Part of this reminds me of the idea our desire
is a function of our circumstance. If our
circumstance falls degraded, maybe our
desires likewise degrade, (like hidden factors
in a Markov Chain.)
So dissolving
undesired conditions may be pointing to the
Matrix, a sort of trapped bird that reaches out
toward the potentiator in an act of initiating an
experiential evolutionary endeavor.
Pain as indicating the unmanifested being,
might suggest creative manifestation as a
sort of way to go about leaving it behind.
We share the world. People may not be able
to defend themselves well, they rely on the
government to provide for safe society.
A soldier might be a defender of freedom,
who resides functionally close to some
reptilian agenda to fight off the bad guys.
I agree it may be difficult circumstance when
society is run amok by lawless felons - and
our desire to be free of that accompanies
the help of reptilian specialists.
Thank you to so many service people out
there helping to manage humanity’s inhumane,
paradoxical as that is. Such paradox might
be a Lovers insight.
The Lovers are about Transformation, and
the Chariot seems a Great Path - and yes,
please break out of the Matrix and maybe
create new discoveries!
The Idea of Mastering Fear might branch back here. There’s a Free Solo movie of mountain climber Alex Honnold, and many people watching it may break out in some cold sweat watching the high vistas. They scanned his brain and found an inert amygdala, which may be an advantage in what he does, as better able to focus on whatever section he’s traversing. They’ve found people who meditate undergo changes in the physical structure of the brain - more neuro plasticity and a subordinated amygdala. So I think of Alex Honnold as a climbing meditator, focusing with a singleness of thought not so unlike something like Osho’s active meditation, or multiplexing meditation on top of whatever else is going on. Osho has been described as dangerous, and part of that might be cultivating some degree of fearlessness, fear that might otherwise inhibit risky situations. Assessing hazards objectively, then interpreting risk as the likelihood of getting hurt exposed to the hazard factors into controlling the hazard. Alex Honnold practices endlessly to acquire skill as a control measure. Navy seals who put themselves in highly hazardous circumstance, also acquire skill through heavy practice. Mastering fear likely involves some degree of study and practice for whatever you’re up against. The Tower might relate, the Matrix of Spirit with a desire for greater degrees of fearlessness.