Reading the Law of One Group Meets Wednesdays at 8:30pm EST

LoO Reading session live now Join this room

Law of One Reading Session 100 live now Join this room

at 11am eastern ( in 35 minutes ) will be our Love & Light Unity Meditation :person_in_lotus_position: :heart_decoration::peace_symbol::latin_cross::star_and_crescent::om::wheel_of_dharma::star_of_david::yin_yang:

Every weekend we meditate together to raise our vibrations and that of the planet Earth as a whole.
This Sunday’s meditation will be held via Zoom:

Meeting ID: 898 5980 6289
Passcode: 481837

We will still aim to do a 15-20min meditation and leave time to share our thoughts before and afterwards.

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Law of One Reading Session 101 in 2.5 hours at 8:30pm eastern time.

Hey guys UsernameWho here.

Its been an beautiful week and im ready to meet new members of this Law of One community.

I remember growing up never knowing why noone around read the Ra Material or sometimes even cared to. Brothers ad sisters, we are here not to leave, but to live! We are here to live as though we never lived before. As one body mind and soul and we can do it!
We just have to believe…and may we never stop believing ever! Im so glad you guys on this forum were always here waiting for young people like me to find you all. You all were always here…and i found you. I swear I knew i would. I told God i would never stop until i did and i freaking did it! You all were everything i thought youd be and it was an honor to have met you guys. You all are no more my family than my neighbors but the only difference is that at this particular time you all actually know it. You all know that we are all family. I had so much fun with all of you and thank you guys for being you.

I say all that to say this: Im going to be distancing myself from the forum which is also why I havent been diving into this such hot pool of intelligent men and women. The truth of the matter is us guys here have an advantage that a lot of our other brothers who discuss The Ra Material do not.

You see the most powerful thing about the keyboard isnt what we look up or download, its not the “code” we can create for setting up firewalls or hacking programs, and its not Google.
Its the “back-space” button.
See, us “bloggers” have the ability that almost every human being wishes that they had in their carnative path: the ability to disect every single word uttered from their recipients. To be able to literally and tangibly “see” your thoughts in a way that just simply takes discipline to do in a person to person venue.
We actually can fine tune our vibrations (thoughts and words) in such a way that we know that every person that we come across wlll undoubtedly know what we intend for them to have from us by way of communication.
Some say this little machine called the laptop was a “god send” and i see why they say that…because here everything slows down: The catalytic “push” to pump out your “best” response in a certain unspoken alotted time limit. Here we can be of service in a way that is both “contemplation friendly” yet powerful, and im going to miss that being with you guys.

Now, im not gonna delete my account, Id never do that. But because of personal requirements Im trying to meet in my occultic path as well as other reasons that may or may not sound even more woo woo its just simply time for me to not be so “involved” with the Law of One community by way of this site and i also “wont be able” to check it like I have been since i found you guys.

Brothers, since i joined this forum in August/September i checked this site at least once everyday,. I think i missed only one day, two at the most, thats how much you all meant to me. And
I dont care who you are or what type of conversation we might have had, every post, every question, every “disagreement”, i gave you boys all I had and i just want you all to know that and not once did i take you guys for granted.

I gave you all everything…
Because thats what you do when you love someone.

In real-life im really not a talkative person lol -grins-. Did you know that? In real-life i find myself listening more than i ever run my mouth because early on I was taught that you really have to be that way to really understand the person youre talking to…for the most part its really the only way.

So from here on I’m gonna be attending these video and Zoom meet-ups and I know im going to end up listening to the rest of the group than in-putting my opinion when I get there but… I invite you all to join me there

Why dont we just go to these guys little meet-up thing and give em hell.
I mean, what do we have to lose, it could be kinda fun if you think about it…
Id love to meet…really all of you there but thats what im being “lead” to do as I “just dont have time” to invest on this site like I use to so…

In any case hopefully youll join me at the meeting they have tonight or any other night and God bless you all.

My name is UsernameWho and it was an honor to have conversed with you all. And Ill see you guys again, in this life or another in this density or the other.

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Law of One Reading Session 101 live now Join this room

Love & Light Unity Meditation in 1 hour 40 min from now, starting at 11am Eastern time
:person_in_lotus_position: :green_heart::purple_heart::white_heart::heart_decoration::peace_symbol::latin_cross::star_and_crescent::om::wheel_of_dharma::star_of_david::yin_yang:

Every weekend we meditate together to raise our vibrations and that of the planet Earth as a whole. We aim to do a 15-20min meditation and leave time to share our thoughts before and afterwards.

Love & Light Unity Meditation live now:
:person_in_lotus_position: :green_heart::purple_heart::white_heart::heart_decoration::peace_symbol::latin_cross::star_and_crescent::om::wheel_of_dharma::star_of_david::yin_yang:

Law of One Reading Session 102 live now Join this room

Law of One Reading Session 103 tonight in 8 hours at 8:30pm eastern time.

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Love & Light Unity Meditation live now:
:person_in_lotus_position: :green_heart::purple_heart::white_heart::heart_decoration::peace_symbol::latin_cross::star_and_crescent::om::wheel_of_dharma::star_of_david::yin_yang:

Reading Session 104 Live now Join this room

Love & Light Unity Meditation live now:
:person_in_lotus_position: :green_heart::purple_heart::white_heart::heart_decoration::peace_symbol::latin_cross::star_and_crescent::om::wheel_of_dharma::star_of_david::yin_yang:

Law of One Reading Session 105 tonight in 3.5 hours at 8:30pm eastern time

Law of One Reading Session 105 live now Join this room

Love & Light Unity Meditation live now:
:person_in_lotus_position: :green_heart::purple_heart::white_heart::heart_decoration::peace_symbol::latin_cross::star_and_crescent::om::wheel_of_dharma::star_of_david::yin_yang:

LoO Reading session 106 live now

Love & Light Unity Meditation :person_in_lotus_position: :heart_decoration::peace_symbol::latin_cross::star_and_crescent::om::wheel_of_dharma::star_of_david::yin_yang:

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Law of One Reading Session 1 live now Join this room

Reading session 2 live now Join this room