Can the purpose of a wanderer be not to serve others but to learn their own lessons?`

I’m rereading the law of one right now as when I initially read it I had not yet encountered the experiences that I have now. I’m not replying as a law of one expert, I’m replying as a psychedelic experienced researcher. I’ve posted some of the spiritual experiences, but they are by nature fairly unbelievable so I’m not going to rehash; you can view some by clicking on my profile though realize my earliest posts are pretty ignorant before I had certain profound experiences both on psychedelics and sober. Once my free will was open to certain entities, my psychedelic experiences changed profoundly.

But as I said, I do have ample experience with psychedelics, both when I viewed them in a materialistic weltanschuung and via a more panpsychic spiritual pov.

Psychedelics will be extremely rough on those that struggle with vulnerability. And those that struggle with letting go. This is true in the standard literature, I’m not even talking about anything spiritual. That said they are some of the best tools for personal growth of an ethical or spiritual nature.

High doses will obliterate your ego. The ego is not you though, it is a pure sts survival mechanism meant to allow you to survive in animal form. A new one will arise when the drug or drugs wear off. If you are able to be vulnerable, let go, and simply be, then this process can feel extremely freeing and transcendent. If you identify mostly with the ego, it can feel like dying and not a pleasant death. These negative emotions will then color the trip.

I cannot be sure of anything and I know nothing about the truth of your reincarnational history. I have not spoken of this besides in private messages, but I thought I was just a human but I interact with a loved one who… it would take too long to explain. According to the visions of this individual, who I trust completely, I was something with a body, likely 4th density if we operate under the assumption Ra is valid, I naively came here to help or heal a long, long time ago. Had a torturous death at the hands of some natives, cursed rather than forgave and have worn countless human bodies ever since. I unwittingly adopted sts philosophy due to the social situation on this planet, I’m only starting to get over that. This individual believes she is part of a sort of cleanup crew. And witnessing countless strange abilities, subtle ones as wanderers are not super heroes or gods, she has developed, I believe her.

She thinks my role is simply to stop being a lying, selfish word that’s filtered here. Believe that story or don’t, but I do believe Ra states it or they must often speak in generalities. We are not all Jesus or Buddha. Be kind to yourself, patient with yourself, and just be as loving as you can. I find the ability to be vulnerable and loving builds on itself, just as the opposite capacity for psychopathy builds were you a cartel sicario or a politician.

But here’s what I do know, unfortunately psychedelics open you up to both light and shadow. But you are not powerless even with your false self, the ego, dissolved. They will try to scare and trick you into believing they are god. They are not, no more than any of us. I would discard whatever “revelations “ such entities give you. They always lie. Always. If they don’t need to completely fabricate, they distort and contort and exaggerate.

Virtually every time I take my sacraments, I have to hold firm against less friendly entities. Your defense is love. You need to learn to shield yourself with that indescribable warmth and connection in your chest. Fear and anger is their game. You won’t win fighting. You need to resist in a different way. Never give consent to anything you don’t trust completely. Positive entities are easy to recognize once you get a feel for it. They are not, for lack of a better word, rapey like the negative ones. The negative can be persuasive and enticing. They can even make you feel good in certain ways, generally focused on lower body parts. But they cannot feel “warm” in the same way or make you feel this feeling in your heart that I must call love, but it’s really some unworldly connection and absolute care and understanding.

I promise you the positive entities are ultimately more numerous and powerful. Don’t give up. I’m not saying you should necessarily take psychedelics without some preparation becoming comfortable feeling vulnerable and feeling love with various meditation techniques. I cannot say what is right for you.

But here’s the thing, I understand a fear of vulnerability with humans. Humans are unpredictable and uncautious sto souls have a tendency to get martyred or at least stepped on. Doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try to be nice. Being kind has greater emotional rewards than trying to be king or queen of excrement mountain, imo.

But higher density entities? They already know you better than you know you while you’re in this body.

You are already loved more than we humans are capable of loving. I am a ridiculous creature and I’ve experienced nothing but kindness and understanding from the Light.

