The art of surfing change

@raz, your pocket-sized poetry posts :slight_smile: remind me of a tarot practice I’ve been trying out. Pulling 2 cards a day and creating a poem/mantra based on the specific symbolism and imagery of that deck. And carrying the poem around in thought as I walk through the experiences of the day. So far it’s been an interesting way to practice awareness and noticing symbolism in the everyday.

The prompts for the 2 cards are:

  1. Something to look for
  2. Something to try
    (Credit for the idea goes to a tarot instructor, T. Susan Chang)

The prompts seem to act like more of a starting point than a rigid structure.

Today’s cards and poem:
King of Swords &
9 of Wands

With aesthetic precision, from a bird’s eye view;
wounds of desire are mended anew

Another one from this week:

4 of Swords &
5 of Wands

Lay the sword to rest, a well aimed wand is best

What I love about this one is the 5 of Wands image is usually one of physical conflict/combat, but this deck uses a strategy game to symbolize the conflict. So using the will (wand) with a focused and strategic intention.

I have spreadsheet where I’m recording all this along with the astrology of the day and an end of day reflection. It’s kind of a poetry experiment :).

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Nice one :slight_smile:

Your poetic approach to tarot is very appealing, thank you for sharing.

I generally find the idea of tarot a little to complicated for my taste, while having an appreciation for the art form at a distance, with a secession every few years or so.

:sunny: The price of free will :sunny:

a seed of chaos
planted in space,
free will
at the welcome price
of eternal grace.

We don’t conclude the darkness
rather organize, to rest it’s plight.

Generation after generation
we take part in this,
drawn by the next age, of light.

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:sunny: Making space for love :sunny:

Love nests in many places,
in the big picture of our lives.
From purely existential
to practical and wise.

in varying degree
and flavor,
we make space for love
as we tend and savor.

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I get that:) We all follow our own inner pull.

Tarot is rich in symbolic correspondences that keeps me interested and eager to engage!

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we don’t need
to treat inconvenience
in an inconvenient manner.

Being realistic transcends,
being positive and negative.

transcending is not the same as excluding.

( words that made their way in to an instrumental track in the making )

“Honestly i don´t know what´s going on, I just try my best, to play along.”
repeat at a pleasurable pace with the beat :slight_smile:

The follow up track has a different vibe, with another funky mantra:
“No spoilers, you got this”

This reality has a distinct ‘somethingness’

:sunny: in awareness of heart :sunny:

Regardless what you think,
no matter what
you internally hear or say.

Your actual understanding
resides in heart
of self-awareness,
in play.

I don’t fully understand how
we can understand
anything at all,
it’s a fascinating phenomena,
with a sense of endless possibilities.

How reliable our understanding is,
outside of what can be confirmed.
And what can constitute
as an appropriate
and acceptable level
of confirmation,
for that matter.
is something i feel
is worth considering,
every now and then.

case by case, i guess and estimate…

In every conclusion,
outside of practical matters,
there is always the risk of delusion
becoming involved, on some level.

Balance is not
something we attain
and conclude.

Balance is something
we practice and refine,
as the sense of it

Hey soup :slight_smile:

I just published a track,
where there sneaked in
som inspiration
from the ‘Hey you’ poetry
you provided in this thread

posted link and lyrics in this thread: Relationship Potential

finding myself as an individual,
implies some level of obliviousness,

becoming friends with that obliviousness,
make things a whole lot easier
in the long run

an update I felt like posting, but did not feel like it warranted it’s own thread :slightly_smiling_face:

coming on December 8th on Spotify,
YouTube and Apple Music:

  1. a gentle touch (teaser in this video)
  2. a gentle rediscovering
  3. a gentle me day

Link to the “a gentle touch” release thread :slight_smile:

The following is unrelated to that

To calm my mind
and steady my heart,
I refrain from indulging
in taking them Apart

wonderful, challenging and strange,
we are part of the change
part of the “what if’s”,
moving along with the shifts,
tending what sustains
and uplifts

Clearing the clutter
out of my mental gutter,
doing what I must
not to get lost in what is lost

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In my latest release I weaved together nine poems that I delivered in two contrasting styles, and as most of the poems can be found in this thread, I thought it fitting to post it here.

Hope you enjoy :slight_smile:


this world is fickle,
wonderful, challenging and strange,
in adjusting accordingly
resides the art
of surfing change

Love nests in many places
in the big picture of our lives,
from purely existential
to practical and wise.
in varying degree
and flavor,
we make space for love
as we tend and savor

making space for love,
as we tend and savor

Characters of life
are polished through the ages.
Stumbling and tumbling,
finding our place in stages.
Shaped by needs
in body and soul,
Some make perfect sense
others puzzle, until we fold

Some needs make perfect sense
others puzzle, until we fold

this world is fickle,
wonderful, challenging and strange,
in adjusting accordingly
resides the art
of surfing change

every color, shade of white
every individual,
prism for inspirations light

in appropriate conditions
as life unfolds,
we blossom in this world
with a heart of gold

blossom in this world,
with a heart of gold

Seek pleasure
avoid pain,
sounds simple enough
I’ll play that game,
aiming for the long-run
as I seek moments to frame

this world is fickle,
wonderful, challenging and strange,
in adjusting accordingly
resides the art
of surfing change

Mental reflections
can be practical as tools,
Keeping to them blindly though
is the maker of fools

To calm my mind
and steady my heart.
I refrain from indulging,
in taking them apart

I refrain from indulging,
in explaining myself apart

In this step, I release and reset

release and reset
wonderful, challenging and strange,
we are part of the change
part of the “what if’s”
moving along with the shifts,
tending what sustains
and uplifts

part of the “what if’s”
moving along with the shifts,
tending and bending
what sustains and uplifts

Clearing the clutter
out of my mental gutter,
doing what I must
not to get lost in what is lost

wonderful, challenging and strange
we are part of the change,
proceeding with care
working with
what’s here and there

proceeding with care
working with
what’s here and there

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