain. Sharing information and even getting it incorrect and sharing is part of the journey of discovery. The Creator, the Angels that help humanity and the Teachers know that you are fresh and your friends are fresh and new. They are not concerned that you get it right all at once. They rejoice that you are discovering and trying to learn something outside of consensus reality.
A possible helpful hint is meditate for 5 minutes before each session. No more than 5 minutes. Just still your mind. And I do not mean attempting to empty it out but just relax and then begin your session. Also, I say 5 minutes because you only need a few minutes to collect yourself, to reset yourself for learning a deep topic. Try it if you are not already. Preparation I feel is key. I believe that after a session you could just allow the information to go where it needs to go and not meditate after the session. Rather, got on with your day.
The best time for learning is in the early morning hours before dawn.
LoO is deep learning. It is wonderful however and I promise, if you really desire to understand, you will be provided with the necessary tools. We are never alone. Best of luck.


Thank you for your interesting post, and I’m reminded of why Ra contact was structured in a question/answer format. A questioner does not ask a question they don’t understand, aren’t ready for. They ask at the level of their understanding . I understand Ra structuring this way was a reflection of respecting the free will/law of confusion. The Buddah taught this way too. This helped me explore my habitual pattern of “being helpful” by giving advice or info thats not asked for-- so nice to be able to interact in this forum about the powerful experience of the Ra teachings