If I were you I’d put all this thought about having some horrible sts past out of your mind and try to focus as best you can in the trying environment we find ourselves in on love, connection, openness, and forgiveness.

If all are one, none can be abhorred…

Set and setting applies to your psychological mindset going into psychedelics too.

Relax, let go and give that a listen on decent headphones

Remember, shadow flees from light, not the other way around. Shadow is just very stubborn and arrogant and light uses a…LIGHT touch


Whether it is to serve others or to serve oneself, it is in the inevitable service of all the creator

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Why were they saying it? It doesn’t look logical for them.

Similar question I have is can the purpose be a contract between different higher civilizations? Ra mention only Council of Saturn but it’s more like a governor.

After reading the Law of One and the Wanderer’s Handbok (I am in the middle of the reading) I am quite sure that there is a high probability that I am a wanderer. The thing is that besides the “difficulties” of being a wanderer, being of service to others does not come easy to me. I am aware that if I do not pay much attention, I have the tendency to act more towards service to self.
I must say that I do not consider my “natural” self to be good. The people I have encountered during my life somehow have taught me the good ways.
I came to the conclusion that I am most likely a wanderer from the negative path that wanted to reincarnate in this density to polarize positively. I think our “task” is just being. The idea came up to me that before incarnation we planned our lives to force ourselves to be of service to others.
I am kind of glad that I found your post because interestingly today during a meditation I also heard a voice. Although it seemed that it was myself, I was also certain that it came from another density. Now by reading your post I am sure it was my higher self.

Blessings to you :slight_smile:


Welcome to you, LibPop!!

May your seeking be fruitful in this joyful community!

Love and Light to All!


Hello Speedbird,

I read your messages.

You are very brave to share so openly your inner journey. And you are also very brave to have chosen to take such substances to further your seeking process. I am tempted, but I feel too fragile to do it, I feel it may back-fire on me right now. I did take some « lighter » stuffs though.

I am in no position to comment on your personal journey. But about your questions though, my understanding is that in most cases, the wanderer’s endeavor, is first and foremost, to help. But obviously there are always things to learn in the process, for the individuated soul or for the social-memory complex to which it belongs.

But it could be possible for some type of wandering to have other purposes. I do not know.

RA mentioned that at the end of the « negative » polarity, it’s pretty easy to turn around and attain Unity. Maybe your path was a bit different, I do not know.

If it was me, I would also take with a grain of salt whatever comes to me during a psychedelic trip.

I wish you the best on your path, fellow seeker.

I searched for 5-star movies on Amazon and
found one called something like Close Encounters
of the 5th kind, CE5. It’s sort of a UFO paranormal
disclosure reality show. When I watched this I
felt like many of the disclosure people were
wanderers who toggled negative to positive,
and that with Don’s infatuation so, the Ra Materials
might be considered Close Encounter of the
Octave kind.

I can kind of see that some people might think
The Ra Materials was a a subset of the UFO
Paranormal community, and it may be that the
skills of that community helped make it possible.
That is, the Ra Materials artifact was a fruit of it.

However I consider Law Of One as the
super set, as if all creation is encompassed,
without any regard of ignorance so - as if
creativity may get enhanced by ignorance
in ways something undiscovered might be
observed unseen before.

For example much of the negative agenda
surrounding the UFO paranormal community
may be a special feature humanity offers to
ancient complexes that have had no exposure
to such creative interpretations because they
evolved at earlier logos stages which were
largely positive.

Anyway, at some point of a wanderers
journey may be encounters of negative
agenda where toggling polarity isn’t so
weird, more of a wanderer coping skill.
The Matrix movies might be analogy to
the idea, a toggle between polarized

I think of the commercial exploitation of
violent alien movies, misinformation and
misrepresentation, secrecy, illusions to
promote power trip agendas may be
somewhat common examples that are
being observed as some whacky form
of law of one teaching for higher density
beings. Some people might benefit from
this 5-star movie if they’re interested in
such things.