Preface: All of the following is my opinion only and are in big parts generalizations. Also, most of my current opinions/beliefs are based on Confederation philosophy. I am very much pray to what this thread is talking about. In other words, I am constricted by my current beliefs. Nonetheless, here we go.
We are born into this world with a mostly clean slate. We do not remember previous experiences, where we are, why we are here or what here is.
We then begin to be exposed to stimuli/catalysts that assails our senses. We are offered the beliefs of our parents, teachers, society, etc… From those viewpoints we will be choosing what to include as parts of our own personal beliefs.
Some viewpoints/beliefs comes attached with constrictions that will restrict the new beliefs that we will allow ourselves to chose from if we ever become aware of the existence of those alternate viewpoints that goes against these constrictions.
A segment of those constricted viewpoints are what could be termed fear-based material/message/information. Integrating such beliefs would prevent us from integrating a point of view that resides within that spectrum of fear we integrated.
The helpers that are with us while incarnated: the Infinite Creator, our personal guides, our higher self, etc. That part of us will not speak to us from a point a view that we fear or use concepts that we clearly rejected.
In the Law of One, sovereignty is de facto since it comes from there being no one else to share power with. We create our own story.
Now, we can try to dabble in real world examples.
An example of a fear-based belief is what I have called the prison hypothesis. It is a point of view offered to explain reincarnation. Where the Earth is a prison which is set up to forever enforce souls to reincarnate.
This is a popular belief at the moment. Integrating this belief will make us forego the point of view where the Earth is a school for example. Or the viewpoint of Earth being a game that joyful souls choose to play knowing exactly what they are getting into before every incarnation.
Let’s assume that our core Truth is that we are always free and nothing can ever imprison the whole soul since at some level our agreement is needed for any type of imprisonment we could experience. This is not compatible with the soul trap/prison hypothesis.
How would our guidance system point us towards this Truth while we are holding on the belief of the soul trap? They have not much wiggle room by respect for our free will.
I think that the experience of Christian Sundberg which he generously shares with us can be used as basis for more discussions on this subject.