Thank you for sharing, a lot of what you had to say was very inspirational and right from the heart. I appreciate your words, thank you.
A few thoughts that come to mind though, is that there is so much doom and gloom talk associated with the way the world is changing and I think it’s far deeper than that. I don’t think it’s as catastrophic as some make it out to be and that added fear isn’t helping anyone stay stable during this time of transformation. And trust me, everyone is going through something major right now, the air is alive with the energy all around us. It’s helping people see things they just couldn’t see before. It’s becoming harder to ignore.
In my own interactions with those close to me, especially in the last 6 months, I’ve been seeing those around me experiencing an awakening as more of an hyper awareness in a sense. All of sudden, the veil is lifted just enough and you can see everyone’s true intentions, including your own. It changes your world entirely. For me, it helped me to see that there is so much love in the world that is just waiting to come to the surface hidden underneath so many seemingly angry interactions.
I had my oldest and more masculine friend weaping openly on video chat with me the other day, wondering why he couldn’t just love rainbows, kittens and snuggles, instead of having to put on this facade of having to be a certain way in this society. Fourth density is supposed to be the density of love and understanding. There is nothing more loving that realizing that inner child inside of you needs love too.
It’s like that video, In-Shadow, at the end, (around the 10 min mark) everyone’s masks are being stripped away and all are left naked and exposed. But the ones who understand that their nakedness doesn’t make them vulnerable, it what makes them strong, are able to fight for a beautiful new existence, one of love and understanding.
I just think the world changing isn’t going to happen on a grand scale like with some cataclysmic event. I think it’s going to happen within the hearts of every soul here. When they will be able to open up their heart chakras and feel love for their fellow man and for themselves in a fair and balanced way, the world will start to balance itself out too. I truly believe that.
Regarding the conscious channelings, I do agree with @Jayce when he said that you can’t always be sure who is channeling the material and what sort of affect their individual personality may have on the particular material channeled. I have read Q’uo and Hatonn channeled from serveral sources and it always seems to vary depending on the person channeling it. If the person is more technical, the material is more technical, if they are more emotional, then the material follows suit. Even with Carla, when she did conscious channelling, she did tend to filter a lot of her Christian beliefs into the material. I just took whatever resonated within my heart as something beautiful and the rest I try not to take too seriously.
When I take a look at the world around me, I see so many people wanting to change, wanting better things for their lives and are tired of the same routine that has gotten them stuck. Being tired of being a certain way is definitely how you start to change.
Back to the example of my friend, once he woke up enough to realize everyone’s true intentions, including his own, the thought of going back to the way he used to be just made him feel sick to his stomach. I told him that I knew it was intense, but you have to feel that way in order to move forward, to learn, grow, and love.
Love, understanding, and patience for yourself and those around you are key here in accepting change during this difficult time. Things are changing for the better, there is no rush to run out and “save the day.” Just work on being the best version of yourself and you will see how much that affects those around you in every interaction you have. The universe starts to work with you. You don’t have to fight with it anymore.
I wish you all the love and light on your journey forward my friend. Remember to take time to laugh, love and enjoy the little things. We are here to love after all.